Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1322: Meteoric Mirror

Chapter 1322: Meteoric Mirror

After Wu Yu and the others left the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm.

Back in the Sky Heart Tribe's Sky Chariot Empire, a huge, white mystical dragon was lazing indolently in a wide stream, bathing its body.

A purple mystical dragon flew in, landing in the water. She leaned up against the white mystical dragon, saying coyly, "Big Brother Tian Ming, I heard that Wu Yu has already left the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm and has just been seen at the Dragon Immortal Sky."

"Is that so? He's left really quickly. The five days aren't even up yet." The Tian Ming Dragon Lord scoffed.

"How does Big Brother Tian Ming plan to deal with him?" Tian Zi asked.

The Tian Ming Dragon Lord said, "I have an idea. Zi Er, tell me what you think."

"Big Brother, do tell."

The Tian Ming Dragon Lord said, "Wu Yu embarrassed me a lot. Although it will be many years before he becomes an Immortal King, I can't let him have a chance to succeed, can I?"

Tian Zi said, "Of course not. I feel that the Empyrean Revered Dragon also thought the same way. As long as Wu Yu left, he could never return again. There are so many threats and perils outside. He might not survive."

The Tian Ming Dragon Lord's face was dark. "I meant that I should personally hire people from the Immortal Slayer Palace. I will pay a fortune to hire a 5-realm immortal lord who will not stop until Wu Yu is dead. The Immortal Slayer Palace is well known for their complete silence about their hirers. It is a rather reliable option."

Tian Zi was a little nervous. "But doesn't he have a powerful immortal backing him? Won't that...."

The Tian Ming Dragon Lord snorted. "No matter what Father and the rest say, I feel that there's no way to confirm if this immortal exists. It might be an ancient immortal who has long faded away and given him the legacy - there's no way to be sure. Besides, we have the Nine Great Dragon Emperors and so many revered dragons. I don't believe that our mighty immortal beast tribe, leader in the sky palaces, should be afraid of a single Wu Yu, who has some immortal's legacy. Besides, you've seen for yourself how much he embarrassed me...."

Tian Zi nodded. "That Wu Yu is indeed too repulsive. He needs to die. However, hiring a 5-realm immortal lord, won't that cost a lot of money?"

The Tian Ming Dragon Lord continued, "Zi Er, I trust you, that's why I'm telling you all this. You can't tell others, no matter what. Got it?"

Tian Zi said with a hurt tone, "But I hear that you want that Primordial Immortal Dragon...."

Tian Ming laughed. "Don't talk rubbish. Those were just words to shame Wu Yu. In my heart, