Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1311: Grand Final

Chapter 1311: Grand Final

Wu Yu had returned to the Primordial Immortal Empire camp, to many cheers.

The mystical dragons wanted to throw him high up in the air.

The Primordial Immortal Empire was triumphant, stretching their legs after being pressed down for so long.

In the history of the Primordial Immortal Empire, they had never entered the top 100 before. Wu Yu had immediately shot to second place.

"Actually, we'll already be satisfied even if you're in second place. You'll have shown the Sky Chariot Dragon King already. His son taking the win will just be a meager scrap of cloth for them to hide their faces behind." Wu Hao chuckled gleefully.

"They were so rude to you. Best not leave them even that scrap," Wu Yu said.

Wu Hao was a little stunned. He asked, "Are you really going to go for it? You should know that Tian Ming has waited 9,000 years for this day. If you really win, it will be really cruel to him."

Wu Yu said, "I don't know what the result will be, but I must strive hard. As for cruelty, I think that strength should prevail. Since I joined, and since he could not stop me, that is his fate, and not at all cruel."

Cultivation was plunder.

"In any case, I support you going for it. As for offending them, we've been offended long ago. Since it's offensive all around, it doesn't make a difference even if we were to do a bit more," Wu Jun said.

Ye Qianning said, "The most important thing is your safety."

"Please do not be worried. In this final battle, I will do my best, but there will be no risk to my life either."

Seeing Luo Pin so relaxed, they, too, could be reassured.

She was used to seeing how bold and strong-willed Wu Yu was, while everyone was equal parts enthralled and appalled by his actions. Here in the vastness of the sky palaces, perhaps an elite immortal's legacy did not count for much.

But the combination of legacy and Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast created an unprecedented miracle. This was the basis for Wu Yu's ability to pull off the other miracles.

Meanwhile, the others thought that he had been concealing his strength.

During the five days, the heated gazes from the opposition side were an intangible pressure.

The people of the Three Great Empires stared at Wu Yu, piling on the psychological pressure.

The entire Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield was silent, and this silence was the calm before the storm. It showed how much the dragon kings were looking forward to the juniors' fight.

However, there was an appetizer to be had before the big show. That was the fight for third and fourth place. Tian Zi was against Lin Xiaoting, who had returned from healing his wounds. Lin Xiaoting was rather somber as he arrived, evidently dispirited.

But in the end, the difference between the prizes was still quite big, and they would definitely both give their best. But not many people actually cared who took third or fourth place, besides perhaps the Sky Will Empire and the Sky Shadow Empire. To the others, third and fourth place were all the same.

"Big Brother Lin...." Xue Bingyi had been weepy-faced for the last few days. Finally, she knew a moment of relief when she saw Lin Xiaoting return safely.

Of course, she had been shocked that her hero, Big Brother Lin, would lose so badly to Wu Yu. She had not been able to believe her own eyes.

"You must beat her and take third place...."

If he could take third place, that would fulfill Lin Xiaoting's goal that he had set before. Even though he had lost the first battle badly, it was still acceptable.

This appetizer was very quickly served, although not many people were watching it with vested interest.

This fight was thrilling. Both were equally matched, and both the Purple Skies Empyrean Dragon and the Mystical Palace Thunder Dragon were ultimate mystical dragons. These two ultimate mystical dragons fought in the skies and on the ground. It was a great show, and the air was filled with a melee of purple qi and lightning that flashed back and forth, turning the sky smoky. It was a spectacular fight, and it roused the interest of many!

Tian Zi bade her time, while Lin Xiaoting was freshly awakened to his own failings. Neither wished to face two consecutive defeats, and so they fought with great heart. They showed no mercy. Although their battle was just the starter, it was compelling. The battle dragged on, and the two massive mystical dragons fought without one being able to take the upper hand!

Finally, it was Tian Zi who outlasted him. Her long game paid off. Through a combination of composure and wits, she took down Lin Xiaoting with great difficulty. Of course, she was also grievously injured herself, but she managed to hold out for a while longer. Finally, she took the win, and an extra 1,000 years of cultivation in the Tower of Dragon's Dawn with it.

That was quite the reward.

As for Lin Xiaoting, he had originally planned for at least 4,000 years in the Tower of Dragon's Dawn, and now all he had was 1,000 years.

Their battle ended in great cheers because the mystical dragons were eagerly awaiting this last battle. The grand finals!

Originally, they had thought that the four battles would not be interesting. But Wu Yu had thrown a spanner in the works by defeating Lin Xiaoting. The entire game had been changed, and the remaining fight had become extremely thrilling. And of course, the height of this wild ride was the Immortal Lord Realm Tian Ming Dragon Lord, widely considered invincible here, matched against the dark horse, the enigmatic Wu Yu.

After the Purple Skies Empyrean Dragon and the Mystical Palace Thunder Dragon both withdrew, the mystical dragons waited with bated breath as the Sky Will Dragon King stood up and declared, "This Dragon Emperor Purgatory is finally in its last moments. Next will be the two braves who have fought their way to clinch the right to stand in the grand finals, where the ultimate champion will be decided! Years from now, only the champion will be remembered, while second place will be quickly forgotten. And now, who will take the crown today?"

