Blue Phoenix

Chapter 434: Interruption

Chapter 434: Interruption

Life in the Hui mansion quickly settled. Lao and Jo were both excited that their Aunt Yun had returned to them and they often sought her out to hear her tell them stories. They would listen to stories about how her life had been in the magical forest, her trip through the Dungeons of the Divine, or how it had been living at the Frozen Palace.

Sha Yun was overwhelmed by these two children who never showed any hostility towards her, and she was happy to tell them stories time and again.

When she was not telling stories, she would spend her time cultivating or be together with Hui Yue. She had never been so happy before, and her heart was filled with hope for the future as she happily settled into the daily life again at the mansion. She was happy with her position as Hui Yue’s second love.

Hui Yue was mostly busy cultivating and spent the majority of his time in his room or in the gardens absorbing the essence of the heavens and the earth. When he felt his body brimming with energy, he would sit down and start creating items or practice spiritual arts to use this surplus of energy. When he was done, he would sit down and ponder on the many mysteries of the world, ensuring that he was constantly getting closer and closer to merging with the elements of his middle dantian. While Hui Yue spent a lot of time cultivating like this, he never forgot to spend time with the two women of his life, giving both his attention and care.

Sometimes he would spend time with them alone while other times they would all be together. He was gentle and loving, and would fully immerse himself in the emotions of happiness he had finally found in his life. Even though Lan Feng was in a rush to get revenge, he would never stress Hui Yue about it. The time he spent with Sha Yun and Wang Ju Long allow for him to relax and let his mind be completely at ease. It helped his energy renew faster so that he once more could focus on training.

Jo and Lao worked as hard as Hui Yue and two years after the alchemist’s contest Lao broke into the Emperor rank.

"Father, father!" The young man said while running through the mansion. He had been training hard day in and day out, and now he had finally reached his first goal. To become an Emperor meant that he was allowed to travel with Hui Yue in the future, and this was something he was truly happy about.

Everywhere he went he was met by congratulations and smiles, and although he wished to stay with his mother or with his aunt and celebrate with them, there was no one he wanted to speak with more than his father. Therefore he kept running through the mansion. Following behind him was a full group of people. Even Xu Piao was following behind with a smile on his face.

Finally, after moving through almost every room within the mansion and the garden outside they finally found Hui Yue. He was standing on top of a lake in the far back of the garden where he was merged with the world around him. The wind was blowing around him, the sun shining down upon him, and the many elements surrounding him were slowly entering his body. Ever so slowly he was attuning himself to the world, and he could feel even the slightest change in the elements around him.

Because of this, he opened his eyes when he felt the large group enter the garden. Hui Yue looked at them with surprise as he slowly walked across the lake until he landed on the dry ground.

"Father!" Lao called out excitedly, and as soon as Hui Yue looked at him, a proud smile appeared on his face. Although Lao had not said anything, the white-haired young man was easily capable of sensing the aura that came from his young son. The aura was now much stronger than it had been before.

"Now I can follow you on your travels!" He said excitedly, and Hui Yue nodded his head as he gently rustled the young man's hair.

Two years had gone past, but no one within the Hui mansion had changed at all. Even Lao who was supposed to grow older looked the same as he had two years before. Jo also looked like the innocent child she had been years before but even though she had been oblivious to the world before she was no longer the same. She had spent much of her time practicing her Wu Wei arts alongside reading up on the world in which she lived. Although Hui Yue and Lao refused to let her experience true danger, she was now fully aware of how the world worked.

Wang Ju Long and Sha Yun had not grown older either. Both of them were in their prime, around twenty years of age, and they had reached the Emperor rank half a year prior.

Xu Piao was also an Emperor. He had been gifted a golden pill by Hui Yue and had broken into the Emperor rank without much difficulty. To reach the Saint rank, however, required much more than just a surplus of Wu Wei. Becoming one with the world and understanding the many mysteries was required. Although it was hard, all it required was time.

Hui Yue, who had his soul nurtured by the time spent with the ones he loved and the tranquil state of mind understood the mysteries much quicker than anyone else in the mansion.

"Let’s celebrate your breakthrough!" Hui Yue called out with a smile on his face and everyone agreed. It had been quite some time since they last went out to eat together, and to spend a night drinking and eating was something all of them missed.

Leaving the mansion, Hui Yue and his group of friends consisted of Hui Yue, Wang Ju Long, Sha Yun, Xu Piao, Cai Jie, Lao, Jo, and Deng Wu. They sent a servant to invite Gao Yan, the Rong twins, and Ma Kong. Today was truly a day worthy of celebration, so all of their closest friends had been invited.

While leaving, Hui Yue was so focused on his family that he did not notice the aura of a person following close behind them, before he suddenly vanished into thin air.

