Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1589 Terra

After their discussion, Emery and the group rested for the night. In the first light of day, they quickly made their way towards the Zodiac City teleportation gate to head toward one of the small colonies of this galaxy.

[Terra Kingdom]

Once again, a group of half-bloods like them crossing over from the Zodiac City did not raise any questions. However, as soon as they arrived, Emery was stunned for a moment. He was surprised to see the small but lively town of Terra from his memories was so much different.

He could see barely any people in his sight, the farm on the outskirts of town looked dilapidated as if no one had looked after it in a long time and the streets appeared deserted. 

As he walked through the main street of the town with his pack, Emery could see the fear from the people he happened to meet eyes with. After a while, another question popped up in his mind as he realized something.

“Where are the Terra guards? Why can’t I see any?”

Feeling anxious because of the bizarre sight, Emery hastened his steps as he made his way towards the hill where Terra Palace was located. Upon arrival, he was once again surprised to see a crowd gathered right outside the palace gate.

Hundreds of people lined up in front of a food pantry set up in front of the palace gate, as they received the food distributed by a group of Terra’s guards.

“Don’t worry we have enough for everyone,” said one of the guards in a golden cloak, when he saw a ruckus unfold at the back of the line.

It was quite a sorry sight, enough to make Emery ponder.

How could people be in such poverty that they need to stand in line for food?

Emery was not sure whether he should head to the front and reveal his identity right away. After a round of deliberation, he decided to wait until he found someone he knew. Or better yet, he hoped to meet with one of Izta’s wives.

It was at this time that a huge commotion suddenly sounded amongst the crowd, causing Emery to turn his head. A group of people dressed in dark blue uniforms, numbering more than 50 people, were approaching the palace gate.

A one-eyed middle-age man, who seemed to be the leader of the group, stepped forward and shouted loudly. “The Raven faction is here! Summon your master immediately!”

Hearing those words, the golden-robed Terra guards swiftly sent one of them inside while the others told the masses to disperse, that they should come back later today. Most of the masses quickly dispersed with fear on their faces, while the few dozen who stayed intensely shouted at the Raven faction group.

“Go away!” 

“We don’t want you here!”


Emery silently watched behind the group of people who remained behind as the situation unfolded. He was considering whether he should take action when a familiar person appeared from behind the gate.

A beautiful woman with long dark hair. Her appearance was far more mature than what Emery had seen in the past, but he was still able to recognize her right away. Lord Izta’s youngest wife, Yuria.

She came with a dozen Terra warriors following right behind her. As soon as she saw the visitors, she sported a frown on her face as she said, “Magus Hellast, why are you here? What do you want?!”

The one-eyed magus called Hellast responded by throwing a scroll at her and speaking in a condescending tone. “I came here to collect your debt! Now move out of the way, let us in!”

However, Yuria did not budge from her spot as she said, “Don’t think of us as fools! Our debt is not yet due!”


As if he was expecting such a response, the man casually looked around before turning his gaze towards her and saying, “You are currently giving away our money, so we’re here to make sure we still get something when we take over your kingdom!” He then beckoned his men to move.

Seeing they were trying to force their way in, Yuria took out a knife and pointed it at the man saying, “Get the hell out of my town… on your own feet or in a body bag! Choose!”

However, it didn’t seem like the threat intimidated the one-eyed man. It was apparent he had come ready for a fight.

Hellast chuckled as he put metal gloves on both of his hands and said, “I really hate to hurt that pretty face, but I have jobs to complete.”

Most of the crowd quickly retreated as far as they could as the two groups took up positions in front of the palace gate. The tension could clearly be felt in the air as the fight was about to break out.

“Are you going to help them?” Annara asked, seeing Emery not answer, she added, “Please don’t make any more heroic actions that will reveal our identity.”

Emery understood what she was trying to convey. After considering all the stakes and possibilities, he decided to silently watch the commotion.

After the many years since they last met, Yuria had reached the magus realm as well. Even though she was merely a New Moon stage, she still stood confidently against Hellast, who was a Crescent Moon magus.

The battle broke out. The two leaders disappeared from where they were and started the first clash, employing each of their weapon battle arts. 

Yuria’s figure flickered here and there as she utilized her agility to deliver rapid attacks from unexpected angles. Meanwhile, Hellast responded back with his series of fast explosive punches that were capable of creating air blasts.

Emery frowned slightly when he saw Yuria’s attack was unable to cut through the one-eyed magus’ defensive spell. Even though he seemed overwhelmed at first, her opponent was definitely not a pushover as after a dozen exchanges he seemed to have worked out her technique and Yuria started taking hits.

Seeing this, the fifty Raven warriors started to cheer for their leader. On the other hand, the Terra warriors and the crowd grew emotional. 

“Lady Yuria, fight!”

Yuria was slowly but surely getting pushed back by Hellast, but even though she sustained injuries all over her body, Emery could see the battle spirit of the late combat magus’ wife was still burning fiercely.

When the man least expected it, Emery sensed a familiar battle art emerging from Yuria’s figure. Her body was enveloped in a thin layer of energy that increased her strength. She struck her opponent in the joints, causing him to lose control of his body and fall to his knees.

Yuria step her feet on his hunched back, placed her knife on the one-eyed magus’ neck while saying, “Now get out of my land!” Hearing no response, she pushed the knife deeper until it oozed blood and finally the man spoke.

“Okay! Okay! I understand! Let me go!”

The people of Terra cheered seeing her win. However, as soon as she released the one-eyed man, the latter dealt a blow on her feet that sent her sprawling to the ground.

“Stay down you bitch!” He said hatefully. He then shouted to his men. “Go! Take all their valuables!”


The two sides were about to clash when suddenly a black-robed figure dashed out from the crowd and attacked the one-eyed magus, sending him crashing to the ground hard. 

After taking a moment to get up, Hellast glared at the unknown assailant as he shouted, “Who the fuck are you?!”

Beneath the cloak was the figure of a beautiful red-haired woman. It was none other than Morgana. 

Emery sent Morgana forward, as no one really knew her and to have a female wolf half blood helping Terra should not be much of a risk for him. Plus Morgana had a charm that was great for situations like this.

She unhesitatingly joined the fight after receiving Emery’s words. Noticing the one-eyed man’s glare, she responded with one that was no less intense.

As ominous dark flames appeared in her hands that made it clear she had no qualms about fighting.

“You half blood! What business do you have here? You will regret interfering in this.”

Morgana wasn’t much of a talker, so she curtly said, “Fight or leave”

From the man’s puzzled expression, Emery guessed he did not expect to find another magus protecting the place.

Her fierce attitude was followed by the Terra people’s cheers and with Yuria already on her feet with her knife in hand, the man knew he was at a disadvantage. In the end, he decided to pull back his men and leave. 

“This is not over! We will come back later to claim this land and everything you have!”

Upon seeing the Raven faction’s people leave, Yuria turned to Morgana only to see numerous dark robed figures, all half bloods standing behind her.

Emery speaks to her; “We came to speak with the master of the kingdom.”

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