Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1251 - Twin Goddesses

Chapter 1251 - Twin Goddesses

Deep beneath the Ivory Castle, Vahn found himself accompanied by Rin, Artoria, Da Vinci, and, even if it might not have been the best idea, Sophia. If she was left with other people, the odds of Sophia running off or playing pranks were close to 100% so, considering her general intrigue in everything, Vahn had allowed her to enter the Welsh Dragon's chamber alongside her mother.

While waiting for the summoning system to finish charging, Vahn was standing idle with Rin's hand linked with his as they made small talk. Though it wasn't necessary for her to be present for what he had planned, she had asked to attend. Considering she would be separating from someone that had shared the same body with her for nearly two years at this point, he wasn't surprised by her wanting to witness the event directly.

When the massive formation finally activated, Vahn gave a curt nod toward Rin before having her move off to the side. He doubted anything would happen if someone else was inside the circle when he activated it but, as there was no reason to take any risks, Vahn felt more at ease with her standing alongside everyone else.

The moment Vahn activated the summoning system, he found himself in the endless black abyss that held the Throne of Heroes. It felt like only a few days had passed since his last visit but, as this was a 'good' thing, Vahn couldn't help but smile as he made his way over to the three stone panels.

After confirming that Ereshkigal was one of the options inscribed into the Throne, Vahn did a soft reset before performing an experiment he had already discussed with the others. This involved him searching up the names of various conceptual entities, the first of which being Maxwell's Demon.

Vahn wasn't at all surprised by the fact that Maxwell's Demon appeared in the list but, when he saw it's Parameters, Skills, and available Classes, he couldn't help blink in surprise. Even relatively normal people had multiple Classes available so, seeing that Maxwell's Demon only had the Caster Class was a mild surprise. What really caught him off guard, however, was the fact that it had null values for all of its Parameters, the only exception being its Noble Phantasm grade. Stranger still was the fact that it only had a single Skill and, for reasons he couldn't understand, completely lacked the Class Skills that should come with being a Caster Servant.

From this simple experiment, Vahn was able to confirm many things. He had the ability to summon conceptual entities, as expected, but he had also learned that there were unexpected 'exceptions' in the Servant-Class System. This was useful information as it implied there was much to learn about the Throne of Heroes, questions that would need answers if he wanted to take full advantage of it in the future.

After resisting the temptation to summon Maxwell's Demon, even though it was the most 'rational' choice to make, Vahn looked up names like Laplace's Demon, the Seven Deadly Sins, and the Seven Virtues. All of these searches bore fruit and, if Vahn really wanted to take advantage of the Throne of Heroes, summoning any one of them would be a tremendous boon to the Empire. After all, it was nearly impossible to kill a conceptual entity without either removing its influence from the world or having one of a few phenomenally powerful Divine Constructs.

With his second experiment a success, Vahn was in a great mood as he keyed in what could be considered one of the most important conceptual entities, Spenta Mainyu. It was the counterpart to Angra Mainyu within Zoroastrianism, representing 'All good in the World'. Though there were no guarantees they would be able to actually counteract Angra Mainyu's influence, Vahn felt that it wasn't a stretch to consider that Spenta Mainyu would have one of the most powerful forms of purification.

To Vahn's surprise, Spenta Mainyu actually had Parameters for itself, unlike the majority of other conceptual entities. Though most of its values were abysmally low, it had EX-Rank Luck and an EX-Ranked Skill called [Guidance of the Wise Lord]. It also had the exceptionally rare Saver-Class, but this wasn't unexpected considering what it represented. According to the description of its Skill, it had the ability to purify the wickedness in all things.

Vahn spent a few moments wondering what influence Spenta Mainyu would have on the World but, as he had already come here for a specific purpose, he eventually set the matter aside before calling up Ereshkigal's name once again. He wasn't surprised when the Administrator of the Throne told him that she needed a new vessel to inhabit so, after a few awkward minutes, Vahn had produced a body that looked almost identical to Ereshkigal, albeit with the internal structure of Rin.

Since it was possible to even use inanimate objects as a vessel, the body he prepared was obviously accepted by the Throne so, after confirming the selection, Vahn found himself back in reality. The vessel he had created was floating in front of him with its arms spread wide, completely nude for all the world to see. It was for this reason that Merlin had not accompanied them today as, quoting the bashful golden-haired Goddess, she would "Tear his eyes out and burn his soul for a thousand years if he dared look upon her n.a.k.e.d form".

As a phenomenal amount of mana was flowing into the vessel he had prepared, Vahn noticed a blue vapor, similar to a ghostly flame, flowing from Rin's body. This made her feel a little weakened but, with her strong body and Ishtar's support, she wasn't in any danger. Vahn breathed a sigh of relief after confirming she was okay. At the same time, the light surrounding Ereshkigal's vessel slowly dissipated as her black crown and raiment took form.

With the possession complete, Ereshkigal slowly peeled her eyes open as she gently descended to the floor. She seemed a little confused at first but, after a few seconds, a radiant smile spread across her face. Then, with a light blush coloring her cheeks, she looked toward him and said, "I feel...closer to you..." while walking over and giving him a hug.

