Apocalypse Of All Races

Chapter 2550 - 548 Corpse Collection Directory (request for subscription)l

Chapter 2550: Chapter 548 Corpse Collection Directory (request for subscription)l

Translator: 549690339

The fourth level.

When Su Yu stepped into the fourth level, he felt a special feeling.

His five internal organs were like an oven!

His internal organs were burning!

Su Yu took a deep breath. On this level, he felt the power of the five elements.

In the path of cultivation, it was often said that the five internal organs versus the five elements. Su Yu instantly understood that this level might be where the five internal organs and six internal organs were located!

Or to put it another way, the fourth, fifth, sixth, and third levels might be within the entire abdominal cavity. The areas where the five viscera and six bowels were located, including the area where the navel was located.

“What about the arms?”

Su Yu thought to himself. He did not seem to see his hands. If he was really stabbed into the ground, the arms might hang down. Could it be that they were also in the underground level?

Both arms had been stabbed into the death spirit world?

There was still a possibility.

At this layer, ignoring everything else, the concentration of Yuan Qi was beyond imagination!

“The lungs and heart should be in this area, right?”

Su Yu muttered in his heart. Heart… This was rather important to any cultivator. Even Su Yu, if his heart really exploded, to the point where he could not regenerate his flesh and blood, then he would be dead… His body would be dead.

At that time, his only method was to preserve his sea of consciousness and regenerate his body.

However, if his heart wasn’t completely destroyed, he could regenerate his body by dripping blood or regenerating his body. It was just a little weaker, but his body realm was still there. He didn’t need to start from scratch.

“If the heart is on this level… I should go take a look. Let’s Find It! ”

Su Yu thought to himself as he looked down at the passageway. His gaze was changing constantly. He Tu was also sweeping through the layers. This time, it was truly a catastrophe!

It had the effect of breathing in and out of the lungs.

The battles on the fourth level were less because the fourth level was very suitable for some people to cultivate. By cultivating on the top of the two mountains, they could strengthen their qi and blood, and their physical bodies. The efficiency of breathing in and out of the lungs was a hundred times or even a thousand times more than in the outside world!

On the fourth level, one’s internal organs would be burned. However, as long as one persevered and cultivated on the mountains, a cool feeling would quickly appear and resolve this crisis.

The fourth level was also an area where many people strengthened themselves.

On the fourth level, almost all the experts below the sun and moon were gathered. The first three levels were almost finished. Now, almost all the living people under the sun and Moon were gathered on the fourth level.

On both sides of the mountains, there were many people.

There were about 2,200 people in the entire starry manor. On the fourth floor, there were close to 1,500 people gathered.

Even the human race had around 300 people on this floor.

Xia Huyou and the others led a group of people into the fourth floor and quickly gathered with the other humans. They occupied the east side of the mountains, and there were about 300 humans. These were probably all the living humans below the sun and moon.

Including those who had left earlier, some were still on the third level… They were doomed!

A small number of them had reached the fourth level, but at this moment, they were also ostracized by many people.

On the mountain to the east, the humans gathered together. Everyone was cultivating, and as they cultivated, they listened to Xia Huyou and the others talk about what had happened in the third level.

Many people’s expressions changed.

The Undead had arrived!

The Invincible Undead!

The strongest person in this place was none other than Zhu Tiandao’s son, Zhu Guangshen, who was also Zhu Hongwen’s father, Zhu Hongliang’s uncle.

He had stepped into the sun and moon, but it was only the first level. He had been staying here all this while.

At this moment, hearing Xia Huyou and the others talk, Zhu Guangshen frowned slightly and said, “Nephew huyou, you said that the undead used a book and killed hundreds of people. The book contained Divine Power?”

Xia Huyou nodded and thought, could this person know that it was Su Yu’s?

Books were very rare.

Of course, it was not rare either. There were still some..

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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