Elite Doting Marriage: Crafty Husband, Aloof Cute Wife

Chapter 1444 - Shotgun Marriage (Part Fifteen)

Chapter 1444: Shotgun Marriage (Part Fifteen)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Xuxu affectionately patted her head. “You’re the clingiest.”

Su Yue stuck her tongue out at her and let go of Zhou Shuang’s arm. She grabbed Bai Jing and said, “Bai Jing, let’s go in quickly. There seem to be many people.”

Xuxu’s gaze shifted to Zhou Shuang’s belly. She rubbed it and commented, “Your stomach is getting bigger by the day. It already seems larger since I saw you two days ago.”

Zhou Shuang’s belly was larger than Xuxu’s when she was about to give birth to Meowmeow and Yangyang.

It was hard to imagine how huge her tummy would be in two more months.

Zhou Shuang frowned. She pouted and said, “I have to eat so much every day. I’m so fat now.”

Xuxu smiled. “Isn’t it good that you get to eat?”

She imagined that Zhou Shuang’s current lifestyle was worse than a panda’s.

“How is that good?” Zhou Shuang frowned. “The more I eat, the fatter I get. My back hurts from just standing around doing nothing.”

She pounded at her back depressingly.

Every day, it troubled her how she was going to lose weight in the future.

Many women return to their original figures after pregnancy. Would she be one of them…?

Xuxu frowned. “Then don’t eat.”

“I don’t want to either.” Zhou Shuang sighed. “You don’t know how his grandfather stares at me as I eat every day.”

His statement had Xuxu dumbfounded.

It seems like all old people are desperate to have grandchildren.

Back then, Mu Li also forced her to eat all kinds of food, but not to the extent that she stared at her as she ate.

Both of them walked into the banquet hall.

From afar, Xuxu saw Lu Yinan happily chatting with the rest. She stared for a while longer, as though she was observing him.

Then she turned to Zhou Shuang with a look of interest. “So how is it?”

Her sudden question confused Zhou Shuang. “How was what?”

Xuxu raised her eyebrow. “How was it like to stay with the Lu’s?”

Zhou Shuang pursed her lips. “It seems dangerous and complicated.”

Xuxu didn’t understand. “How is it dangerous and complicated?”

Although she didn’t go to the Lu’s often and she didn’t know their family well, she understood Old Master Lu quite well. He was an honest, frank, and cheerful man.

The last time they met, she could tell that he was very pleased with Zhou Shuang, not just because of the kids in her belly.

Logically speaking, Zhou Shuang should have been pampered there.

“It’s just a feeling. Lu Yinan’s sisters don’t seem to like me.” Zhou Shuang looked depressed.

Xuxu frowned. “Yishan is quite nice.”

Zhou Shuang replied, “Lu Yishan is fine, but his older sister and his cousins from abroad doesn’t seem to like me.”

Other than Old Master Lu, Xuxu only knew Lu Yishan. She didn’t know the other members of the family at all.

So, she couldn’t judge the situation. She hugged Zhou Shuang’s elbow and smiled. She comforted, “Old Master Lu is the emperor and Lu Yinan is the heir to the throne. As long as the two of them like you, you don’t have to care about the rest.”

She felt that Zhou Shuang already felt aggrieved to have to stay with the Lu’s when she had no official status. There was no need to appease all of them.

Zhou Shuang bowed her head and mumbled, “He doesn’t like me.”

“Ha…” Xuxu suddenly laughed. She stared at Zhou Shuang’s face.

“Shuang, you’re blushing.”

Comments (5)

  • SisNingXiaoXi


    I think Shang is starting to like Lu Yinan ?!!!

  • yonggamhan


    How long would the young masters will know Of MA and SY relationship?

  • fayeatif


    Hope everything will be fine…

Chapter 1445: Shotgun Marriage (Part Sixteen)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Zhou Shuang frowned. “I’m not blushing!”

She bent her head and unconsciously touched her cheeks. Indeed, it was quite warm.

Xuxu glanced at Lu Yinan, who stood a distance away. She inched closer to Xuxu and said in a hushed voice, “Have you fallen for Lu Yinan?”

Zhou Shuang denied in a heartbeat and quipped, “No way! Don’t spew nonsense.”

Her face became redder and she hung her head again. She stole furtive glances at Lu Yinan.

He was clad in a jewel-blue blazer with a white shirt that day. His outfit screamed elegance and nobility from head to toe.

Especially his gold-rimmed spectacles, which made him look gentle and refined.

Zhao Zheng, who was standing nearby, was wearing a pair of similar spectacles, but there was no way he could compare to him.

Xuxu quipped. “Lu Yinan is a very attractive man.”

Zhou Shuang sneered coldly at her comment. “Then why didn’t you fall in love with him?”

Xuxu frowned in exasperation at the woman beside her. “You are lucky that Yan Rusheng didn’t hear this. Both of you will start bickering right away if he did.”

Zhou Shuang cheekily stuck out her tongue. “Seems like you’re rather defensive of him even if he has a mean tongue.”

Xuxu raised her chin smugly. “He is attractive that way, alright?”

“Wen Xuxu, do you still have any sense of shame?” Zhou Shuang grinned as she caressed her cheeks. “Did Yan Rusheng influence you so much?”

“Go away.” Xuxu pushed her hand away.

Both of them strode slowly to the group of men.

All of their gazes landed on Xuxu and Zhou Shuang as they approached.

“Wow. Looks like Zhou Shuang is giving birth soon?” One of them smiled as he stared at her enormous belly.

He then threw a glance at Lu Yinan. “Sissy Lu is becoming a father!”

Lu Yinan’s face fell. “Scram!”

He was used to Zhou Shuang calling him as Sissy Lu, but he couldn’t tolerate others calling him that.

Although Zhou Shuang was bashful, she kept her pride and raised her chin high. “Continue being jealous and envious.”

“Looks like both of you are getting pretty intimate.”

They started a ruckus.

Zhou Shuang frowned and said, “Don’t be so annoying.”

“I’m genuinely curious. Are both of you sharing a bed?”

Ming Ansheng, who rarely joined in the gossip, suddenly interjected.

Zhou Shuang instantly turned as red as a tomato.

Xuxu glared at the men and chided, “Where are all your moral values?”

“We have long abandoned it.”

There was a long pause…

The group of friends began to chat and tease each other and it slowly made the atmosphere lively. Zhao Zheng seemed like an outsider who couldn’t join in their conversation.

Although he dressed smartly in a suit, he wasn’t in the same league as them.

His eyes gleamed with anger and malice at Yan Rusheng. He would make Yan Rusheng pay for all the humiliation he had suffered today and in the past.

“Why is everyone laughing so happily?”

Su Yue brought Bai Jing around and they came back with drinks.

Su Yue squeezed herself amidst the group as she asked them.

Lu Yinan glanced at Su Yue with a grin. “We are discussing some stuff inappropriate for girls of your age. Bring your friend somewhere else.”

Su Yue snorted loudly at Lu Yinan before glancing at Ming Ansheng. “I have fruit juice. Do you want to drink?”

She stretched her hand towards Ming Ansheng.

Someone immediately protested. “Little lass, you only gave Ming Ansheng the drink. It’s so unfair.”

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