Vahn obviously didn't refuse Ereshkigal's affection but, before they could enjoy the moment, another figure pressed into his back, wrapping its arms around and making its two soft mounds known as Ishtar teased, "Now we can have even more fun together~"

Ereshkigal had a slightly annoyed expression on her face in response to her sister's interruption but, rather than argue against her, she ultimately gave a small nod that caused Ishtar to laugh. With this, Vahn knew he was in for a long night as he would now have to contend against two Goddesses at the same time, rather than tending to them one at a time. This was well within his capabilities but, just imagining the two sisters overlapped with each other caused his heart to flutter...

Ishtar was 'very' sensitive to such thoughts so she began to playfully nibble on his ear until Vahn ultimately shrugged the two sisters off after mumbling in a stern tone, "Behave in front of Sophia." This caused Ishtar to poke her tongue out at him but she still obeyed by returning control over to Rin. In truth, Ishtar had a long-lasting rivalry with her sister so, now that they could both manifest at the same time, she was really looking forward to how they would compete against each other in the near future.


After discussing the results of his experiment with Da Vinci, Vahn escorted her and Sophia back to the Workshop before regrouping with Rin and Ereshkigal. Artoria had already returned to her own duties so, after dismissing Gareth, Vahn was left alone with the two nearly identical women and his three lovable little children.

Ereshkigal was cradling Daiki in her arm while Naavi sat obediently in her lap with an almost identical smile on her face. As for Rin or, more specifically, Ishtar, she was playing with Isanna's hair while the young Vanir was looking around the room with a bored expression. When she noticed his arrival, however, Isanna adopted her usual smile as she hopped out of Ishtar's lap and exclaimed, "Papa~!" in a happy tone.

In the next moment, Vahn found himself catching Isanna out of the air after she teleported right in front of him. Though she could have easily just floated on her own, she had triggered his fatherly proximity system, meaning her fate had been sealed. As a result, Isanna was giggling and laughing as he snatched her out of the air and carried her over to the sofa to sit between the two Goddesses.

Ishtar had a pretend pout on her face as she complained, "Isanna, you can't just leave Mommy like that. You'll break our heart, you know~?" In response to this, Isanna giggled mischievously before hugging him tightly and replying, "Isanna loves Papa and Daiki the most though~?" before laughing once again as her mother puffed out her cheeks adorably...

After a bit of reshuffling, Vahn ended up with Isanna and Naavi seated in his lap while he had Daiki leaning against his chest. His sides were occupied by Rin and Ereshkigal as they all enjoyed some family bonding time. This time around, they weren't watching one of his memories, but a children's movie that was popular in the outside world. Isanna and Naavi had a mental age of 8 and 5 so they could easily follow along with the plot while happily picking away at a plate of mochi he had set out for them.

Vahn really enjoyed spending time with his family like this but, as it was already pretty late, it wasn't long before Naavi had joined Daiki, falling asleep while leaning lazily against him. Thus, despite a few complaints from Isanna, Vahn carried all three of them to their bedroom before tucking them into a customized crib. Isanna and Naavi were already too big for a crib and, as Daiki was usually snuggly tucked between them, there wasn't any danger in them sleeping in a 'relatively' normal bed. In the future, this room would be shared by the two sisters while Daiki would eventually have to move into the room on the opposite side. He expected the girls to complain quite a bit but, as he was worried about how Daiki would develop if he was constantly pampered by his sisters, Vahn was building his resolve against their inevitable tears...

Once the children were tucked in, Vahn gave a polite greeting to the Governesses assigned to the triplets before retiring to Rin's room. He had already expected Ishtar to pull something but Vahn was still pleasantly surprised upon entering the room. He found the two sister Goddesses wearing their raiments as Ishtar straddled Ereshkigal from above as the two shared a very passionate kiss. It was a sight to behold so Vahn leaned against the threshold of the door for a while, curious to see how long they could keep it up...

Ishtar was obviously aware of his presence but, pretending to be ignorant, she continued egging her sister onward until her knee was between the golden-goddess' thighs, This caused Ereshkigal to pull her lips free as she bit on her finger to stifle a m.o.a.n. It was only after this that Ishtar sat at the side with a flushed face as she wiped away a layer of moisture from her lips and asked, "We don't mind if you want to watch, but our sister may not appreciate it nearly as much~"

Ereshkigal weakly raised her body after hearing Isthar's words, causing Vahn to swallow audibly as she looked towards him with a pleading expression and mewled, "Vahnnn..." He obviously couldn't just stand idle after she called out his name so, using [Shundo], Vahn immediately appeared in the bed. After this, Ishtar practically glued herself to him as she leaned against his back and whispered into his ear, "You'll make us jealous if you only pay attention to our sister..."

Rather than get fl.u.s.tered, Vahn released a lighthearted laugh in response to Ishtar's words before snaking his body around her and pulling her body to his front. She issued a playful 'kyaa' and was going to tease him more but, before she was able to, Vahn was already leaning over her with a wolfish grin on his face. This caused Ishtar a moment of pause as her eyes widened slightly and a light flush covered her cheeks. Inside of her body, Rin was tomato red as, from her perspective, she could see a rosy color surrounding Vahn's figure as he slowly leaned down and began kissing her counterpart's lips.

