Blue Phoenix

Chapter 439: Getting Ready

Chapter 439: Getting Ready

The following days were filled with activity at the Hui mansion. Everyone noticed the sudden activity at the mansion, and the fact that many servants and maids were sent to marketplaces within the city daily made it obvious that something was going on.

Some purchased any herb they could get their hands on while others purchased many rare metals that were for sale. Some bought food in large quantities while some bought drinks of every kind. Fruit wines, juices, and even bottled water were just a few drinks they purchased.

Clothes were purchased, and even Cou Ling's blacksmith shop was visited by the Hui servants.

Anyone who observed Hui Yue's movements understood that he was getting ready for an adventure which included long and arduous travels, but even so many were curious about what exactly could make such an important figure set out. Had he found a treasure trove somewhere? Perhaps another grave? Had he found the legacy of some old expert or was there something else which could cause him to move?

No matter how much everyone tried to find out where he was going, no one got any clear answers. All the Black Lion told people was that the Hui family was clearly preparing for some sort of journey, but as for what specifically, none knew.

The truth was that of course Gao Yan knew what the trip was for, but he had no intention of telling others. If the information about the Formation of Life were to spread to the other Saints, it was highly likely that every Saints would seek out the formation, and this was something they would not let happen.

Hui Yue was completely silent about what he was planning to do. No one apart from his very close friends knew what was going on, and they told no one. Even Rong Liang who was still within Muchuan City frowned as he realized that even he was not entitled to hear what they were planning. Even when he ordered his children to tell him the truth, neither listened. They valued their friendship with Hui Yue, so although they loved their father unconditionally, they would not reveal Hui Yue's secrets.

"We have gathered all the food and drink we need. I have created quite a few medicinal pills of various ranks, and I have purchased quite a few pills from the Alchemist Guild in case we need them."

"I have enough herbs to create more pills in the Central Palace, should we needed them." Hui Yue continued while scratching his chin.

"I’ve created new weapons for everyone. Two short swords for Lao, a halberd for Jo, a broadsword for Xu Piao, and a staff for Deng Wu. For Sha Yun, I made a whip which will work very well in combination with her snake tail." Said Hui Yue, and he continued to wonder if he lacked anything but no matter what he thought of, he came to the conclusion that he had prepared everything necessary.

"Father, I have gotten used to using the two swords. Their sharpness is simply outstanding, and they work quite well with my Wu Wei arts." Lao was so happy with his new swords that he found his father to praise him.

"How is it fighting against Jo now that she has a good weapon?" Hui Yue asked curiously. Jo and Lao still sparred a lot against each other as sparring with the guards would be the same as bullying them. Therefore they could only train together or seek out stronger experts.

"Jo is truly frightening. Although she is just a King ranked expert, her strength is simply terrifying. There is no need for us to worry about her safety for now." Lao answered honestly. There was no shame in his voice when speaking about Jo's strength. Hui Yue nodded his head, proud of both his son and daughter.

"Great. Pack your things." Hui Yue said, his face beaming with a big smile, "and tell Jo to pack her things too. You can carry as many storage stones as you wish, but don’t forget that the more you use, the harder it is to remember which items you dropped in which stone; therefore, it might be a disadvantage. Though, make sure to take all the things you need with you and get ready to set out tomorrow morning."

Lao's eyes widened, a smile spread on his face, and soon a chuckle could be heard. It was clear that the young man was filled with excitement. This was the first time he was allowed to go together with Hui Yue on an adventure, and he simply could not wait. It would also be the first time that he would leave Muchuan City.

"I better go and tell everyone else to get ready." Hui Yue said, but before he managed to turn around, a small blur appeared before them. Before Lao could react, a small fox placed itself in Hui Yue's embrace. The fox had eyes filled with doubt, and with these eyes, it looked at the surroundings. Frowning, Hui Yue gently petted the fox.

"Is something wrong Huli?" Hui Yue asked gently, and the fox nodded its head as it constantly turned from one side to the other in his embrace.

"I know you can't speak, but tell me, is it something here in Muchuan City?" Hui Yue asked, and the fox shook her head. "Is it because of the trip to the Central Palace?" The fox nodded her head.

"Have you ever been there before?" He asked but once more the fox shook her head. Laughing, Hui Yue rustled the fox's hair and looked at her with tender eyes. "Don't worry Huli; I'll be very careful. Plus, I'll have you by my side to protect me."

