Apocalypse Of All Races

Chapter 2574 - 552 was not at ease (subscribe)3

Chapter 2574: Chapter 552 was not at ease (subscribe)3 n/(0𝐯𝐞𝔩𝒷In

Translator: 549690339


The godly monarch snorted and his eyes were cold. He did not say anything else.

Zhu Tianfang smiled and did not say anything.

At this moment, someone from a large tribe teleported up.

On the side of the demons, a demon king frowned and looked at the demons that were teleported up. he shouted, “What about Moduo and the rest?”

Why are you trash rushing up here?

The demon who had come up said hurriedly, “Lord Moduo said that the weak should be sent over first to avoid any trouble later on. Each race should try their best to send them up under the sun and Moon before teleporting to the

Sun and Moon.”

Hearing his words, no one said anything more.

This was good too, in case something went wrong.

Soon, a group of people also came up from the human side.

One group after another, it didn’t take long for Wu Lan and the others to come up as well. They all felt the pressure and quickly ran into the distance. They had already seen Xia Longwu standing nearby with a saber in hand, guarding against attacks from other races.

At this moment, someone hurriedly said, “His Highness Qin Fang, Moduo Na, and the others will be the last group to be teleported. I hope that everyone will not make a big fuss before the teleportation ends! ”

The last batch was the elites of the various clans.

Qin Fang of the human clan, Xuan Wuji of the Immortal clan, Moduo na of the demon clan, Long Yingyue of the Dragon Clan..

Qin Zhen smiled and nodded. He chuckled and said, “My son of the Qin clan is still responsible. Well Done! ”

As he spoke, he glanced at Xia Longwu and chuckled. Your son seems to be coming up soon. My Son is staying behind to guard the human clan.

Tai he said this and quickly sent a voice transmission, “There are five immortal kings from the immortal race, and Immortal King Xuan he is also here. Your Highness… Let’s go to Immortal King Xuan he’s place. Later… Your Highness, Smile More.”

Dao Cheng’s face was slightly stiff as he nodded slightly. He looked into the distance and saw a huge blurry figure floating in the void.

Immortal King Xuan He!

Fairy Jiuxuan’s ancestor was also from the bloodline that Dao Cheng had prepared for the marriage alliance. Immortal King Xuan he’s strength was inferior to Dao King and was only at the middle stage of eternity. However, in this place, he could be considered powerful.

There were five invincible immortals from the immortal race. Xuan he’s strength could be considered one of the stronger ones.

However, Jiuxuan had died a long time ago. Currently, although the Dao King bloodline and Xuan he bloodline had not fallen out and were still working together, their relationship was not as good as before.

As for Su Yu, he cursed silently in his heart. Now that he was in the seventh level, his advantage was gone.

He had already started to rely on invincible!


It was already considered lucky that his identity wasn’t discovered under Invincible’s eyes, let alone doing anything under Invincible’s eyes.

He discarded these thoughts and looked into the distant void.

At this moment, he saw a huge lotus flower blooming in the void. It was so beautiful that it couldn’t be described with words. It was very similar to the smiley face Lotus.

Nine-leafed Sky Lotus?

It was in the air?

No one went to pick it?

Su Yu was a little surprised.

He wasn’t the only one looking. Everyone was looking at the lotus flower. Tai he was leading them towards the Xuanhe Immortal King, he transmitted his voice, “That’s just a time projection. The real nine-leafed Sky Lotus isn’t there. It’s in a palace below. It’s the residence of a powerful existence from ancient times. The nine-leafed Sky Lotus is in that residence. and in that residence… There’s a lot of trouble. The undead passageway is also there! ”

“It’s not just the undead passageway. The passageway to the eighth floor is there as well. That side is very important, and the eighth floor… is also extremely dangerous. Right now, the nine-leafed Sky Lotus hasn’t fully bloomed, so no one is going there to snatch the treasures for the time being.” This time, the unrivalled experts all had the same goal.

In the past few days, the battles on the seventh floor were all to reduce the number of opponents. There weren’t any situations where the unrivalled experts fought to the death. This was to prevent the treasures from appearing before they could fight to the death!

As they spoke, they quickly arrived at a small hill not too far away. At this moment, the peak of the hill had been flattened. A powerful existence sat cross-legged in the air. There were also some immortals below..

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