Despite his 'focus' on Ishtar, Vahn had extended his left hand to Ereshkigal as she sat close at his side. She took the initiative to gingerly kiss and suckle at his fingers before moving on to licking and sucking them. Once her tensions had built up a bit, he removed his hand from her mouth before finally releasing Ishtar from his devilish tongue. Despite being a Goddess of S.e.x, Ishtar rarely had the advantage against Vahn as, perhaps due to Freya's training, Goddesses of S.e.x were surprisingly easy for him to handle.

After pulling Ishtar to a seated position, Vahn had the two twins leaning against him as he took turns kissing them. At the same time, his hands had snuck around to their backs and, with them leaning forward slightly, he had easy access to their impeccably soft butts and the moist gardens nearby. In this position, he could easily work on both girls in a way that few could match. He could even make his fingers slightly thicker and longer so that all of their weak spots were within reach, causing both Goddesses to shake and tremble as he prevented their escape.

Though Ishtar should be able to easily outlast Ereshkigal, Vahn made sure to measure his actions so that the two climaxed at the same time. He knew that Ishtar had a strange complex toward her sister so heh intended to make it as difficult as possible for her to achieve any kind of 'victory' against the comparably innocent Goddess. As for Ereshkigal, she wasn't competitive at all and, unless Ishtar was the one to initiate something, she just went with the flow with an obedient eagerness that was, in more ways than one, very endearing.

At this point, Vahn felt it wouldn't be long before even Ereshkigal tried to attack him so, before he lost the initiative, he released the two from his embrace, allowing them to plop onto the bed with flushed faces and glazed eyes. Then, to prevent Ishtar from trying to get any kind of advantage, Vahn put a little bit of strength into his palm as he pushed her down to the bed. This caused Ishtar to lick her lips in expectation, at least until she heard him say, "Ereshkigal, I want you to straddle your sister. Line up your h.i.p.s as much as possible..."

Ishtar began to breathe a little faster but, instead of refusing Vahn's arrangement, she just spread her legs wide since she knew what he had in mind. Whenever he would invite other women to share her bed, she was usually the one on top so, while frustrating, it was actually exciting to be pinned down, at least every now and then. She could see how nervous her sister was so, while their positions were the opposite of expectations, Ishtar still felt like she was in the dominant position as she sn.a.k.e.d her arms around Ereshkigal's neck as if ensnaring her.

Vahn felt a little helpless seeing how the two sisters interacted but, with one of the most beautiful sights conceivable in front of him, he was easily distracted. There was nothing quite like seeing two women perfectly lined up against each other, especially if they were twins. Thus, without wasting any time, Vahn positioned himself between them, using their plump pelvic mounds like a tunnel as his glans, already suffused with a rainbow hue, poked and prodded their c.l.i.t.o.r.i.ses simultaneously. Then, just as Ereshkigal was nearing a climax, Vahn adjusted his angle enough to give Ishtar quite the surprise when he suddenly knocked against her cervix in the return thrust.

In this manner, Vahn took turns pistoning the two Goddesses, chaining together an equal number of climaxes without giving them any time to relax. Though this required him to focus on Ishtar quite a bit more than Ereshkigal, the latter didn't seem to mind it at all as she left several visible hickeys on the former's neck. She actually didn't care about s.e.x all that much, only the emotional connection it allowed her to experience with the people she loved. She would be content just sitting in silence and holding hands so, with Vahn massaging her lower back and butt, she was perfectly content 'helping' conquer her sister completely.

As could be expected from Goddesses, Ereshkigal and Ishtar had seemingly limitless stamina so, after five hours and several position changes, Vahn brought things to an end by initiating a very weak version of a meld. This caused Ishtar's eyes to glaze over completely as she had been riding his h.i.p.s while, at the side, Ereshkigal dug her nails into his arm as his fingers targetted her weak spots with unerring accuracy.

By the time the short meld had ended, a section of the bedspread now glimmered like divine silk while the headboard, which was made of a lavish, richly colored wood, now had a slight gold hue to it. Vahn knew that a meld could cause the objects in the surroundings to be refined by the melding Divinities so he wasn't too surprised by this occurrence. Instead, he had a contented smile on his face as the two Goddesses used his chest as a pillow while trying to regulate their breathing. Ishtar could keep going but, as she needed to give Rin a chance to have some fun, she ultimately tapped out after falling silent for several minutes.

With Rin back in control of her own body, she curled up into a fetal position with her body trembling madly as a result of the ambient energies in her body. She couldn't help but curse Vahn and Ishtar, causing the latter's laughter to resound in her mind while the former began to stroke her back in a gentle and calming manner. This didn't last too long, however, as Ereshkigal eventually tidied herself up to go tend to the children, leaving Rin at the mercy of a tyrannical wolf and an unyielding dragon that seemed as indomitable as the infinite sky above...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Angra Mainyu's counter!?','Quality time xD','RIP Rin')

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