Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 529 - Elite Gala Part 1

 After six cans of beers, she did fall asleep to her sofa and yeah, she's dreaming of a lewd scene with a man and a tattoo of a heart with an arrow on it. She woke up and feel like peeing, so she ran to the bathroom and peed for seemed like forever. Maybe it was the beer but after that, it feels good.

 She went to her bed and goes back to sleep to that dream with a hot guy that she's making out with, but nothing happened at all. She wasn't completely making out with him, just kissing, rubbing bodies. But she fell asleep and dream about some action and she woke up very tired like she had run a marathon and her father entered her room and patted her head.


"You drank 6 cans of beers, without sharing?"

"I need to sleep."

"Okay." Zach pulled the duvet over her body and patted her head.

"Something good happened?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just break someone��s egg, I mean, eggs. And noses." She mumbled.

"Hmm, okay. It's a good thing that you have fun." He kissed her forehead and he closed the curtains since it's still early. "Get ready for our dinner."



 Their dinner will be at one of the elegant restaurants in the city and she went to the gym of the hotel and started beating up the punching bag so she'll sweat and all of the alcohol that she drank will vaporize through her sweat. At least that's how she knew how it works with an addition of a detox drink that the hotel is serving.

"Zen," Luke called and he's also doing some lifting. "Mom called." He lifted his phone.

"Are they done on their honeymoon?" She asked. Luke laughed and picked his towel and wiped his sweats.

"I think they are," Luke said and continue with his lifting. "You should get ready. It takes two hours for girls to get ready for their makeup."

 She glared at her.

"I don't do makeup." She shook her head.

"How about hair?" He asked again.

"Damn it, Luke!" she hissed at him. He only laughed and he winked at a few French Girls. They giggled and keep glancing on his way. He's too young but very much attractive.


 She didn't put any make-up and just fixed her brows, her hair, and then a little lip moisturizer and then her red dress. She put her Louboutin shoes and an expensive fur-coat, but it's completely not made of animals but polyester, etc.

"Oh, my beautiful, little love." Zachary put his arms around her and kissed her forehead. Then he looked at his handsome boy and do their secret handshake. "Use a condom if you hook up to some teenagers." He winked. Andy smacked his back and laughed.

 It's cold outside and since it's the season of fall and near to winter, they dressed up warm for tonight. They entered the restaurant and her mother always have something with her or under her dress just in case that something bad might happen since they don't have bodyguards.

 They order their steak and wine and only water or juice for Luke.

"So, what's up for tonight?" Zach asked as he sliced his steak into bits and exchange it with his wife. For her, she like slicing her steak on her own, her dad is just that sweet to her mother.

"Who are you asking?" Luke asked.

"Your sister. Just a while ago a man came asking for the details if Zendaya is here. The man is familiar, and he looked like Tim from six years." Zach winked at her.

"Oh, Dad. Please stop." She frowned at him.

"Well, they didn't say anything at all," Zach told. "I already warned about the reception area."

"Good," Andy told and glared at him. Zachary smirked at his wife and they looked at each other like they are up to something—crazy.

 She shook her head and continue with her food. 

 She froze when and suddenly her little hairs stood even at her nape. She took a spoon and checked the person behind her. It's Timothy with the girl from the store a while ago. He kept looking on her way and Zachary also noticed it and he signed Timothy to look away. But it seemed that he stood from his seat and then approached them.

 Zendaya turned to him.

"I told you, I don't want to see you," Zendaya told him in low voice enough for him to heard her.

"Zendaya, I just want to speak to you a little," Timothy said softly.

 She doesn't want to look at the girl that he's dating because the girl is glaring at her.

"What do you want to talk about?" Zendaya asked.

"Well, on few things. Private, please?"

 She took her table napkin and put it aside and then he led her to the foyer of the restaurant. She crossed her arms and glanced at the girl who is probably just behind them.

"Timothy, qu'est-ce qui se passe?" The girl asked. (Timothy, what's going on?)

"Je dois parler à mon ami." (I need to talk to my friend.) Timothy said in a rush and he looked back at her.

"So?" She asked.

"Why don't you want to see? What did I do wrong?"

"What? Do you want to talk to me and be friends with me and what?"

"I—I just felt disappointed," Timothy said. "I've been following you and then your social media, I was just wondering if I could reach you."

"Timothy, we only met six years ago and there's no string attached to it. Just an acquaintance." Zendy said feeling a little tired and with a heavy heart.

"I like you." He confessed. She is impassive though her head is thinking lots of things.

"You are saying that, and don't you think about your date?" She asked him.

"She's just my friend from my childhood."

"Your possible fiancée." She mumbled and she scooped her chin and thought about it. She's correct.

"I think you are a witch," Tim said and she raises her eyes on him and glared at him. "I don't know what you did but the first time I lay my eyes on you, I just felt like this world is made of paradise that only of us exists. I don't know why my heart race every time you smile and laugh and those little gestures, I just don't know, why I feel this way."

"That's just something that can be cured." She patted his chest. "Go back to your date and apologize and I'll go back to my family to have a great dinner." She turned back but he pulled her arm and she faced him and tripped. He hugged her and inhale her scent.

"Zendaya, tu me rends folle." (Zendaya, you are driving me crazy.) He mumbled. She froze and her heart seemed to freeze or skip a beat and then it beats louder. His voice is familiar and the way he whispered to her felt like she knew him.

 She felt her arms wrapped around his waist, but she pushed herself, and then she pushed him. She walked briskly to the powder room and closed it. She exhaled and went to the very last cubicle and lean on the door.

"What the hell?" She mumbled and reached her chest where her heart is located. She washed her hands and went back to the restaurant and Timothy and the girl with him left after the girl argued with him.

 She sat down and composed herself.

"So?" Andy asked.

"That Tim guy just fought with his girlfriend."

"Do I look so bad on it?" Zendy asked Andy and then they shrugged.

"What did you say to the boy?" Zach asked her.

"I told him that I don���t want to see him ever again."

 Zach dropped his fork.

"That's bad. That's so hard of you." Zach said and she only shrugged.

"Last time you don't want anyone to go and check out on me and this time—did you just said that it's that hard?"

"Yeah, I did."

 They finished their food and outside, Timothy is waiting, and she frowned and glanced at her parents.

"You only got an hour," Zach told Zendaya and he put his arms around his wife and the trio left. She faced him and crossed her arms.

"What?" She asked coldly. "Your girlfriend just ditched you?"

"She's not my girlfriend." He told. "It's cold here," he reached her hand. "Let's go to the café." He just pulled her like that and then they went to a cozy couch. "What do you want to drink, milady?" He asked.

"Tea is fine. Peppermint." She said and he went to the counter to buy drinks. He sat beside her with a space between them. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I want to know more about you." He told.

"But you already have a girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend." He insisted. "I swear." He lifted his palm as a swear.

"Are you sure? Because if your girlfriend might hit me or she might be a war freak—you know on what will happen to her." She smirked at him. He chuckled after what he saw at the ally a while ago.

"They are still struggling with what you did until now, but I compensate them." He opened his hand to her.


"Can I hold your hand?" He asked softly.

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