Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3479 Mingling

Chapter 3479  Mingling


Davis couldn't help but suddenly burst into a fit of laughter.


Ancestor Dian Alstreim and the others wondered if something had happened to Davis as his laugh really did sound strange.

Indeed, Davis was laughing like an idiot.

He was thinking how funny this was. After all, to come here and get back his family, they couldn't find any other way than to use Fairy Thunderblaze's path.

However, her path may have accidentally disabled the ascension mechanic of the grand formation.

This meant that to leave the Grand Beginnings Continent with his family, Davis had no choice but to trample on Founder Alstreim Windstorm, and from Fairy Thunderblaze's words, his lifespan would be drained the more people would be brought back.

He guessed that even Fairy Thunderblaze wouldn't have expected the ascension mechanic to fail. However, her decision to seal Founder Alstreim Windstorm and sacrifice him to the iridescent vortex was hated by him, but it ironically gave him and his family a way out.

Davis didn't know whether to continue to laugh or cry or slap himself.

Did he owe Fairy Thunderblaze an apology now for her being so thorough with her methods?

Or should he lament Founder Alstreim Windstorm's fate that was hanging by a thread? After all, he really didn't want to leave his people here. The origin of this chapter's debut can be traced to /n/o/vel/b/in.

A while later, his laughter died down, giving him some time to think about alternative ways to exit the Grand Beginnings Continent.

One of them was to exit through the path and hope the ascension mechanism worked again, so Diana and Wayn Nolan could bring everyone else with their ascension.

The other was to…

'See if Evelynn's inheritance palace can once again be used to transport people to the First Haven World…'

He imagined the connection the Three-Eyed Chromatic Hex Arachnid Empress worked so hard to build would've disappeared after they used it to travel. However, if by some luck, it still remained, then he believed with the amount of immortal crystals they were carrying, re-energizing wouldn't be a problem.

'Only if the connection remains…'

Davis inwardly sighed.


Ancestor Dian Alstreim called out to him, causing Davis to come out of his reverie.

"Oh, if it's about the illusion or the danger upon ascension, one doesn't need to worry anymore as that has been taken care of."


Everyone cheered when hearing that from the Divine Emperor of Death itself. They dared not call that name since they learned it was kind of cursed by the heavens.

"But when would this strange restriction that disallows us to ascend come off?" The Karmic Guardian Emperor asked.

"That… I don't know, and good luck."

Davis waved his sleeves and bid goodbye.

Ancestor Dian Alstreim and Ancestor Tirea Snow followed him into the Mortal Hex Emperor Purple Palace, leaving a bunch of Hegemons gawking like little birds.

That's it?

They were extremely curious as to how the Divine Emperor of Death returned. This was supposed to be an impossible feat as no one in its history had returned until recently when an outsider unleashed Vacuous Beasts.

They imagined if he had a way to return here, he would have a way out, but it seems like he wasn't willing to share it.

Still, they were interested in hearing about the First Haven World, but it seemed like he was busy with his family. The Mandate Emperor and Karmic Guardian Emperor were particularly curious about Clara and Tia as they were their disciples.

But a more pressing issue was if they couldn't ascend, then what were they supposed to do? Live out their lives peacefully here?

As cultivators, such a notion made them shudder.

Davis re-entered the Mortal Hex Emperor Purple Palace and headed back to his people, but halfway, he stopped and turned to look at Ancestor Dian Alstreim and Ancestor Tirea Snow, the latter's expression blossoming into a lovely smile.

"I hope you had it easy in the First Haven World."

"I wish…" Davis wryly smiled as he heard Ancestor Tirea Snow's wish, "But… things are fine now. I don't have a suitable way to return yet, but do you want to come with me to the First Haven World?"

"Things have finally stabilized, and the young generation has grown stronger, able to take care of themselves."

Ancestor Dian Alstreim answered, continuing with a smile, "Still, we wouldn't like to impose ourselves over a junior, although we would agree to come with you if you could accommodate our selfish entities."

"Haha. Don't have high hopes. I laughed out loud back because I learned it would not be easy to get out."


The two of them were curious, but Davis waved his hand, "Ancestors, we'll catch up later. We have time until the third night from now, so prepare yourselves if you want to leave, but I will not give any assurance of carrying you all. Otherwise-"

He wanted to say that Founder Alstreim Windstorm might die, but he shook his head, "I'll try to find another way before the third night falls."


