Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1302: Dao of Gold and Fire

Chapter 1302: Dao of Gold and Fire

No matter how furious she was, how merciless she wanted to be, and how badly she wanted to kill Wu Yu, the one she killed was just one of Wu Yu's 100,000 doppelgangers.

"That's a clone?" The mystical dragons around her were enlightened. They finally understood why Wu Yu would be so daring.

"Find him! Find the real body, I'm going to rip him into a thousand pieces!" the Purple Skies Empyrean Dragon howled towards the sky.

"But... Are we not hunting other prisoners now?"

"We get him first! I'll send him to hell!"

"Big Sister Tian Zi, you will fall for his trick if you are enraged. He's humiliating you intentionally. You are a million times more beautiful and powerful than Luo Pin!"

"She's right. Don't fall for his trick. He is trying to enrage you so you will be distracted from hunting prisoners."

The Purple Skies Empyrean Dragon said, "I know. Don't I understand it? However, I still want to kill him! No one has ever dared to humiliate me like him!"

Although she was raging on her end, Wu Yu was too lazy to be bothered by her. He had started preparing to hunt down his first prisoner.

His 100,000 doppelgangers were scattered across the entire Dragon Emperor's Purgatory. Basically, most of them had found the locations of Dragon Emperor's Prisons. Now they were just waiting for Wu Yu's real body to head over for the kill.

At the same time, he was still searching for that voice.

Wu Yu told the Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi about what happened with the Purple Skies Empyrean Dragon.

"Brother, you are at fault here. Beautiful girls are supposed to be doted on and loved. Yet you were so crude to her and described her as the corpse of a wild boar. That's too brutal." The Full Moon of Nanshan chuckled.

"No, you were right. That ugly woman dared to insult Big Sister Luo Pin. She's a pile of crap, and whoever gets close to her would stink!"

"Don't. You guys better not team up to bully the beauty. As long as she has the looks and is voluptuous, she's sinless even if she has committed heinous crimes."

"What if she kills you?" Ye Xixi pouted.

"To die under the skirt of a beautiful girl would still be worth it. A small brat like you would never understand this."

"What small brat are you speaking of!? Don't assume I don't understand. I'm even older than you, and you should be addressing me as ‘big sister!’" Ye Xixi answered grudgingly.

While they were quarrelling, Wu Yu had locked on to his first prey and was ready to strike.

This Dragon Emperor's Prison was located deep under the sea trench. It was pitch-black and would be easily neglected by others. However, when Wu Yu was searching around previously, he noticed a Dragon Emperor's Prison in this place.

When he dispatched his doppelganger over to take a look again, it was still here.

There were still lots of Dragon Emperor's Prisons hidden within the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory that had gone undiscovered.

On the main doors to the prison, one could see the identity, strength, and sins of the prisoner.

The target Wu Yu had locked on to was at the sixth tier of the Nine Xuan Dao Realm, or equivalent to a 6-Xuan immortal.

His cultivation level was similar to Xue Bingyi’s.

However, he had cultivated for several yuan. Coupled with the fact that he was a sinner, his battle strength was even more frightening.

One huge weakness that these prisoners had was that they were in bad condition as they had been imprisoned for many years in this place where immortal qi was scarce.

It would be compelling if they retained 80% of their peak battle strength.

"Crimson Demon Horned Dragon. Sixth tier of the Nine Xuan Dao Realm. Cultivated for six yuan. Crime: Traitor of the mystical dragon tribe and caused the deaths of 23 companions."

Capital punishment awaited the traitors of the mystical dragon tribe.

Moreover, the betrayal of the Crimson Demon Horned Dragon had even caused the deaths of 23 companions. This was indeed not exonerable.

Perhaps because he had heard the commotion outside, the Crimson Demon Horned Dragon remarked anxiously with his hoarse voice, "Is someone here? Did someone finally find this place? Open the door, quickly! I can’t wait a moment longer! Hurry up! My Purgatory Immortal Design has been waiting for you for a long time."

Wu Yu had thought that the prisoners were hiding within their prisons, afraid to be discovered. However, he was wrong. Each and every prisoner desired to be found. Either they would die or they could have an opportunity to leave. Otherwise, without immortal qi for cultivating here, they would only be left with emptiness and loneliness. It would be worse than death.

"Alright. I'll give you a chance of survival, then."

Wu Yu opened the doors to the prison with the Dragon Emperor Immortal Design on his arm. Once he entered, the doors to the prison slammed shut. Only one of them could exit from this prison.

It was dimly lit in the place, but it was rather spacious. At one corner, Wu Yu could see a dragon drenched in blood. The dragon scales on him were all removed. Perhaps this was a punishment, or he could have done it to himself.

That crimson mystical dragon lifted his head, smiled tragically, and said, "Are you surprised? You are right. I did this to myself. I was very bored and could only remove my scales to count the days. Only by doing that can I know that a thousand years have passed and I'll have the opportunity to leave again."

"The shame is that you are unlucky to run into me."

The other party chuckled. "It doesn't matter. Dying in battle is also a form of liberation. This is something you wouldn't understand. However, you aren't a mystical dragon, are you? This is really, really rare, right?"

"If you want to be liberated, I can grant you a quick death."

The other party cracked up. "Alright. I'll be direct too. I'll be taking your Dragon Emperor Immortal Design!"

