Blue Phoenix

Chapter 448: Trial of Strength

Chapter 448: Trial of Strength

Moving through the wasteland required everyone to use their inner energies to protect their bodies. The further they moved into the wasteland the hotter the air became. After moving for a few days, they would occasionally see small flames burst to life in the air as small particles were ignited by the intense heat. Yet, even so, no one had any intention of stopping as they slowly moved further and further into this vast desert wasteland.

There was no time limit for this trial, but at the same time, each day made them more and more exhausted.

Having walked nonstop for a few days, they finally decided to stop and take a small break. Sitting down on the scalding stones they felt the heat permeate every part of their body, and the more time they spent in this sweltering heat, the more energy their bodies absorbed. It felt as though their bodies were undergoing some changes, but as for what was truly happening none of them knew.

They could tell that the durability of their bodies was constantly increasing as they absorbed more of the heat energy around them. Having to constantly fight the heat surrounding them as well as absorb it tempered their bodies greatly. Still, this constant tempering was exhausting on both the body and mind, especially since it was from the pain they experienced every single minute of their time within this fiery wasteland.

"If we keep moving forward then we will collapse because of the strain on our bodies. Since there is no time limit to this challenge, let’s stay here for some time so we can reach our peak condition once more. This is the Trial of Strength; I doubt that it is as simple as just walking through a hot desert." His words were filled with vigilance, and all his friends were shocked when they heard what he had to say, but they could not help and nod their heads. They agreed with him as what he said made sense. Although this wasteland required them to use their strength to withstand the increasing heat, it was not really that difficult as long as they took the time to adjust.

Despite their shock, all of them were happy when they heard that they would be taking a break. Although the ground was burning hot, they all collapsed on top of it seemingly not noticing that their skin was turning red.

Withdrawing bottled water from his Universe Box, Hui Yue handed the water to all his friends and family, and everyone gulped the water down quickly.

The water had rejuvenated them, but although they now had newfound energy, none of them were rushing towards the next part of their journey, instead, they sat down in meditation. Their inner energies had been used to protect them from the heat, and every step they made had caused them to be more and more exhausted. It was also this exhaustion which allowed for their bodies to transform as much as they had.

Hui Yue had an easier time than the others as he was merged with Lan Feng; a divine beast created from the mystic blue flames, the strongest flames in the world. Although this world was incredibly dangerous, it was nothing to this phoenix, but the flames still entered Hui Yue’s body and absorbing it filled him with energy. His body became less tempered than the others, but the flame he could control was constantly being nourished. He could feel that by now it was already many times stronger than it had been before he entered the Trial of Fire.

The bull was surprised when he saw that the group decided to sit down and regain their strength, but inside he praised their decision. Even more, he was shocked when he saw that Hui Yue did not even have labored breath as his aura was constantly increasing as he absorbed the fire energy around him.

Everyone meditated for a full two days before their energy returned to their peak condition once more. Although absorbing energy within this world was far swifter than the world outside, almost all energy absorbed was needed to protect against the scorching hot air and ground making their recovery slow.

"So they can handle the first part of the strength test so well... I cannot wait to see how they will manage the rest." The bull said to himself with a small smile. Although his strength was high, he was not all-knowing nor was he capable of seeing what would happen in the future. Therefore, all he could do was wait and see what would happen.

As they had reached their peak condition, the group once more started moving towards the direction that the bull had shown them. Were it not for the bull's help then they would have long since gotten lost in this wasteland. They would have walked in circles or ended up at their original starting place.

Moving forward, everything they saw was the same as what they already had seen during their previous travels through the wasteland. Nothing was new and looking into the distance it seemed as though this was going to last for a very long time.

Walking through the heat, the group struggled. Their bodies became increasingly tempered, and all of them felt the fire in the air merge with their flesh and bone. This made it easier for them to absorb more and more of the fire energy present, and it also made their bodies much tougher than they had been before.

Hui Yue, who absorbed the most fire energy of anyone, could feel how his body had become much stronger than it was when he first entered the Trial of Fire.

“Look!” Lao suddenly called out, and everyone looked towards the direction that he was pointing. Their eyes suddenly shone with excitement and smiles appeared on all their faces. In front of them, they could see an end to the wasteland. What they saw was a long red prairie in front of them, and on top of this prairie was a group of creatures.

These creatures were made from fire, they seemed human-like, however, their entire bodies were covered in flames. Their eyes were two dark red flames while their bodies were light orange. Looking at the many creatures who were just standing in front of them, Hui Yue was shocked.

