Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1319: Eight Division Heavenly Dragon's Legacy

Chapter 1319: Eight Division Heavenly Dragon's Legacy

Wu Yu had followed the reminder he received when he was leaving the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory by obtaining the Floating Dreams Sword and successfully formed a blood bond with it.

"How do I activate the white dragon scale with the Floating Dreams Sword?"

Wu Yu took out the white dragon scale for the very first time.

Taking a closer look, he realized that the dragon scale wasn't complete. The edges looked frayed and it looked like it had been removed from a severely injured body.

The feeling it emanated was ancient and it seemed to be from a faraway period.

The Precursor Dragon Scale that Luo Pin once obtained was a dragon scale left behind by a Xuan immortal-class mystical dragon. The power encompassed in it had brought Luo Pin back from the brink of death.

However, the Precursor Dragon Scale wasn't anywhere near the same level as the white dragon scale that Wu Yu had in his hand.

Wu Yu was certain that even Wu Jun and others would definitely not recognize what this was.

Now he was researching the white dragon scale with Luo Pin.

Luo Pin noticed something. "There seems to be some words on it."

Wu Yu took a closer look and indeed found four miniature words on it. Each word was as small as a speck of dust.

Wu Yu took some time before deciphering the words as "Eight Division Heavenly Dragon."

"What is an Eight Division Heavenly Dragon?"

Luo Pin shook her head and replied, "I don't know. I haven't heard of it either."

Wu Yu knew this definitely had something to do with the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Hall that had appeared in the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory out of nowhere. However, the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Hall had been destroyed by Tian Ming.

"If the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon is a species of mystical dragon or the name of a mystical dragon, this scale likely belonged to it."

"That should be it."

Wu Yu started experimenting.

First, he tried it with the Floating Dreams Sword. For example, he tapped light on the scale or injected immortal energy into the Floating Dreams Sword before tapping on the white dragon scale.

After trying several methods, including dripping his own blood on the white dragon scale, he still didn't see any reactions or differences.

"Didn't it say that the Floating Dreams Sword could activate it?" Wu Yu felt aggrieved. He had tried all means he could think of, but to no avail.

"I feel like we can take a little risk. After all, what do you think is unique about the Floating Dreams Sword?" asked Luo Pin.

"Slicing and its sharpness." Wu Yu was enlightened.

Luo Pin was really acute and asked him to maximize the Floating Dreams Sword to split the white dragon scale.

"If this is really a divine treasure, it can't be destroyed by me. If this method doesn't work out, I clearly have no other means to make it work." Wu Yu nodded.

He controlled the white dragon scale to hover in the air while gathering strength in his body. In a burst of strength, the Floating Dreams Sword tore through the space above before landing on the white dragon scale!

"Dang!" Wu Yu's arm and sword were deflected, while the white dragon scale remained as it was.

"Did I do it wrongly?"

"Not necessary. Perhaps you are still lacking strength."

In that case, Wu Yu wouldn't hold back further. He used the Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth to enlarge himself to the limit. At the same time, he even used the Violent Art. With all his Bodhi immortal energy and dragon and elephant buddha energy, he swung ferociously on the white dragon scale!


Wu Yu finally felt like he succeeded. The white scale was split into two halves before his eyes, and a ray of white light burst out from it. The white light morphed into the form of a subtle, shadowy mystical dragon that was only the size of a segment of his pinky finger, and it danced before his eyes.

"What is this...?" Wu Yu was pleasantly surprised. He put away all other things and was about to stop the shadow dragon from escaping.

To his astonishment, the miniature shadow dragon was unexpectedly quick. Just as Wu Yu was about to make a move, it retreated upon seeing him. When it turned around, it saw Luo Pin instantly. The next instant, it dived into the space between Luo Pin's eyebrows with breakneck speed, leaving no trace behind.

Wu Yu was a little anxious, but he had a feeling that the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon wouldn't harm her.

Luo Pin shut her eyes and seemed to be a little drowsy. Faint light glowed from her body and something started changing within her. Wu Yu wanted to check on her when she waved him off and signalled to Wu Yu not to disturb her.

Wu Yu could only stand where he was while observing the minute changes happening to Luo Pin. It was especially apparent in her demeanor as it underwent a mysterious transformation. Wu Yu's heart was thumping. This was because he was the one who had brought the white dragon scale here, but it had entered Luo Pin's body instead. No one knew what it was or what would happen....

However, it didn't seem like Luo Pin was in danger. Therefore, he controlled his anxiety for now. After roughly an hour, she opened her eyes abruptly. When Wu Yu met her eyes, he was a little shocked. This was because he could sense from her an aura that was similar to his Invincible Vajra Body.

It was mysterious.

When Luo Pin opened her eyes, she had an intoxicated smile on her face. She was elated and even jumped up in joy. Tears were rolling in her eyes and almost streamed down. She hugged Wu Yu forcefully, pulled Wu Yu towards her, and pushed his head down on her soft and gentle skin. After which, she exclaimed, "I don't know how I could ever thank you. The chance encounter you’ve brought to me could change my life forever...."