Just as Hui Yue spoke, the doors to the mansion opened and in came Rong Liang. The moment Huli saw Rong Liang her hair stood on end, she bared her teeth, and her eyes were filled with anger. It was clear that she did not like Rong Liang, and the sudden display of dislike shocked Hui Yue deeply. Hui Yue had never seen her like this before. Although she often showed ignorance, or a complete lack of interest of people, she had never seemed hostile towards anyone, especially not like she was now.

"Calm down Huli." Hui Yue laughed as he petted the fox's head. "It's just Lord Rong. He is the father of Rong Ming and Rong Xing." He explained, but the smile on Rong Liang's face stiffened as he looked at the fox in Hui Yue's arms.

"What a fierce little beast." Rong Liang said, his voice shaking faintly. His odd actions made Hui Yue frown; it seemed as though the man was fearful of his small fox.

Although Hui Yue did not know exactly what rank Huli was, he understood that she was incredibly strong. Having traveled by the side of a God, she had to be at least a Saint. But as there was no aura coming out from her body and this made it impossible for Hui Yue to guess just how strong she was.

Seeing the fox behave like this made Hui Yue quite worried. He knew that Huli was completely loyal to him, and for her to behave this way, there had to be some reason for it. Only he could not come up with a reason. Was something wrong with Rong Liang?

Although he was now a Saint, it was not that unlikely that he had spent almost all of his time cultivating to reach the Saint rank at his age. Even Hui Yue, who was much younger than lord Rong Liang, had after all managed to reach the Saint rank.

Still, Hui Yue was rather confused about Rong Liang's sudden rise to prominence. For him to become a Saint was one thing, but it was quite another for him to suddenly get a rather important job such as the one he now had. Not to mention why everyone knew about Rong Liang’s new position so quickly. Things did not add up, but no matter how Hui Yue thought about it, he could not come to a conclusion.

'Don't worry too much about it.' Lan Feng's voice suddenly sounded in Hui Yue's mind. 'Even if he is a Saint, the aura on his body is equal to an early stage Saint. He is no threat to you and therefore don’t worry about him.'

Lan Feng's logic was understandable, but Hui Yue still felt apprehensive. He liked Rong Liang a lot. The older man had often acted like a parent to him, and now he was standing here, feeling uncertain and distant from this person. Shaking his head, a smile appeared on his face. He would not be the one to doubt his friends or the one who caused strife for something as simple as a slight worry. If it turned out that something truly was amiss and they came to blows, then Rong Liang's strength was far inferior to his.

"Excuse me, Lord Rong." Hui Yue said with a slight bow, "Excuse this fox of mine, I don't know what has happened with her, but maybe she is not feeling well. I will go and help her calm down. Did you need me for something specific?"

Hearing this question, Rong Liang's still had a rather unconvinced smile, and his eyes showed traces of worry. Worry which once more roused Hui Yue's wonder and suspicion. So many things did not add up. Why on earth would this powerful man fear a small fox with no aura who seemingly had no strength?

"I am sorry to interrupt you when you are busy." Rong Liang said with a laugh. "I was just wondering what you were preparing to do. Where are you going? Perhaps you could use some assistance?"

Looking at Rong Liang, Hui Yue regretfully shook his head. Although Rong Liang was the Rong twin's father, and someone who had treated Hui Yue well through the many years, there were simply too many unanswered questions for Hui Yue to let this older man in on the secret of the Formation of Life.

"My team is unfortunately already full, but if someone chooses not to go then I will contact you." Hui Yue said with a smile, his face not showing his doubt at all.

Nodding his head, Rong Liang did not seem to have even the slightest problem with his answer, and with a laugh, he nodded to the younger man. "In that case, I will leave you to it. If someone from your group leaves, find me. I will be at the Rong mansion in town; I am sure you have visited the twins there from time to time." Rong Liang said, and without waiting for an answer, he turned around and left. The moment he left, he was no longer smiling, instead, a frustrated expression could be seen.

The moment he left, Hui Yue's face also changed expressions as he was now thinking deeply. His hands were still holding the small fox as he stared at where Rong Liang had just left.

"So, Huli, is something wrong with the person who was just here?" Hui Yue asked, and the fox nodded it's head, also staring at where the man left.

"What was wrong with him?" He asked, but looking at the fox he just saw a complicated expression. It was clear that the fox wished to explain something, yet did not know how.

"I know you can't explain it well." He reassured the fox, petted it gently. "Even if you can't explain it, I know you feel something wrong with him. I'll make sure to watch out when he is close by."

Nodding her head, the fox seemed a little more pleased, and together man and fox, with one last glance towards the door, left the area and moved towards their room once more.

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