295 The Red Lotus Lounge (2)

Erik stood on the sidewalk across from the Red Lotus Lounge, scanning the area with keen eyes. He kept a safe distance, blending into the crowd of pedestrians passing by on the busy street while keeping a vigilant lookout for any sign of Achim.

The imposing bouncers, who diligently checked IDs, guarded the club’s entrance and allowed only those on the guest list or with the right connections to enter. Erik knew that trying to get in through the front entrance would be risky, as he was not on the guest list and wanted to avoid drawing attention to himself. There was a backdoor behind the building, but that was even more guarded, and to enter, he had to fight his way in without the possibility of winning.

He observed the people coming in and out of the club, hoping to catch a glimpse of Achim or his girlfriend. He scanned the faces, looking for familiar features, and listened attentively to any conversations or mentions of names that might give him a clue.

The Red Lotus Lounge was as vibrant and bustling as he had heard. The music pulsated through the walls, and colorful lights illuminated the club’s exterior, creating an alluring ambiance. Erik noticed a mix of people entering the club: young partygoers, well-dressed businesspeople, and even some shady-looking characters that fit the rumors he had heard about the club’s association with the criminal underworld.

<Last time, Achim said he would come around 21:00, so he should be here in a couple of minutes.> Erik thought, but there was another pressing matter he needed to solve.

<System, connect to the club’s surveillance system, and scan for Achim’s face. Based on what he said, Achim should not have been here yet, but better safe than sorry. Besides, give me a map of the place, tell me the number of guards there, and find me an easy escape route.>


Immediately, a surge of information spread through Erik’s mind. It was like he was a computer and had just downloaded some data. Like that, Erik learned every nook and cranny of the building, especially since the biological supercomputer complemented that information thanks to the surveillance system. He could anticipate the people’s movements in the building and knew exactly where to go and what to do in an emergency.

Like that, Erik obtained the number of guards inside the building; there were 15 of them, all armed and in top shape.

<Entering will be relatively easy compared to what I will have to do later, but killing Achim won’t be that simple with all those guards. I have an idea, though…> Erik thought.

As he continued to wait, Erik’s senses were heightened. He noticed the subtle nuances of the club’s patrons: the nervous glances, the hurried whispers, and the occasional exchange of envelopes or small packages. It was clear that there was more to the Red Lotus Lounge than met the eye and that the rumors were probably true.

Time seemed to drag on as Erik patiently observed the club from the outside. He was careful to avoid drawing attention to himself, keeping his movements discreet and blending into the surroundings. He checked his watch, realizing that the time had come, and a couple of minutes later, a limousine landed in front of the club. Memories of her naked figure briefly flashed inside Erik’s mind.

The vehicle exuded an air of luxury with its tinted windows and polished exterior. Erik’s trained eye noted its manufacturer and model, identifying it as a high-end car preferred by the powerful and wealthy. He watched as the rear door of the limousine opened, and Achim stepped out, followed by his girlfriend.

She was a striking woman, elegantly dressed and carrying herself with poise. She had a demeanor that matched Achim’s, exuding confidence and sophistication.

Her boyfriend was dressed in a sharp suit, and his demeanor was confident and commanding and matched the girl’s demeanor. He exchanged a few words with the driver, and Erik strained to catch snippets of their conversation.

It seemed like they were discussing some kind of arrangement or plan, but Erik couldn’t make out the details. As Achim and his girlfriend entered the building, the awakener knew it was the right time to strike.

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The system didn’t reply, but the order had been given. Erik surveyed the crowd outside the Red Lotus Lounge, waiting for an opportunity to create a diversion. His keen eyes spotted a group of unruly individuals near the entrance, engaging in boisterous behavior and causing a commotion.

He decided to take advantage of them, pushing a nearby man toward them. The guy ended up making one of the unruly individuals fall to the ground, and it was clear he was pissed.

“Uh? You pushed me?” The man on the ground said.

“No, I-” A sudden, sharp pain in his chest cut off the man on the ground’s attempts to speak. Then the man received another punch, but in doing so, he ended up making another person fall since he staggered back.

“Uh? Do you have a death wish, motherfucker?!” this guy said, thinking that it was another guy who pushed him. He quickly punched that man and his friends rushed in to help him.

All of this ignited a brawl that quickly spiraled out of control. Fists flew, and chaos ensued as the scuffle spread, involving more people and drawing the attention of the club’s bodyguards.

As the situation grew increasingly chaotic, the bodyguards rushed in to break up the fight, trying to restore order. Erik used the distraction to his advantage, slipping past the flailing bodies and darting into the club, undetected in the confusion.

Inside the Red Lotus Lounge, the atmosphere was electric. The sound of dancing feet interspersed with the music’s resounding bass and filled the room. Multi-colored lights danced across the dance floor, casting an otherworldly glow on the revelers as they moved to the beat. The club was packed with people, gyrating to the pulsating music and lost in the rhythm of the night. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and alcohol, and the energy was powerful.

It was a scene straight out of a movie, and everyone there knew they were experiencing something special. But Erik couldn’t care less about the atmosphere. He was on a mission to find his target, and he knew he had to move fast before someone found him.

The dance floor was a sea of bodies, moving in unison or lost in their own individual grooves. Sparkling outfits, dazzling accessories, and extravagant hairstyles adorned the clubgoers, creating a sensory overload of sights and sounds.

The bodyguards, dressed in dark suits and with stern expressions, were strategically positioned throughout the club. They scanned the crowd with sharp eyes, on high alert for any signs of trouble. Their presence was a constant reminder of the club’s association with the criminal organization known as the Mambas, adding an undercurrent of tension to the otherwise vibrant atmosphere.

Bartenders were busy mixing colorful cocktails behind the bar and serving them to eager patrons. The air was heavy with the scent of alcohol and sweat, and the temperature inside the club had risen several degrees from the sheer number of people packed into the space.

Erik moved cautiously through the throng of dancers, mindful of the watchful eyes of the bodyguards. He kept his head down, blending in with the crowd as he discreetly observed the scene behind his mask, searching for Achim and his girlfriend.

<System, give me Achim’s position.>



Despite the sensory overload and the loud music, Erik’s senses were heightened, and his focus was laser-sharp as he navigated the club. He scanned the different areas, checking the corners and nooks, trying to spot the room where Achim was.

As he moved through the club, Erik couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. The Red Lotus Lounge was a place of revelry and indulgence on the surface. Still, the dark rumors he had heard about its ties to the criminal underworld and the Mambas added a more black undertone to the proceedings.

The fact that many people were having sexual encounters on the various sofas scattered throughout the space and that people of all ages and genders were abusing drugs left and right emphasized that even more.

<What a shitty place,> Erik thought. <No wonder Nathaniel was a prick if he grew up in such places.>

The music continued to blast, the dancing continued unabated, and the bodyguards remained vigilant, casting wary glances around the club. He tried to move toward the VIP room where Achim was, but the bodyguards barred his way. He needed to do something to get rid of or get past them.

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