Congratulations on finishing the first part of the Trial of Strength.” The bull said, and the smile on his face became increasingly bright as he looked at the many people in front of him. “The first part of this test was to temper your bodies. I am sure you all felt how you became much stronger, durable, and also how the flame has integrated within your body.” The bull explained, “but that was just the start. This is after all the strength trial. What you need to do is defeat the army in front of you. All of them are humans who were placed in this trial by the divine masters. As the years passed they have absorbed more and more of the fire essence within this world and their strength has soared to the heavens.”

“The longer they are here, the stronger they become. They have already been here for so many years, so I will warn you that they are incredibly powerful. Their numbers are the same every year, and in this realm, they are incapable of dying.”

“When they are defeated they will leave the battle, however, if you chose to back away the ones who have been defeated will once more join the army. Do not mind if you kill them; they will be resurrected by the Nirvana Phoenix Flame which exists within this world.”

“The Nirvana Phoenix Flame?” Hui Yue asked curiously, but the bull said nothing and just shook his head while smiling knowingly. Seeing his expression, Hui Yue guessed that this Nirvana Phoenix Flame would appear later on in the trials, or that it held some sort of role in the Formation of Life.

“When you are ready, feel free to attack the Flame Army.” The bull said as he stood aside. Though he was surprised to see Hui Yue and the others did not immediately attack the Flame Army but sat down in meditation.

Although the heat had increased as they moved further and further into the wastelands, they had gotten used to this heat and their bodies were no longer as exhausted as they had been at the start. Since it was like this, their conditions were not bad at all, and the bull had expected that they would take the chance to attack. Even though they were not at their peak, they were very skilled at combat. Their bodies had gotten much stronger. It was safe to say that they were, in their current condition, stronger than they were when they had entered through the gateway to the Trial of Fire.

Even so, these youngsters would not take any risks. All of them sat down together and cultivated. They let their conditions reach the peak before they woke up one after another. From when the first person opened their eyes till the last three hours passed but even so, no one rushed the others.

As time went by, one person after another awoke from their cultivation. They all moved to sit in a circle yet no one said a word, not before all of them had gathered together and were looking at the obstacle in front of them.

“I think that we need a battle plan before clashing with this army.” Cai Jie said, and his words caused all the others to nod their heads. Even where they were now, all of them could feel the aura of this Flame Army. They knew this army would be in no way easy to deal with, especially as they had been strengthened over time. Even Hui Yue felt slightly uncomfortable thinking about how they were going to fight this whole army of thousands of men that were waiting for them patiently.

“If you have any ideas, don’t hesitate to share them.” Hui Yue said half joking as he doubted that they had any ideas of how to fight, but he could not help but shake his head. The only way he could see was if all of them went in and did their very best. They would have to be tempered time and time again before they would know how to fight this group. He did not believe that they could beat this monstrous army in one go.

“I might not be good when it comes to individual battles.” A voice suddenly sounded in the back, and everyone turned around, looking at Wang Ju Long. She stepped forward with resolute steps and looked at the Flame Army with a strange expression in her eyes.

“But, I am sure we can defeat this Flame Army.” She said, and her voice was filled with certainty. All of them were shocked as they heard these words. Breathlessly, and with a smile on his face, Hui Yue could not help but ask, “How?”

“It’s really quite simple.” Wang Ju Long said as she waved her hand and a set of vials appeared in her hands. “I can create a poison which will remove every single one of these soldiers. It is highly potent, so it is important that you all take the antidote before we start. Although we can retreat, I have a premonition that as soon as I start to mix the potions, the army will make their move. It will, after all, be when we start to actively get ready to attack them.” Wang Ju Long continued, and the others nodded their head. What she said made perfect sense.

“Protect me for the time it takes three incense sticks to burn.” She said with certainty. “By then I will have the poison finished. However, before I start mixing the poison, all of you eat this pill.”

Wang Ju Long handed out a pill to everyone, and no one even wondered about what this pill was. All of them swallowed it instantly, and they felt a heat radiate from within their bodies.

The heat from this pill was far different from the heat they had experienced while moving through the Trial of Fire. This was a comfortable and calm heat which spread through their body while the other had been volatile and dangerous to them. This one felt as though a screen of some kind had been formed within their bodies, and this screen was exactly the antidote. It was a pill that Wang Ju Long had spent all her ability to create; a pill which was not refined like one would as an alchemist, but mixed from poisonous plants and finally one used forced instead of fire to merge it with a pearl.

“Okay everyone.” Hui Yue called out. “Let us give this Trial of Strength a try!”

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