Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1636 Blood Invoke

Chapter 1636 Blood Invoke

Date- 13 April 2321

Time- 12:39

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Central Tower

At first, Bloodette continued to try and contact Cortney through the bond between them not letting the failure get to her while waiting for the help to arrive from outside as she left the gate of the dungeon sealed open. However, as time passed the toll of the failure kept adding while there was no sign of help from outside. As more time passed Bloodette got more desperate. The feeling that she was not doing enough to get her friend back began to eat at her. Until she could not take it, then decided to break free from the dungeon seal and find the help she needed.

Bloodette kept striking against the dungeon seal with all her might, but it would not budge. The dungeon seal was meant to hold back the blood supreme at her peak so Bloodette's struggle was nothing to it. Not even enough for her to leave a scratch on it.

Frustrated that her attack was having no effect on the dungeon seal Bloodette began to violently attack it but it was all wasted effort. However, just when she thought all hope was lost the Blood Rule stepped up to help her daughter. In a moment of epiphany, Bloodette mastered a new meaning of the blood rule, Blood Invoke.

In a matter of minutes, Bloodette mastered this meaning of the blood rule to ultimate mastery without any obstacles. It was as if this meaning was specially created by the blood rule for Bloodette. However, all that did not matter to Bloodette as she believed that every passing second could prove deadly for her friend.

Blood Invoke was a Blood Rule Meaning that allowed the user to call on their ancestor's spirit for guidance and help through their blood for a limited time. The time limit could be increased with blood. This rule meaning's usefulness varied from user to user. If all of the ancestors of the user were weaker than him then this meaning was totally useless to them. However, if the ancestors of the user were stronger than the user or had higher achievements than the user, then they could call them through their blood for guidance and help, making this Blood Invoke Meaning of the blood rule a game changer for them.

However, this meaning was the best suited for Bloodette, who was the daughter/avatar of the blood rule on the physical plain. This meant that if Bloodette were to use the Blood Invoke Meaning of the blood rule considering that she was the daughter of the blood rule of the card world she could call upon the blood rule itself to guide and help her.

"Blood Invoke," Bloodette chanted having mastered this particular meaning of the blood rule to the ultimate mastery.

Soon the atmosphere in the Blood Rock Cave Gate dungeon stirred up as a bright red pattern began to cover Bloodette's entire blood-rule body. Bloodette was surprised to feel pain all over her blood rule body as the archaic pattern spread across her body from head to toe. Bloodette closed her eyes trying to withstand the pain. Soon the atmosphere in the cave settled as the pattern being imprinted on Bloodette was completed, marking the descent of the power of the Blood rule stream from the world's rule river into Bloodette.

Feeling the power coursing through her body Bloodette opened her eyes and a radiant red light shot out of them. With the newfound powers, Bloodette began to attack the dungeon seal again planning to break free of its imprisonment once and for all. However, she came to realize the cruel reality, even with the help of the blood rule she was still no match for her peak, the Blood Supreme. For whom this dungeon seal was designed to imprison.

Nonetheless, all hope was not last because this time unlike the previous time she was not helpless. Her attacks though not strong enough to break the dungeon seal, it was enough for her to create a minute ripple in it. Which was better than nothing. She believed as long as she kept at this she would be able to break the seal over time through accumulation the ripple would turn into a wave.

Unknown to Bloodette, with every attack that sent a ripple across the dungeon seal she was causing strong tremors in the outside world connected to the seal through the dungeon gate that she had left open. Even if Bloodette knew she would not care, as right now she was focused on using borrowed power to create an opportunity to help her friend.

Bloodette was so caught up in the moment that she never considered using this opportunity to ask the blood rule for the whereabouts of Cortney who was practicing the blood rule inside her body.

'Sometimes one is not limited by their body but mind. The strength and abilities of a person are only as good as their knowledge and experiences.'

Bloodette who currently possessed the blood rule stream of the card world within her did not even know that instead of using it for strength she could use it for guidance. There was only so much the blood rule could do, Bloodette asked for strength to search for answers it showed her Blood Invoke Meaning of the blood rule, now if only Bloodette had asked for guidance then it might have given her the answers she was searching for through strength.

Just as Bloodette was about to attack the dungeon seal with all her might again, she felt the presence of two unknown card apprentices enter the gate of the dungeon seal. So she stopped attacking the dungeon and rushed to the entrance but when she saw two unfamiliar card apprentices enter the dungeon seal Bloodette was alerted instead of being revealed that help was finally here.

"You are alive."

"Who are you?"

Bloodette was surprised that the card master looked at her as if they were friends but she had no recollection of having met this middle-aged card master.

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