Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1365 - Setting Things in Motion

Chapter 1365 - Setting Things in Motion

Though it was a hard-fought victory, Vahn still had the absolute advantage of his Innates, combined with the simple fact that his Memory Fragment lacked Sis to help pull him back from the brink. As a result, it ended up transforming into a pretty terrifying monstrosity that required the combined use of [Enkidu] and Emperor of Light to ultimately put down.

Every time Vahn fought his Memory Fragment, he was reminded how much he held back in the majority of his battles. However, while he was comfortable with exploiting his transformative abilities to a certain extent, he didn't want to be recognized as a monster. Ideally, he would assume a form that inspired hope in those viewing him for the first time, not nightmares.

Much like how Fenrir could conceivably devour reality itself, Vahn could use his abilities to achieve a similar result, if he wanted to. After all, he could produce a functionally infinite amount of matter using his own body as a catalyst, eventually growing to the point where he was large enough to devour entire planets. This wasn't an exaggeration either as, during one of his experiments with Da Vinci, Vahn had grown to a size large enough to fill a 500x500m testing room.

Though it was challenging to maintain a human form while exponentially increasing his size, a trait of Illya's he was slightly envious of, that didn't mean he couldn't continue growing. Instead, by turning into a pseudo-liquid form, where each of his cells served as super-dense sensory organs, Vahn could increase his size without limit. He could grow to fill any volume or cover any surface; there were no limits, only his inhibitions...


Opening his eyes, Vahn found himself in the same location he had been in prior to entering into the [Space-Time Orb]. This didn't mean his position hadn't changed, however, as he had 'entrusted' his body to Nobunaga before submerging. As a result, he awoke to find his hands cuffed to the sturdy headboard while the mischevious beauty straddled his hips, a sadistic grin on her face as she mused, "What a shame...had you been less punctual, I would have been able to play around~"

Following her statement, Nobunaga bent her body down, her breasts pressing against him as bit the lobe of his right ear. Unfortunately, her actions had upset the nearby Aeterna, who, seeing Vahn get 'bullied,' began to flare up within her Faerie Lantern.

Before Aeterna could set fire to the bedspread, Vahn liberated his right hand from the cuffs without any difficulty, saying, "Don't worry, Ae, she is only playing around. Remember, you promised not to burn anything without permission..."

Even before Vahn had finished speaking, Aeterna had cooled off, the flames comprising her body turning a docile shade of magenta as she sulkily stated, "I don't like seeing you get bullied..."

Hearing the adorable fae express her concerns, Vahn's couldn't help but smile while Nobunaga, feeling a bit of sweat on her back, said, "Hey, now, I'm not bullying anyone. I'm just playing around a bit. Did you see how easily Vahn got out of those cuffs? It is just a game, a game, okay?"

Aeterna had, indeed, seen how easily Vahn escaped the shiny metallic cuffs, so she ultimately chose to believe Nobunaga's words. This, unfortunately, planted the thought it in her mind that Vahn liked to be bound with chains, at least to the point that he treated it as a game. When she returned to the Great Forge, Aeterna decided she would work with her sisters to create some durable chains as a gift, believing it would make him happy.

Unaware that Nobunaga had 'corrupted' the innocent Aeterna, Vahn released a small laugh while his right hand sneakily moved to pinch the former's butt. Nobunaga had seen this coming, so she made a half-hearted attempt to block his actions, ultimately failing due to her ongoing effort to coax the fiery spirit staring back at her...


After teasing Nobunaga a bit, Vahn took Aeterna back to the Great Forge. While he was there, he talked with the Gwent about a few of their ongoing construction projects and the possibility of allowing more Dwarves to reside in the Undercity. Since Gwent had already received the title of Lord, Vahn ultimately left the decision to him. So long as the people he invited were willing to follow the Common Law, he had absolutely no problem with welcoming more Spirits.

Though it was somewhat unnecessary, Gwent made a big show of bowing his head in public. This was his way of expressing gratitude for Vahn's benevolence and a means of showing respect. After all, it was a pretty big deal that Vahn had entrusted the matter to him, showing just how much the Emperor respected his past promises. The Empire provided them with an excess of resources, fine alcohol, and delicious food, so, for Vahn to also allow them some degree of sovereignty, it left a deep impression on every resident of the Undercity.

Vahn understood the intentions behind Gwent's gesture, so, playing to the Dwarve's sensibilities, he helped the Elder Dwarf rise to his feet rather than order him to stand. This didn't necessarily convey that they were equals but, from the very beginning, Vahn had always intended to build a relationship based on mutual respect. He would be firm and ruthless when necessary, but, so long as the people in his charge lived peaceful and productive lives, Vahn would never look down on them...

With his business in the Undercity finished, Vahn had to refuse Gwent's offer to join them in their usual festivities as he was too busy to spend a few hours just drinking and partying. He promised to stay longer during one of his future visits, but, for now, there were pressing matters to attend. It was almost time for him to take his children to school, an event that would be immediately followed by a meeting with Solon.

