Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 982  Fool courting death ——2

982  Fool courting death ——2

 Only then did Lang Ru realise that Yu Mai was holding himself back because of her. She turned to look at Yu Mai whose expression was awkward as if a cat was caught stealing cream, seeing this, Lang Ru wished to slap herself in the face. n0𝑽𝓔𝐋𝓊𝑠𝚋.𝗰0𝓶

Her daddy told her that she needed to be polite and make sure that the mer she was vowing would get everything that he liked but here she was becoming the biggest obstacle in letting Yu Mai have his fun. Thus, she smiled and then said with a jolly voice, ” Who told you that scholars cannot play in the mud? I came from the countryside and thus it is all right for me to play around.”

Lang Ru was of course lying, scholars were supposed to be dignified all the time but for the sake of impressing Yu Mai for their happy future, she was willing to go all out!

” Really?” Yu Mai’s eyes lit up as he jumped up in joy, if Sister Ru could play with him then he wouldn’t have to worry about his brothers-in-law getting angry at him. He immediately rushed towards the creek while dragging Lang Ru with him, as he caught hold of Lang Ru’s wrist, the latter shot a proactive look at Nie Liang whose expression turned sour.

But when she thought about how Lang Ru was just the daughter of a servant, she calmed down and did not say anything.

Yu Mai happily looked around for loaches this time he did not even care that Lang Ru’s brilliant white robes were covered in mud and even Lang Ru did not stop him, instead, she dotingly allowed Yu Mai to drag her around. As long as Yu Mai remembered how she was with him through thick and thin, he ought to agree to her proposal!

” Mai, ask your goat to take care of my livestock as well!”

When Yu Dong asked the villagers to rent their lands to her for a fifty-fifty profit, Ping Jeng wanted to grab hold of those seeds as well but when she found out that all the vegetables would be sold by Yu Dong and she would only get a fifty per cent share after renting out her land, she was not willing.

Clearly, Yu Dong and her mers earned a huge amount so why should she share her money with them? They were renting out the lands and they were the ones who were working hard in the fields, so what rights Yu Dong had to grab a fifty per cent share from their hard work? Wasn’t she clearly mooching off their hard work?

Thus, she refused to sign the contract but when Peng Jing saw that the villagers’ lives were getting better she was jealous of their development.

Thus a sneaky thought came into her mind, what if she were to steal a small amount of manure from the Yu family and grow her own vegetables? If that were the case then she would be able to open her own shop and sell the vegetables at her own price.

Fortunately, Peng Jing’s idea worked and the spiritual energy in the cow dung helped her crops grow really well but she did not know that the cow dung from the Yu family’s livestock only accelerated the growth of the vegetables and other than that nothing else changed!

In the end, the sweetness and the wonderful taste of the vegetables all came from the spiritual energy that was instilled in the seeds provided by Yu Dong, however, Peng Jing who was drowning in success couldn’t care less! And as she hadn’t tasted the vegetables of the Yu family’s farm she thought that she was doing nothing wrong!

And she had no idea what kind of danger she was attracting.


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