Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1632 Blood Rebirth

Chapter 1632 Blood Rebirth

Date- 13 April 2321

Time- 12:39

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Central Tower

"This is not what you promised me, Wyatt," Colleen fumed with anger.

"I don't make promises I do not plan on keeping, just talk to your daughter and get back to me," Wyatt said nonchalantly ignoring Colleen's rage. He knew Colleen's rage was justified but he did not plan to change his plans for Freedom Fighter just because she was impatient.

"You have gotten too comfortable around me. I'm still your queen," Colleen reminded Wyatt knowing she cannot get an upper hand on him in conversion.

"Yes, my queen," Wyatt said sarcastically, then seeing Colleen's serious face he mocked, "Is this enough, or do you want me to bow to you?"

"You are lucky my granddaughters find you cute, otherwise— hmph," Colleen snorted expressing her dissatisfaction toward Wyatt. Her words hinted to him that knew Ann's feelings for Wyatt and she did not mind it. Wyatt wondered what was Colleen's intent here, was she sabotaging Anna or helping Ann? She did both but the question what did she think she was doing? So, Wyatt responded, "So, I am lucky Anna has a loving grandma such as yourself, I guess."

"Speaking of Freedom Fighters, did you meet Luna? How is she doing?" Colleen asked with a depressed voice.

"Don't you mean how is that traitor doing?" Wyatt frowned his brows seeing Colleen's eyes tremble hearing him call Luna a traitor.

Come to think of it, when the incident happened, Colleen did condemn Luna's action but nothing more than that instead vowed vengeance toward Freedom Fighters. This was surprising considering that Luna's grandmother, Field Marshal Heatsend did not hesitate to disown Luna from their family tree. The Southern Royal family was messed up. For a child carrying their family bloodline to betray them, there were no words for this.

"She is doing exceptionally well, she seems to be more of a fit there than here. Were you aware of her bloodline? I was lucky enough to experience it firsthand, it is strong. How come I have never heard of it before?" Wyatt replied seeing how Colleen seemed to show concern for Luna. Well, it's good to know that not everyone in the Royal family was cold-hearted not that I condemn Field Marhal's actions.

"Yes, she had inherited my sister-in-law's eyes," Colleen answered, her expression improved a little hearing Luna was doing fine. From the looks of it, she did not blame Luna for her choice she seemed to blame Freedom Fighter for corrupting her family's child. Now this Wyatt condemned. Luna was a grown-ass woman she should be held accountable for her actions.

Wyatt shook his head wondering what was going through the head of the Ruler of the South to leave his region under the governess of someone like Colleen when he left for Way Beyond. Did he believe his council would help her? That was how it seemed seeing how it was Lorenzo and Anna's mother doing all the duties of Colleen for her. And now even Ann was added to the mix.

While Colleen was opening up to Wyatt, deepening their relationship from mere acquaintance to a Grandson-in-law and Grandmother-in-law in the penthouse of the central tower in its basement, inside the tunnel of the gate dungeon blood rock cave, vapors of the blood rule began to condense on the ceiling of the tunnel slowly forming droplets of blood rule soon the droplets gather to form a big drop of blood rule which suddenly glowed with a brilliant red light and grew in size morphing into a female humanoid blood rule body.

Corey was here she would recognize this phenomenon as Blood Rule's meaning- Blood Rebirth.

After the blood rule body of the female humanoid was completely formed, she slowly opened her eyes they seemed to be confused, and then collecting her memories she muttered, "Wyatt"

This female humanoid was none other than Bloodette, she only remembers seeing Wyatt enter the dungeon seal and after that, she could not recall anything regardless of how hard she tried. Bloodette tried hard to recall why she had to reconstruct her body using blood rebirth meaning of blood rule. However, it was useless, it was as if she had no recollection of it.

Then feeling like she was forgetting something or someone Bloodette began to gather her thoughts, a few seconds later she suddenly screamed in panic, "Cortney."

Bloodette hurriedly tried to contact Cortney through the bond they shared. But not receiving a reply she began to grow concerned fearing the worst. As before Wyatt arrived Cortney had entered her body to comprehend blood rule making use of her strong affinity to blood rule.

So, seeing how she had just used Blood Rebirth meaning of the blood rule to reconstruct her body Bloodette who could not recall what transpired began to imagine the worst for Cortney who was inside her body practicing her blood rule. However, she did not stop using her bond with Cortney to communicate with her.

Just when she was about to lose all hope, Bloodette suddenly realized that if the bond between her and Cortney was still present then it meant that Cortney was still alive. Then she wondered if Cortney was still alive then why was she not responding to her. So, she began to look for Cortney within her but she could not find her. There was no sign of Cortney within her however the bond between them still existed. Therefore Bloodetted did not lose hope. She continued to try and communicate with Cortney without getting disappointed with every failed attempt.

Bloodette did think of getting help, but because of the Dungeon Seal, she was unable to leave the dungeon or even use her Blood Flash rune. She could no longer sense the blood mark she placed outside in the city. Without the help of Cortney, she could no longer bypass the Dungeon Seal. So all she could do was keep the dungeon gate open hoping that someone from outside would notice and come to her rescue.

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