After deciding to move forward with his plans, Vahn needed to take proactive steps to finish one of his active Quests, [World Power]. He would soon be completing the Objective of defeating a total of ten Dead Apostle Ancestors but, before that, Vahn wanted to make the irritable hermit into his subordinate, officially. If he couldn't even achieve this, jumping through hoops to summon the Pontiff of the Holy Church would be pointless.

Vahn was hoping that Solon would willingly agree to his offer as he had already completed most of the Optional Objectives at this point. Obtaining the five-billion OP reward would make his plans easier to actualize while the [Heaven's Mandate], [Seal of Heaven], and [Imperial Reglia] would undoubtedly prove useful. If they performed similarly to historical versions of the items, Vahn might be able to prevent even more unnecessary deaths.

With this in mind, Vahn teleported back to the castle to discuss matters with Artoria before meeting with the children at the Transfer Room. He was already discussing things with Merlin, as the flowery Magus knew Solon best, but it was still essential to get Artoria's input. She was his Empress and, in more ways than one, an important Advisor who also served as one of his moral compasses. He knew better than everyone else just how extreme his decisions could be at times so, when the opportunity presented itself, Vahn would always defer to those he trusted...

Since he had already sensed it, Vahn wasn't surprised to find Boudica, Nero, and Grey accompanying Artoria. Boudica spent most of her free time caring for Artoria, so, with her upcoming deployment, it wasn't surprising to find them together. She genuinely treated Artoria like one of her daughters, and, for the most part, Artoria reciprocated these feelings. As a result, they had a very close and personal relationship; one Vahn tried not to pry into too much.

Seeing who had arrived, all of the girls within the room immediately rose to their feet, Nero included. She was a little slower than the rest, but that was to be expected considering her status, nature, and other hidden factors. Still, her rising was an indicator of progress, so Vahn gave an appreciative nod in response to the group's courtesy, saying, "Please, be at ease. This is as much Artoria's room as it is my own. You are her guests, so there is no need for such formalities."

Though the women all gave affirmative responses, none of them took a seat until Vahn had approached t. This was a basic etiquette for them, a general courtesy of sorts toward the man they unilaterally respected or loved. Vahn understood this, of course, so his words were also a courtesy. After all, he knew what kind of woman Artoria was, a serious woman who would never breach etiquette unless 'forced' under specific circumstances.

Since the burden fell to him to start the conversation, as he had intruded upon them, Vahn leaned back against the sofa while asking, "Might I inquire as to what you four were discussing?"

With Vahn sitting in a relaxed manner, everyone else visibly relaxed as Artoria answered, "There were a few matters between Nero and Boudica that warranted a discussion. It is of no great importance to the Empire; just a means to build rapport and clear up misunderstandings."

Historically, Boudica and Nero had been enemies on opposite sides of a war. Nero's army had even been directly responsible for Boudica's defeat and subsequent death, so, in more ways than one, she could be considered the tragic Queen's nemesis. Fortunately, Boudica was a sensible woman who showed special consideration for others, especially if they were females. She had learned much from Merlin about the events taking place during her lifetime so, even before Nero's summoning, there had been no ongoing animosity between them.

Boudica's real enemies had been the same as Nero's, the corrupt officials that had ultimately led Rome, one of the greatest Empires in history, to ruin. Nero had even publically admonished those responsible for her Kingdom's ruin, trying and hanging them for their crimes. Since she was just another victim of the circumstances she had been thrown into, Boudica didn't have the heart to lay blame on Nero for the actions of others.

The purpose of their current conversation was to explain their perspective on events that had taken place during the conflict as Merlin, despite his nigh-omniscience, couldn't guess the real motives behind why people behaved the way they did. He hadn't even been alive at the time so, while he had memories of the conflict and could recount the sequence of events with absolute accuracy, the way he recounted things felt distinctly impersonal. Though he tried to make up for this with his illusions, it wasn't exactly pleasant to re-experience the events that had scarred you in vivid detail...

Vahn had already agreed to summon Boudica's daughters in the future and, if she so chose, he would even revive her deceased husband. This knowledge gave her great peace of mind as, even if the current version of herself died, Vahn could resummon her original self to make good on their promise. Thus, rather than harbor hatred toward Nero, Boudica felt a great deal of concern and empathy for her former enemy.

Just like she was able to see through Artoria with considerable ease, Boudica could tell that Nero had grown up without a mother's love. Instead, her mother had been the contributing factor to most of the tragic moments in her life. This filled Boudica with a form of grief unique to mothers who had experienced great tragedy throughout their lives, specifically those related to their children. She had lost her daughters in an incredibly unjust fashion, so, rather than be offended by Nero's behavior, Boudica couldn't help but feel pained by how comprehensively the former had buried her actual emotions...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Word Devourer Vahn','Aeterna don't play...unless it is time to play?','Boudica needs to be careful around Mama's Boy Mason xD...','There are few greater tragedies than a child's life being ruined by their parents'

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