Apocalypse Of All Races

Chapter 2583 - 554 the undead has arrived (request for subscription)2

Chapter 2583: Chapter 554 the undead has arrived (request for subscription)2

Translator: 549690339 n)-𝗼(-𝗏(-𝐄..𝓵/(𝚋))1.-n

Beside them, Wu Jia was helping Wu Lan record her experiments. She turned around with a smile and said, “Uncle-master, it’s already good that you’re still alive. It’s our fault for being the Flying Ling Yun. We’re too weak. If we go out, we’ll only be a burden.”

These words were even more piercing.

What did he mean by Flying Ling Yun?

Flying is flying, Ling Yun is Ling Yun, Alright!

We Are Different!

Bai Feng was depressed, but Wu Lan was not in the mood to comfort this poor teacher Bai. She was doing some dismantling work on her equipment, she said, “Teacher Bai, if you have time, can you help me? Fighting and killing are not suitable for US researchers. In this situation where research materials are everywhere, you are only thinking about fighting and killing. You have forgotten that you are a researcher! ”

Bai Feng was speechless. “You walk the path of Willpower Research. I am not good at this path. I am good at blood essence, divine runes, and battle techniques. If you talk to me about willpower extraction, what can I Do?”

“It seems that teacher’s heart is already restless! ”

Wu Lan sighed, “Teacher, you are no longer the person who is focused on research! “Back then, when I entered the Great Xia Civilization Academy, I wanted to acknowledge you as my teacher because you were the one who focused the most on these things in this generation. You stayed at the Wen Tan Research Center to do research day and night. At that time, you were the most elite and powerful person in my sister’s generation. Now, you have changed! ”

Bai Feng secretly ridiculed!

I’ve Changed?

What have I changed!

As he spoke, his gaze also became strange.

Wu Lan didn’t mind, she continued, “Maybe. But I extracted some substances from the lava on the second level, the Heavenly River water on the third level, and the Heavenly River Sand on the fifth level, including the double-lung mountain. I named it and also extracted some things. “I collected some samples from the mountains on the sixth level… ”

As Wu Lan spoke, she handed a set of data to Bai Feng. Bai Feng looked at it and frowned slightly. “This data is not accurate. Moreover, many of them are conjectures and conjectures. There are almost no actual evidence. ”

Wu Lan didn’t deny it. If there was concrete evidence, it would have been discovered a long time ago.

“It’s just a conjecture. However, I feel that even if this starry manor isn’t human, the person who forged it might have gathered some of the characteristics of the human race and made some adjustments… ”

Bai Feng nodded. Wu Lan continued, “Since it’s human, then is there no blood? In the second layer of magma, I found traces of blood.”

Bai Feng’s eyes flickered, wu Lan continued, “Also, teacher, did you notice that in the starry sky mansion, every layer has a boundary wall, and this boundary wall is extremely sturdy! “If teacher were to shrink it by ten thousand times, or even a hundred thousand times, teacher would also be a researcher. I feel that I should be able to discover some characteristics of these boundary walls. ”

Bai Feng went to the boundary wall, and when he heard Wu Lan’s words, he quickly sketched out the boundary wall’s appearance in his mind, shrinking it by countless times. His eyes flickered.

“Cells? ”

” Probably! ”

Wu Lan did not delve into it, she continued, “Whether it’s a real person or a replica of a human body, does teacher think that blood exists? If it does, how do we extract the blood essence? Can we extract it? Does the blood essence contain some memories?”

Bai Feng immediately fell into deep thought and suddenly looked at Wu Lan, he sent a voice transmission, “Find someone to bring us to the boundary wall and think of a way to break through some boundary wall layers. Perhaps what you said makes sense. If it’s really possible… then we can completely extract the blood! ” ! The energy contained in the blood was probably beyond imagination. Not only that, a drop of blood might be able to instantly help us complete the body casting and Yuan Qi transformation! “If it’s really a living person… perhaps… we can really extract some memories… ”

Bai Feng’s eyes kept flickering. Wu Lan said, “It’s very dangerous outside..

who should we call to accompany us?”

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