Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1602 Hacking

Chapter 1602 Hacking

Date- ???

Time- ???

Location- Reverse Dungeon, Yellow Plain Planet, Freedom Fighter's Base, Plague Palace, Sector ES0012

After the young Red-footed dwarf, the obvious suspect was Belphegor. Considering that someone of Zaltan's status warned him about the situation it was clear that it had to him. But Wyatt did not understand what Belhegor could possibly get from this. He understood him banning him from the Infinity Library and blacklisting him in Sector DS0909 was an attempt to stop him from using external help to get rid of the plague egg. But this did not make any sense.

Or after losing to Wyatt so many times this was his way of sticking it to him. This was downright petty. Now that Wyatt was making money through the VR universe and had a little funds to spare he was planning to expand his liquid rule power and soul power business but Belphegor had now put an end to it.

There was still hope, Wyatt did not believe Belphegor would be spending a fortune to rent the land forever. For someone of Belhpegor's caliber renting 99,999 acres of land in an unknown sector was like spending pocket change but if he were to do this for long then the pocket change would add up to a small fortune.

Belphegor was willingness to spend a fortune to hurt Wyatt's startup should not be surprising as he had already shown that he had crossed the threshold where he was willing to harm himself to harm Wyatt by sacrificing his Worldhog incarnation and a realm fragment to create the plague egg.

Wyatt wondered if Belphegor had done something similar in sector NS7878 to hurt his liquid soul energy startup. If he had to guess, Wyatt would bet that Belphegor had indeed done something similar in the sector NS7878.

Just as Wyatt was preparing to head to check on sector NS7878, multiple demon merchants appeared next to the fountain of sector ES0012. Noticing Wyatt they glared at him with an unfriendly gaze as they pointed at Wyatt and whispered about him to each other.

Wyatt noticed that all the demon merchants in the group belonged to various dark races from the dark realm and he got the feeling that these demon merchants not only knew him but hated him. So Wyatt refrained from reaching out to them and making small talk to enquire about their identity and purpose in this sector.

Seeing them head to the barren land and begin to build infrastructure on it, Wyatt assumed that these demon merchants might be from Belphegor's faction and that they had invested in this sector under the direction of Belphegor. Other than that Wyatt could not think of any other reason why these demon merchants would willingly leave sector DS0909 and invest to develop ES0012.

Wyatt guessed that the demon merchants were developing infrastructures in ES0012 to recover some of the money they were spending on renting such a huge piece of land.

Shaking his head Wyat prepared to head to NS7878 but before he could he got a notification from his demon merchant codex. Which read,

[Dear Demon Merchant,

An external entity is trying to break into your Golden Grimoire housing your Demon Merchant?Codex. The Demon Merchant Codex has successfully managed to stop the invasion.]

Going through the notification Wyatt immediately understood that someone was trying to hack into his Golden Grimoire on the physical plane taking advantage of the fact that Wyatt was in a coma.

Since he was in the base of the Freedom Fighter, who else could it be other than them trying to hack into Wyatt's grimoire? Wyatt immediately identified that they were after the VR universe. Regardless of what the Freedom Fighters claimed, their actions were starting to seem more like thieves than revolutionarys. If not for the security of the demon merchant codex the freedom fighters would have been successful in their attempt.

"I cannot catch a break can I," Wyatt decided to return to the physical plane to save the clowns from wasting time on their fruitless attempts and welcome Dredre.

Now that Wyatt had gotten the coordinates of the Yellow Plains, he saw no need to continue the charades especially when the Freedom Fighters tried to steal from him again.

Date- ???

Time- ???

Location- ???

In a luxurious palace with boundless walls covered by never-ending rows of bookshelves, a small humanoid child with ape-like features sat on a pile of books, naked, reading a book without any care in the world. It visibly seemed to be at peace reading the book.

As the small creature enjoyed the book in its hand, a dark portal opened in front of it and two tall figures with different vicious features wearing armor stepped into the hall. Without making any noise they kneeled in front of the creature.

Hours passed by and the two armor-donning figures patiently kneeled in front of the creature not daring to make any sound or any form of disturbance. Waiting for the creature to finish reading the book in its hand and finally spare some attention to them.

"That was a good book," the creature said closing the book. Then it looked at the two figures kneeling by the foot of the pile of books it was sitting on and asked, "What is it?"

"Sir Librarian, young master Zaltan has used his authority to undo your arrangement," one of the creatures in armor informed.

"I thought at least this one would be different," the Librarian uttered and then ordered, "Arrange for him to enter the pit. Let's see if he manages to crawl out of it."

"Yes, Your Highness," the two figures agreed in unison. Then the Librarian looked at them and asked, "What do you think will he be able to survive the pit?"

The two creatures in armor hesitated but the one with seniority responded first, "Your highness, though young master Zaltan is a part of you, he was raised by those pixies and not to mention, young master chose to forgo his innate power system and adapt the power system of the pixies. So, it will be difficult for young master Zaltan to survive the pit."

Listening to his subordinates, the Librarian shook his head and said, "You may be right. As a reward for your loyalty to me, I gave each of you a part of me. Each of you nurtured my part gifted to you into a great warrior or conqueror or scholar however, only the pixies managed to gain my love. So, I would not underestimate them so much."

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