Both Ancestors saw that he was under a time limit to get things done, but seeing him be so responsible, they couldn't help but proudly smile.

To them, becoming an immortal had been a dream, but when they saw him, they felt like they could achieve more.

Davis returned to Evelynn. He saw her playing with Evan, allowing him to sit on her lap as she held him, although Even was crying and trying to get away. When Evan saw Davis enter the room, he burst into a river of tears.

"Mommy, save me…."

Evan extended his hand out towards Claire, but she had her eyes narrowed, "Evan, what are you scared of? They're your eldest brother and sister-in-law. Be respectful and behave properly."

"Mother, don't be so harsh on him." Davis chuckled.

"Help me. I have not looked after Evan and Laura much, and Nora is also quite busy with overseeing the family, so the two kids grew to be dependent on each other like you and Clara were…" Claire asked for help through soul transmission, her cheeks rosy as she seemed to be embarrassed.

It wasn't like she neglected them, but she didn't go as far as to coddle them, as these were tough times for the family, with strange things happening one after another.

Davis blinked. He guessed he could move the urgency five minutes later, strode forward, and knelt before Evelynn, looking at Evan's teary eyes.

"What's wrong, third brother? Do you not like me?"

Evan looked towards Laura for help, but she was held in place by Diana, who had an evil grin. Laura was unable to do anything, leaving Evan alone in Evelynn's grasp. They were like bullies, but Davis knew these two were trying these two pipsqueaks to separate as it seemed they were always together.

Normally, Evelynn wouldn't bother, but he could see her showing favoritism for Evan since he carried her father's name, Evan Cauldon.

"Look at me," Davis uttered once again.

It caused Evan to turn silent with a flinch before he tremblingly looked at Davis.

"Whose third brother are you?" Edward interrupted from the side.

"…" Evan blinked adorably, "The Emperor of Death's…?"

Davis couldn't help but smile as his third brother seemed to have heard about him. He also seemed to be responsive to Edward, who continued, "Then be brave. There's no one here who will offend you or scare you except our mother, so raise your head high and make her proud. Do you understand?"


Evan turned to look at Davis again, but he still didn't react. He stared at Davis with his cute purple eyes and black hair. It seemed that he was scared of the blonde hair Davis shared with his mother.

But suddenly, he narrowed his eyes and uttered, "I want to defeat you."


Davis blinked. There was a lag in his brain before he couldn't help but laugh, "Hahaha~ That's interesting."

He thought Evan was scared and introverted, but it seems like his third brother was planning to have a face-off with him and, hence, was scared. His words garnered the shock of the day, while Laura appeared to be impressed as she smiled sweetly.

"That's fine." Davis smirked at Evan and patted his head, "However, you would have a bit of growing up to do first."

"I'm going to become four! I only need…" Evan suddenly counted his fingers, appearing to calculate, "… like twenty-thirty years. Do you dare accept my challenge?"


At this point, Davis had to wonder who fed him heroic stories of cultivators, including his own, as his third brother seemed to have set his sights on him to defeat the legendary first brother to prove himself.

"I accept your challenge. If you run away, I'm gonna whoop your ass."


"Big brother~"

Everyone addressed him for picking on a child, but Davis looked at Evan seriously, causing Evan to also give a solemn nod.

The cuteness alone made Davis want to laugh out loud, but he didn't belittle his third brother.

Davis smiled and turned to look at Laura. She was an adorable one, too, but he didn't know how to interact with her as she kept to herself.

He turned to look at Edward, raising his brows.

"Are you not going to challenge me?"

"Big brother, did you not have enough of whopping my ass in the name of training?" Edward blinked.

"Hahaha. You learned to loosen up, Edward. Good!"

Davis patted Edward's shoulder, causing the latter to smile with a bit of joy as he had just been acknowledged by his first brother.

Meanwhile, Evan gawked as he looked at his second brother giving up.

Was his first brother, who was said to have become an immortal, truly that great?

After dealing with his family members, Davis bid a short farewell and took Evelynn to the Poison Rift Valley, where the inheritance of the Emperor-Tier Three-Eyed Chromatic Hex Arachnid lay in slumber, or was it...?

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