Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 968  I am a mer and not a toy ——2

968  I am a mer and not a toy ——2


Min Yan had indeed pushed Yu Le around a bit too much, the very next day Li Sangyu married Min Yan, and the latter asserted his dominance over Yu Le, saying that even though Yu Le was the official husband of Li Sangyu, it will not take long for Min Yan to take his position.

And it happened just as Min Yan told him, even though Yu Le was the official husband, he literally had no authority in the Li house. He was not even allowed to take a day off if he was to fall sick and was pushed to the fields by Old Master Li. And now Li Sangyu wanted him to come back with her to that hell hole? No way!

Yu Le dumped the hoe on Li Sanyu’s feet and then turned around to walk away. His actions captivated the attention of many mers who looked at the fierce actions of Yu Le. This mer despite being divorced was indeed amazing, at least he was able to talk back to his wife! Yu Le was simply way too imposing in their eyes as they couldn’t even think of retorting their wives, even though Yu Dong made sure that no woman would hit her husband behind closed doors it did not mean that it did not happen!

If they talked like Yu Le with their wives, then they will be divorced the next second! 𝓝𝗈𝗏𝐄𝐿𝓊𝑠𝐁.𝕔𝒪𝓂

At the same time, some women thought that Yu Le was being too much. Even if Li Sangyu and him were now separated there was no need for him to be so fierce like this towards his ex-wife. He was fortunate enough that his wife came to look for him and yet he was acting all haughty! If

Li Sangyu was to stop paying attention to him, what will he do? There was a limit to playing hard! He should just stop pretending and go back with Li Sangyu when the latter was still willing to take him in after all, what could a divorce mer even do?!

Li Sangyu’s expression was dark as she looked at Yu Le and tried to pull him towards him. She spoke in a low voice, ” We can talk this out, Ah Le. Think about Yuya, she needs her mother.” More importantly, it was too embarrassing for her to air their dirty laundry out in the open.

However, Yu Le’s anger only got more flared up when he heard Li Sangyu mention Li Yuya. He raised his foot and kicked Li Sangyu in the leg but because he was a mer, his kick did not do much damage and only left a footprint on Li Sangyu’s pants.

He glared at Li Sangyu and challenged her, ” Now you know how to think about Yuya? Why didn’t I see you worrying about her when she was being called jinxed by your family and was being beaten black and blue by your family? Did you stand up against Min Yan when he blamed my daughter for something that he did? You are shameless Li Sangyu! You better go back and leave me alone, if your husband sees us together he will make a ruckus again and I don’t want that mer to call me a mer wh*re who intervened between the two of you !”

With that, he twisted his waist and walked away.

Li Sangyu’s expression darkened even further as she shouted after Yu Le, ” You are my official husband, who dares to call you a mer wh*re!?”

This was a heavy slap on Min Yan’s face who was hiding behind the tree trunk and listening to Yu Le and Li Sangyu’s quibbling. He had always danced on top of Yu Le’s head by saying that he was Li Sangyu’s only lover and it was Yu Le who came in between them. Li Sangyu never interfered either when he was teaching Yu Le a lesson but now Li Sangyu exclaimed that Yu Le was her official husband?

Then what was he? A mer concubine?!


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