Wu Yu was enjoying the gentleness and aroma and couldn't bear to leave. He asked blankly, "What? What are you saying?"

Luo Pin pulled him upright and held his face before ferociously kissing him. She blinked her eyes flirtatiously and said, "I'm saying I really love you."

"I still can't get used to your sudden confession! What happened...?" Seeing how elated she was, how she disregarded her image, and how open she had become, Wu Yu knew instantly that the white dragon scale had brought her a mysterious encounter.

Luo Pin kept him in her embrace, placed her head beside his ear, and spoke softly, "That white little dragon fused into my immortal spirit and became part of me. When that happened, I heard a voice saying he was my ancestor and that his title was the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon. I was fated to become the inheritor of his legacy."

"The legacy of the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon?" What kind of existence was the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon? Wu Yu had devoured many people, but he didn't know anything about this name. If he was really powerful, why didn't anyone in the mystical dragon tribe talk about him. For example, who wouldn't know about the Nine Great Dragon Emperors?

"And then?" asked Wu Yu.

Luo Pin answered, "And then there's nothing. However, I believe the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon should be related to the Great Sage, Heaven's Equal, Marshal Tian Peng, and the Curtain Lifting General."

Her face blushed like she was drunk - perhaps because she was too excited. She hugged Wu Yu tightly, perhaps partly because she didn't want to part with Wu Yu soon.

"Why would you say so?" Wu Yu was still enjoying her gentle yet forceful embrace. This was something that he would miss dearly.

Luo Pin continued speaking into his ear. "I received two other cultivation arts out of nowhere. One of them is called the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Avatar and the other is the Archaic Divine Dragon Emperor Mantra. Aren't these similar to your Invincible Vajra Body and the Great Way of Immortality Art? Or Ye Xixi's Hell Incarnation Avatar and the Ten Wheels Bodhisattva Ghostly Immortal Mantra?"

Invincible Vajra Body!

Nine Cycles of the Imperial Immortal Body!

Hell Incarnation Avatar!

Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Avatar!

Wu Yu was stumped. After some time, he finally reacted and was overjoyed. He ended up using his thick and muscular arms to hold her slim waist, pulled her into his embrace, and exclaimed, "That must be it! The Eight Division Heavenly Dragon was definitely the fourth companion of the group! Although we don't understand why they would leave behind their legacies and vanish without a trace, it is apparent that the voice probably sensed my Great Sage, Heaven's Equal legacy. Therefore, it prompted me to bring that white dragon scale out. We are close and you are talented as well. Therefore, it chose you."

"Those are my thoughts too.... Perhaps from today onwards, there might be hope in me catching up to you...." Luo Pin was moved to tears. This was the moment that changed her life.

Previously, she was feeling extremely stressed and anxious deep down from seeing Wu Yu advancing at great speed. How else could she catch up? Was she destined to merely be protected? She had almost resigned to fate. It was only now that she vented these emotions.

She placed her arms around Wu Yu's neck and refused to let go.

Tears welled within her eyes and her cheeks were rosy, making her seem especially attractive and intoxicating. As she was too excited previously, her body was also exuding heat. She had never shown this feminine side of her to Wu Yu.

In Wu Yu's embrace, Luo Pin said weakly, "You are holding me too tightly...."

"I don't want to loosen my hands. I'm too excited." Wu Yu looked at her and was totally lost in her eyes. His immortal spirit was still largely in the form of the Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast. He had only suppressed his impulse to procreate with the help of the Ruyi Jingu Bang.

Within the Floating Dreams Pagoda, the Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi heard their conversation.

Ye Xixi cried too and said, "This is perfect. Big Sister Luo Pin is the best. Big Brother Yu should be very happy to see her receive this mysterious encounter."

The Full Moon of Nanshan said, "He isn't just going to be happy. Look at how intense the atmosphere is right now. I'll take your surname if they don't do anything that children shouldn't see within the next ten breaths of time."

Ye Xixi was a little enraged. "What a prurient guy! Can you not fill your mind with vile thoughts...."

While Ye Xixi was still speaking, Wu Yu shut the Floating Dreams Pagoda. This left the Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi in the dark, staring at each other.

The Full Moon of Nanshan burst into laugher and said, "As I've said!"

Ye Xixi could only gnash her teeth and said to the white cat in her embrace, "Lazy, let's not care about them. Time to sleep! I mean cultivate!"

They naturally understood the reason why Wu Yu had closed the Floating Dreams Pagoda off.

The buried sorrows before they parted ways...

The release of pent up stress and the joy that Luo Pin felt after she received this mysterious encounter...

Amidst the attraction of Wu Yu and the impulse to procreate from the Heaven Devouring Titanic beast...

All of these left them in a state of intoxication.

Their hearts were racing.

Luo Pin's cheeks reddened and she said flirtatiously into the ear, "Wu Yu, I can't wait till the day we are married. I want you now."

She was proactive, decisive, and domineering. Wu Yu had long been waiting for this moment. There was no way he would miss this opportunity!

Therefore, on Qin Yin Peak, which was shrouded in immortal fog, they had the best time of their lives.

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