Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 514 - Empire Attack Part 1

"Demi!" Christian called. She placed it on the table and then she started disassembling it.

"I'll show you how to disassemble and assemble it. So, you'll learn closely on your exam tomorrow."


        Demi started disassembling the guns and then she showed them the parks and the boys take note of it on their tablet. Then a knock on the door makes them stop. Christian opened it and he gaped. Kale and Zendaya entered with a long briefcase.

"We need a bigger table," Zendaya said.

        They immediately took their dining table size of 24" x 47". Kale put a bag over it and Zendaya opened it. They gaped seeing a bigger gun. Zendaya and Kale explained it to them, and they keep taking notes. They finish the study until one in the morning, Zendaya fell asleep to Christian's bed together with Demi and Kale left to his room.

        Christian put his phone into an alarm and then he gently put a cover on them. Good thing that he just changed the covers since Agatha told him to always change it every week. He's a great mother. He slept on the couch inside his room that Demi delivered with the bodyguard two weeks ago.


        Andy massaged her nape and then she stopped reading and put away the documents. She pulled a drawer and put it there then she tidies her table. She went to bed and found her husband sitting while playing their porn series that they shoot during their honeymoon and it's the honeymoon stage where they are making Wynter.

"You nasty, husband." She closed the door and locked it. Wynter is sleeping with her sister so it's fine if they just get wild.

"Can we do a very hard sex position, Love?" Zachary asked. "I have lots of time, you know. Since I am only staying home, assisting in the company, and then playing with Wynter, dropping off the triplets in school and picking them up again." He grinned at her.

"Of course," she lifted her silk dress and showed him the sexiest pair of lingerie. She crawled over the bed and purred at him.

"Why are you still so hot like the twenties?" He lay down and watched her purred and straddle him.

"That's because, I have been drinking less useless drinks, but I still drink wine. More water, more fruits, and veggies and then of course healthy fat, exercise with you," She sighed on his still muscular pecs and abdominal. "I just feel like I wanted to ride you all day long."

        He laughed and looked at the video that they took.

"Look, Love. I have never stop loving how you moan while I am making you come."

"Then," She bent down and bit his ear. "Make me come until you sucked all of my juices."

"Oh, you are sounding sexier and nastier."

        She's sitting on his ever hard one and she is craving for it.


        Freya tried to restrain from her husband, but he just had that big appetite and she felt so sore. Back on the beach, she thought that she could relax but every that he wanted it. He would whisper in her ear and take her to their room and do it. It's a good thing that Casey is playing with Christian and Christian is indeed a big brother and a bodyguard to Casey.

"Steven," She mumbled.

"Babe, please." He hugged while she's laying sideways on her right and then, he pulled her left leg and just slid inside her and started thrusting.

"Damn you!" She hissed and groaned louder. "Ah!"

"Yes, I wanted to hear from you. More…"

        Steven finished at the time of three and they both had fallen asleep.

        In the morning, she woke up with Casey's kisses and reached her hand.

"Mimi, study time."

"Hey, darling. Why won't you play with your nanny first? Mommy is so tired." Steven said softly.

"But Didi it's study time."

"Okay," Steven stopped and looked at Freya. He also needs to go but looking at Casey pouting just made his heart melt. So, he pulled his phone and told his secretary that he's coming late.

        Freya sat up and reached Casey and kissed her forehead.

"Mommy's just going to take a bath, okay?"

"Okay!" Casey went to the sofa with her children's book and sat there. She continued reading it as Freya stretched her arms and Steven just spotted her showing nipples. He gulped and looked away.

        Freya pushed the duvet and went to the bathroom. Steven followed her and just pulled her to the sink and started sucking her glorious nipples.

"Steven," She mumbled. "Casey is outside."

"I know." He licked it and then he attacked her mouth. She pushed him.

"How about you go and then we'll continue this tonight?" She kissed his chin.

"Okay." He inhaled and exhaled.

        Steven finally left and Freya wanted to just punch him. She took a quick bath and then wrapped her hair with a towel and went to the walk-in closet to put her clothes on. Casey is just sitting on the sofa reading.

        She brushed her hair and then put some lip moisturizer. She went to the bed and fixed it.

"Mimi, are we painting today?" She asked.

"Yes, love." She answered and finished tidying the bed. She took her phone. "Let's go."

"How about breakfast? I don't want to eat without you."

        Freya's day is always complete whenever her children would say such sweet thoughtful words. They went to the kitchen and Steven give them kisses as he left with his motorbike.


        Christian take a quick shower after waking up the girls and he's so damn late. His roommates already left. After a quick bath, he went out of the room with a towel around his waist and Zendaya covered her eyes.

"Sorry, I need to get my uniform."

"I'm leaving," Zendaya mumbled. Demi is still sleeping hugging the pillow. "Dem, are you not coming."

"I'm lazy. I'm skipping class."

"Okay," Zendaya sneaked out and left. Christian went back to the bathroom to put his uniform on and then he rushed outside and gather his things.

"Demi, you need to go," Christian said in a rush.

        She didn't move or anything at all. After Christian is done with packing, he swings his bag, and then he took Demi's jacket and pulled her up and put it on her and then next to her shoes. He carried her outside locking his room.

        Once that he's on the main outside, he stopped seeing Hazel in front. The students already went to their classes and Hazel looked at Demi who doesn't care but to sleep, with her arms wrapped around his neck. Christian closed the door and ignored Hazel.

"Christian! I came here for you and to get back with you, but you slept with a kid."

"She's not just a kid." He mumbled and walked briskly.

"Christian!" Hazel shouted but he ignored her and almost running, he took Demi back to her room tucking her in.

"Dem, I'll be off."

        She only snuggled to her pillows and goes back to sleep. He removed her shoes and left her. When he got into the classroom, he's five minutes late and the teacher told him to do some pushups. 100 pushups and just take it. Running with Demi on his arms and then pushups. Great, that's already a perfect exercise.


        Zendaya yawned and stared outside as their professor discussed. She closed her eyes and suddenly she saw something burning. She smelled the wood, paint, plastic, mixed chemicals in the dorm of the boys. A boy sneaked out and run off wearing Nike shoes.

        Then, Christian was left in the dorm saving other first and there are drones more coming. The sprinkler already started raining and Christian made it out. Then there are drones flying to the girl's dormitory.

"Demi," Christian whispered and then he ran on the other building as the drones entered the open windows and dropped there as it made an explosive fire.

        She fell on her seat and Aria reached her. Zendaya is breathless and sweating and her classmates are looking at her.

"Miss Smith, are you okay?" The professor asked. She looked at Aria and hold her tightly.

"May I excuse myself?" She asked. The professor nodded and Zendaya left. She ran directly to her mother's office and knock but she wasn't there, so she went to Dmitri's office and knock. She opened it and he's talking with someone on the phone.

        She's breathless and then she reached out a pen and bond paper as she started sketching the scenarios fast. Dmitri hung up on the phone and let her until she finished it and gave it to him. He took a bottle of water and gave it to her, and she sipped on it. She sat down and Dmitri looked at the sketches.

"They will attack the Empire Academy next." She breathed and reached her chest and rubbed it.

"Okay." He nodded. He reached his phone and called the Doctor of the Clinic to send an excuse note to her subjects. Zendaya had seen a big scenario and she needed time to relax.

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