Reaching the restaurant the largest VIP room was prepared for Hui Yue and his entourage who instantly started celebrating. Throughout the night more and more experts came by to give their congratulations, even Xiao Ning, and the three other Saints made an appearance to cheer on Lao.

"To think your son is so skilled, this is great news!" Xiao Ning said with a loud voice followed by his burly laughter as he looked at Lao and toasted to his talent. Ye Ling, Zhu Jun, and Luo Qiang were also astonished by his outstanding talent. All of them brought presents for the young man. Most of them were weapons or pills, and some of them came from their spoils from the Grave of the Unknown while others were created by Cou Ling with her new forge. Such weapons forged by Cou Ling were known as the cream of the crop, not just in the Taiyang Kingdom, but in all four kingdoms.

Just as the celebration was under way, a loud voice boomed from the outside. Everyone inside turned silent when they heard it. "Hui Yue, you are nothing more than a bastard of mixed blood; a vile creature who hides behind the strength of his friends. We are here to challenge you. We cannot live with such a disgusting being like you in town! Come out and face us like a man or stay a bast*rd forever!"

Just as the voice sounded throughout the restaurant Hui Yue's eyes turned dark from rage. This was a very important day to him, celebrating that his son had become an Emperor, yet someone wished to trouble him.

Standing up a flying sword appeared underneath his feet, and he shot out from the balcony in the room, closely followed by everyone else within the room.

Leaving the restaurant, they saw a group of twenty experts in front of them. All were wearing black cloaks and masks, clearly trying to hide their true identities. This was something Hui Yue did not mind too much. Looking at them he felt the pressure from their auras. The majority of those present were Saints, and some of them were Emperors. Behind Hui Yue were also many experts, but while the majority of the enemy were Saints, the majority of Hui Yue's followers were Emperors.

Behind Hui Yue were the four Saints: Ye Ling, Zhu Jun, Luo Qiang, and Xiao Ning. Counting Hui Yue they were five, but the enemy had around fifteen.

The Emperors Hui Yue’s side had were Xu Piao, Wang Ju Long, Sha Yun, Cai Jie, Lao, and Deng Wu. Their Kings consisted of Jo, the Rong twins, Gao Yan, and Ma Kong.

Gauging the difference in power, Hui Yue instantly knew he was at a disadvantage. Not only did he have a lot fewer people on his side, but he also had to protect his King ranked experts. His eyes gleamed sinisterly as his heart filled with anger and hate.

"So you interrupt my family's celebration, standing here calling me a bast*rd, and yet none of you dare attack me alone? Only when you have more people are you willing to face me. Yet you talk to me about losing face? About being a weakling hiding behind others? You must be talking about yourselves. Me against you all? Do you truly dare?" Hui Yue returned every word to them, his voice mocking the large group of Saints while he had already activated the powers belonging to Lan Feng.

Hui Yue's aura was constantly climbing with each word he spoke. While at first, he had seemed peaceful and ordinary, now his aura had increased and was pressuring the many experts present. The Emperors could not help but feel so pressured that they were forced a few steps backward.

"Don’t f*ck around, attack!" The leader of the masked experts called out, and everyone attacked at once. Some moved against Hui Yue while others moved against his friends. Even some of the Emperors attacked the Kings on Hui Yue’s side; however, before they reached too far the Emperors supporting Hui Yue blocked their way, and the battle started. The Saints, on the other hand, were not willing to stoop so low as to attack King ranked experts, but they were not very sure who they should be attacking. The majority went for Hui Yue's allies, and only three of the fifteen Saints dared go against Hui Yue. Seeing this, the young man could not help but laugh.

With the Sword of Icy Tempest in hand, Hui Yue stood still waiting for the experts to reach him. His sword hummed as Wu Wei poured within, but he had still had not released the Snowstorm Prison yet.

Around his body, a blue cloud was swirling, and lightning was starting to swirl within. Crackling sounds could be heard, and the pressure from Hui Yue exceeded any of the other experts close by.

"I will make you understand what true fear is!" Hui Yue growled as he tightened his grip. "I will show you what it means to disturb my family. I might not have as many people, but if I go all out you all will be wiped out!"

Hearing his words, many of the masked experts felt a shiver run down their spine. His killing intent soared as he said these words and the many experts felt their skin go numb, it was as though they had been dropped in a bucket of cold water.

"Anyone in my way will die. Send one, and I’ll kill him; send two, and they will both perish. Send everyone, and you all will be slaughtered. You have really pissed me off, so get ready to see what happens when you come to cause trouble for me!" Hui Yue shouted as he lifted his deadly sword and slashed at the advancing Saint.

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