The prisoners were in a passive state. They couldn't choose their opponents and could only be chosen. Therefore, for battles within the prisons, prisoners often died or were injured in battle. To prevent themselves from elimination, most people would definitely choose those that were weaker than them.

Losing was often the exception.

However, the prisoners were all willing to fight to leave. As long as they could defeat the first person, they could get out and choose their opponents.

Wu Yu was tight on time!

At this point, he struck decisively!

"Immortal Cloud Field!"

At the first instant, dense clouds filled the entire prison. The other party had no place to hide before being surrounded by the Somersault Cloud.

"Spirit Chaser Art!"

The second attack shocked his spirit!

Before the Crimson Demon Horned Dragon could launch his attack, he was restricted entirely by Wu Yu. The Spirit Chaser Art stunted his spirit, and his physical body was plunged into a swamp.

"100,000 Dragons Immortal Butchering Design!"

Wu Yu darted forward with the Luminary Celestial Dragon Mantra Sword in his hand.

The Crimson Demon Horned Dragon was ferocious, experienced in battle, and had an exceptionally strong will. However, injuries plagued his body and he had limited immortal energy left. His strength wasn't even comparable to Xue Bingyi’s.

Wu Yu attacked relentlessly and ended his life amidst the blood-red gaze of the Crimson Demon Horned Dragon.

Before the Crimson Demon Horned Dragon passed away, he said, "I think I'm dying in the hands of an incredible existence. Your future is limitless. Thank you....

"My brothers, I'm finally liberated. I'm coming to accompany you all...."

His immortal spirit shattered.

A pitiful person probably had a deplorable side.

Wu Yu had not given up on his initial plan - he devoured the Crimson Demon Horned Dragon. This was because he knew that with his current strength, he couldn't possibly compete with those elite participants. It had been seven years since he had devoured anything, so he was starting to feel foreign to such sensations.

However, the clarity over the last seven years was beneficial to him. At the very least, it wasn't easy for him to lose himself right now. The Crimson Demon Horned Dragon wasn't going to make him lose his composure.

His Dragon Emperor Immortal Design absorbed the other party's Purgatory Immortal Design. The Purgatory Immortal Design was crafted into one's immortal spirit. Wu Yu had to kill him to get it.

He wasn't in a hurry to get out of this Dragon Emperor's Prison.

Instead, he stayed within to digest everything that belonged to the 6-Xuan immortal. Truth be told, the essences of blood and flesh were extremely bountiful. Moreover, after cultivating for six yuan, his six immortal dao marks were especially solid and vast!

The most important thing for Wu Yu was to dissect the daos and convert them for his use. He could then see and think from the perspective of the Crimson Demon Horned Dragon.

Now that he had completed the Nine Aspects of the Venerable Buddha and the Bodhi Immortal Dao Art to reach the pinnacle of the Longevity Immortal Realm, it was time for him to form his first immortal dao mark.

For most people, the first dao would be the dao that one cultivated in the mortal domain. What was the dao that Wu Yu had cultivated in the mortal domain? This was something that he was pondering.

In the past, he couldn't understand. However, he had devoured multiple immortal dao marks and integrated their experiences to see from their perspectives. Now that he had also devoured an existence like the Crimson Demon Horned Dragon, who had formed six immortal dao marks, the combined experiences made developing his first immortal dao mark a simple task.

Wu Yu was in a metamorphosis of cultivation levels.

From being a heavenly immortal with extended longevity and immortal energy to a Xuan immortal who was beginning to be enlightened with dao. At this very moment, all the immortal dao marks he had devoured previously were of great aid to him.

Today, he digested the immortal dao marks from the Crimson Demon Horned Dragon.

In his mind, he recollected his life in the mortal domain. With the shrapnels of a large number of immortal dao marks assisting, a special state of mind was gradually forming in him.

His dao was tough like gold and couldn't be torched with intense fire. His resolve to become an immortal had never wavered.

However, his dao was also like a torch of raging flame, unvanquishable and inextinguishable. Not only did he have the resilience and toughness of gold, he also had the passion, the battle will, and the determination to resist like a raging and inextinguishable flame.

His life wasn't just gold or fire, but the fusion of gold and fire. Therefore, Wu Yu could see a golden self that was bathing in raging flames. He could finally see what his first immortal dao mark was!

"The Dao of Gold and Fire!"

Gradually, it became clearer in his mind.

And the clarity was the most important step of all.

His first immortal dao mark was the fusion of shrapnel from a large number of immortal dao marks. However, the impurities were purged by Wu Yu before integrating into the most important aspect of his will. Within his sea of knowledge, a raging, gold-like immortal dao mark was formed and fused with his immortal spirit.

His immortal spirit resembled the Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast a little more, but it didn't matter.

His first immortal dao mark was formed! All of a sudden, the countless Bodhi Seeds within his immortal spirit turned gold and shined with even greater brilliance. It was clear that they could hold even more Bodhi immortal energy! After devouring the Crimson Demon Horned Dragon, the boundless energy that was extracted converted into Bodhi immortal energy and entered the seeds! This greatly strengthened him.

Finally, he entered the Nine Xuan Dao Realm. Although he was just a 1-Xuan immortal, Wu Yu had powered up considerably. The limits of his battle strength had definitely soared!

However, this wasn't the end for Wu Yu's changes. He had an abundance of fragments of immortal dao marks. They were basically complete, and when Wu Yu gathered them together, he could already see his second immortal dao mark!

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