The Sky Will Dragon King's words fanned the flames of their excitement, and many dragon kings called out Tian Ming's name. He was the hope of the mystical dragon tribe. This was about the mystical dragons' pride. Besides the Primordial Immortal Empire, who supported Wu Yu, the other mystical dragons were still unwilling to see an immortal reign supreme over all the mystical dragons as the grand champion.

How could the Sky Heart Tribe stand proudly if that happened?

All of these loud rumblings, these noisy shouts, they were all intimidation calculated against Wu Yu. These were all Great Void Immortal Realm dragon kings. They had all been cultivating for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Sky Chariot Empire, Tian Ming, take the field!"

At the Sky Will Dragon King's order, a Primordial Divine Dragon descended from the sky, a peerlessly impressive appearance when he landed on the Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield!

This Primordial Divine Dragon was even more dominating compared to the Purple Skies Empyrean Dragon and the Mystical Palace Thunder Dragon. He had an even more kingly air about him. He was born to crush the heavens and rule all. Moreover, he had already reached the Immortal Lord Realm, and his aura was even more special. It seemed like when he lifted his hands and planted his feet, he could merge heaven and earth itself. He looked so much wiser than Wu Yu to the ways of the world and space.

"Primordial Immortal Empire, Wu Yu, take the field!"

When he called out Wu Yu's name, there were no cheers, but loud hisses. In the end, the mystical dragons used their attitudes to show where their loyalties lay. Even though Wu Yu was not from the Three Great Empires, he was still not a mystical dragon. If he took the win, the mystical dragons would be shamed.

Besides, the mystical dragons were also impressed by the Tian Ming Dragon Lord's tenacity in holding out for 9,000 years. Such a mystical dragon deserved to reap rewards.

Amidst the hissing, Wu Yu rolled up to the battlefield. Although his immortal body looked small, his aura was not at all feeble. Even under the loud, threatening hisses, he could still compose himself and stride forward while bearing the Tian Ming Dragon Lord's dominating aura. He streaked to the battlefield like an arrow, arriving on the Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield.

Right now, the only thing left in his world was the Tian Ming Dragon Lord. Wu Yu knew that he had to focus extra hard.

Against such an opponent, there was no need to exaggerate. Wu Yu could clearly feel how terrifying the power of his opponent's "autonomous realm" was. It was a force that was hard to stand against. Therefore, he was not very confident in this battle. But he had a strong urge to win, because he had to get the Floating Dreams Sword!

Therefore, although this might be a grim battle with an unknown result, Wu Yu vowed that by hook or by crook, he would drive his opponent mad.

As for the Tian Ming Dragon Lord, he was naturally ready to kill, and his intent showed blatantly on his face. His purpose was very clear, and at this moment, he had probably forgotten about the Tower of Dragon's Dawn. He hated Wu Yu with a passion, and he wanted to see him dead!

Before the battle, Wu Yu immediately used the Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth to turn himself into a 12-zhang giant. This would allow him to at least stand against his opponent's physique. The size comparison was like a massive python facing off against a monkey the size of an arm, because Wu Yu had changed with the Immortal Ape Transformation. A golden ape, brawny and savage, stood off against the Primordial Divine Dragon. They somehow felt equally matched.

"He's an immortal beast? A type of monkey?" a mystical dragon asked.

"No, it's a shapeshifting technique that mainly helps to strengthen the body." Many of the dragon kings could tell.

"This monkey appearance is really ugly. He can't compare to us mystical dragons."

"But of course."

"However, in terms of aura, he indeed barely manages to stand against Tian Ming."

A mystical dragon, high above, staring down at Wu Yu with murderous intent.

A golden immortal ape, eyes red on its feral face, ready to flip the whole world on its head. He, too, stared at his opponent. On the command from the Sky Will Dragon King, both would burst into battle.

The winner would be the king. The loser would be the criminal.

The dragon kings and dragon lords could not wait.

"After you die, I will wed Luo Pin when she grows up. Our children will definitely be Ancient Sky Heart Dragons. Perhaps in the future, our Sky Heart Tribe will produce another dragon emperor," Tian Ming said.

He spoke to Wu Yu alone.

"That's very easily done. After you and your father die, I can marry your mom and have a whole nest of Primordial Divine Dragons." Wu Yu laughed.

It was impossible to aggravate Wu Yu this way. Wu Yu had grown up in the mortal domain, so he had a rough and ready manner.

"You should know how blasphemous the words you just said were!" Tian Ming said tersely.

"And you should know to be quiet. Because losers should only hang their heads and cry on their knees. They aren't allowed to talk." Wu Yu's reply went even harder than he had.

"Very well. Very well."

A short exchange had completely flipped his anger switch up. His 9,000 years of waiting, the agony and torment - they would turn him into a mad devil today.

Finally, to great anticipation, the Sky Will Dragon King declared, "The grand final may now begin."

This was like lighting a whole bunch of fuses up. The Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield exploded into action.


The Tian Ming Dragon Lord naturally burst forth, his killing intent obvious.

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