Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1698 Secret



For the past three weeks, Emery had been an indispensable asset to Master Flemming. He had demonstrated an adept hand and an eager mind, aiding her in her intricate and expansive work. These weeks weren’t just a testament to his reliability, but they also served to foster a deeper connection between the two. The female apothecary master opened the door to her world, sharing with him the fruits of her rigorous toil and expertise.

Emery learned the intricate recipes she had devised, transforming the extraordinary flora of the Demon’s pit into potent potions. The most crucial skill, however, was the extraction and refinement of fuel from the eggs of the Phantom Drider – a task of monumental importance in this fortress, standing as the last bulwark against the orcish tide.

But in this particular moment, Master Flemming intended to share something even more profound. A secret that only a select few – a mere dozen – among the citadel’s inhabitants were privy to. Her voice cut through the humming quiet of the lab, laced with urgency, “Follow me.”

Guiding him through the winding, stone-laden corridors of the citadel, she led him to a nondescript door tucked away at the back. At first glance, the entrance seemed unguarded, an overlooked room amongst the many in the citadel. However, a more careful inspection revealed the high-tier seal etched onto the door, invisible to the untrained eye.

Flemming reached out, her fingertips tracing the arcane symbols lightly. As her unique aura interacted with the seal, it seemed to recognize her, responding to her identity. The seal came to life, an ethereal glow spreading across the door before the solid stone gave way, granting them entrance.

As they crossed the threshold, Emery found himself within a moderately sized hall, an unexpected expanse hidden behind the plain exterior. The room, however, was dwarfed by the impressive structure standing defiantly at its center. A construction of metal, the sight of it commanded immediate attention.

Emery’s eyes widened, a realization blossoming within him. “It’s.. a spaceship!” 

The silence that followed was soon shattered by a haughty, proud voice echoing from a dimly lit corner of the room. “No… no… it’s not just a ship… It’s my baby, the Firefly.”

The voice belonged to Master Borin, the genius inventor within the citadel. The pride and affection in his tone left no room for doubt – this vessel was his creation. He strode forward from the shadows, his gaze locked onto Emery as he questioned Master Flemming. “This is the one you choose? Are you really sure about this, Flemming?”

Her reply was immediate, her tone unyielding as she met Borin’s gaze. “Yes, I am sure.” With that affirmation, she turned her attention back to Emery, ready to reveal the full extent of their secret.

This was not a last-minute plan born out of desperation, but a meticulously designed escape route nine months in the making. A plan known only to a handful of leaders within the citadel, including Master Borin and Master Flemming. The objective was simple but daunting: to escape the orc-infested planet.

Due to the limited availability of resources and Borin’s struggle to engineer a ship robust enough to withstand the peculiar gravity of their world, the Firefly could only accommodate five passengers. Given the widespread desperation to escape this perilous place, the project and its purpose were shrouded in utmost secrecy, shared only with those who needed to know.

The Firefly, as Master Borin affectionately called it, had been completed six months prior. However, the peculiar gravitational forces of the planet had made it necessary to delay the launch, necessitating extensive testing to ensure the vessel could withstand the extraterrestrial pressures. During the last drought event, when the planet’s lava retreated deep into the crust, Borin had made a critical observation. There existed a brief temporal window, in the last hour of the drought, when the returning lava slightly altered the planet’s gravity. This event, though brief, would provide a much-needed boost to ensure the ship’s successful launch.

To illustrate his point, Master Borin revealed a device. Emery watched as the LED display on the device flickered, a digital countdown in stark red numbers:


A little over four days remained until this window of opportunity would open. That would be the launch time of the Firefly.

With the plan laid bare before him, Emery’s role in the grand scheme was finally revealed by Master Flemming. The five seats aboard the Firefly were intended for individuals who met specific criteria. Having the skill sets and ability needed to sneak or fight their way out of the planet, improves their chance of success.

There were also those chosen for their knowledge on the matter of the planets; making both Master Borin and Master Flemming earn a seat. However, in a surprising twist, the female master decided not to go, she found a better replacement for her role.

Flemming turned to Emery, her eyes filled with a strange mix of determination and hope. “You will be taking my seat on the ship,” she announced, her voice resolute and final. This was not a request or an invitation, but a task laid upon him – an immense responsibility.

Emery was taken aback by the enormity of the trust placed in him. But there was no room for him to reject or argue. This was an honor that asked for no approval. Master Flemming, understanding the gravity of the situation, didn’t wait for his response. With an air of stern determination, she announced, “These last three days, I still have something that I need to prepare you for. Come with me.”

To Emery’s surprise, Master Flemming didn’t escort him back to the lab. Instead, she guided him through the maze of the citadel to a heavily guarded chamber – the one where all the Spirit Soul kept. Eighty magus souls glow suspended within a giant glass vessel. 

With a solemn voice, Flemming broke the silence, “You know all about my recipes. Now, I’m going to teach you how to properly handle these souls.” Her gaze met Emery’s, and in her eyes, he saw the gravity of the responsibility he was about to take on.

It dawned on Emery that his primary duty wasn’t just to escape the planet. His real task, the one entrusted to him by Master Flemming, was to guard these souls – remnants of the once-great magus that died on this planet. It was his responsibility to transport this precious cargo back to their home. It was a heavy responsibility, one that Emery could not refuse.

x x x x x x

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