Birth of the Demonic Sword

Chapter 1292 1292. Meeting Earth

Chapter 1292 1292. Meeting Earth

Noah couldn't put the frozen structure inside the separate dimension, so he had to take the Seventh Kesier rune out in the open.

The only land worthy of being his new home was the island made of divine ice. Noah moved the frozen structure there before flying toward the separate dimension to recover the Kesier rune. Night and the Demonic Sword remained behind to guard his quasi-rank 7 resource while he made that trip.

The world belonged to him now, but he couldn't underestimate its inhabitants. The Royals and the rank 6 Eternal Snakes could think about stealing part of the ice if he didn't protect it.

Everything went smoothly. Noah recovered the Seventh Kesier rune and settled on the island made of divine ice. He used the frozen structure's insides as his new training area and isolated himself from the rest of the world as he focused on his centers of power.

Noah needed to push his power to the seventh rank, and the lack of opponents in the world forced him to succeed in the task through normal training sessions. Still, he didn't mind that now that he had almost reached the peak of the sixth rank.

He only had to complete the last part of his journey. His adventures in the lower plane would end there, and Noah gave his everything in that training.

The Seventh Kesier rune enlarged and strengthened his mind. His training sessions with the Demonic Sword improved his dantian and pushed its power toward the higher ranks. The quasi-rank 7 ice continued to provide valuable nutrients that made his body grow.

Noah's centers of power improved smoothly and at a quick pace. The fact that they were striving to the limits of the heroic ranks didn't affect their growth, which continued to be in the realm of monsters.

It was as if Noah's existence had grown tired of remaining in the sixth rank. His individuality wanted to reach the divine realm, and it made his training smoother.

Noah didn't think about anything else. His mind remained focused on his centers of power and never bothered to pay attention to the world around him.

Years, decades, and centuries passed, but Noah barely noticed the flow of time. He remained in the same position for the entirety of that period, and he moved only once a sense of completeness dawned on his mind.

Noah focused on the center of his sea of consciousness and saw that the Seventh Kesier rune had almost formed. He only needed to glance at the piece of fur to complete it and become a rank 7 mage.

The Earth Tribulation would come right after, so he suppressed his desire to reach that level to complete a few preparations.

Noah was an expert when it came to battles inside his mind. He had spent his whole life with the Body-inscription spell and the Elemental Forging method in the end. That ethereal place had become a battlefield multiple times.

The Tribulation didn't worry him, but Earth was a variable that he couldn't ignore. Noah didn't know what tricks that existence could pull off during his breakthrough, so he had to set up as many defensive layers as possible.

Dark matter flowed inside his mental sphere and reinforced his mental walls with multiple defensive layers. Snore's ethereal figure hid inside the higher energy and prepared for the imminent fight.

The saber-shaped rune multiplied as "Breath" entered in its ethereal figure. Multiple weapons entered the layers of dark matter and became ready to fend off any invader.

Night sat on Noah's head and used its connection with his mind to create a projection of its consciousness. The Pterodactyl had decided to fight in the Tribulation as soon as it heard who Noah's opponent would be.

The Demonic Sword did something similar as it laid on his knees. Noah's ethereal figure found his blade in its hands when it opened its eyes and looked at the many protections prepared for the Tribulation.

'It's time,' Noah thought as he opened his real eyes to look at the piece of fur.

Noah only needed a glance to complete the Seventh Kesier rune inside his mind. His mental walls began to expand, but they soon met an invisible barrier that forced them to stop.

The mental walls began to tremble at that point. Those vibrations created a humming sound that resonated with the outside world and triggered a peculiar reaction in his mental sea.

Noah couldn't see it, but the world around him had grown silent after the humming sound spread in the environment. The waves crashing on the island made of divine ice became quiet, and even the magical beasts swimming in the range of the noise stopped moving.

The humming sound carried an aura capable of stopping the normal functioning of the laws in the matter. It exuded an authority that went beyond the world itself, and Noah could experience it properly for the first time as the Tribulation started.

He had been nothing more than a rank 3 mage when he first approached the Earth Tribulation. Noah had never touched the world of laws at that time, and he had barely known what it meant to be an existence.

However, his individuality was now striving to enter the divine realm. His fourth center of power had also been able to imitate the world's elements and create copies that reflected Noah's existence.

Noah could now understand part of Heaven and Earth's nature. Shandal's theory saw them as a quasi-rank 10 existence that had failed in stepping into the next realm. Their aura could enlighten him on the divine ranks and the levels beyond them.

'Multiple laws create a world,' Noah thought as his ethereal figure stared at his mental sea.

His defensive layers of dark matter had left a spot where Earth could pass. Noah lost control of part of his mental energy while his mental walls continued to radiate the humming sound, but he didn't feel surprised about that event.

He still recalled how his past Earth Tribulation went. His conversation with that powerful existence had enlightened him and had eventually led to the fusion with the Light-devouring Dragon.

The aura carried with the humming sound was having the same effect. Noah became able to take a peek at the superior realms when he studied that noise, and multiple theories formed in his mind.

Part of his mental energy surged from the mental sea. That lump of dark-brown water morphed until it became Noah's copy. Earth had appeared, and it wore a broad smile as it inspected the area.

The defensive layers of dark matter sealed the opening and condensed as Noah prepared for the clash. The tips of the saber-shaped runes came out of the higher energy and pointed at Earth as they waited for Noah's order.

Figures flew through the dark matter that covered Noah's mental walls. He had prepared an entire army for that clash. Earth couldn't even gain access to his mental energy with the higher energy isolating the battlefield.

Earth appeared slightly interested in the dark matter, but it mostly exuded amusement through its expression. Then, it opened its mouth, and an androgynous voice resounded through Noah's mental sphere.

"Hello, my child, son of another world," Earth said, repeating the greetings used in the last Tribulation.

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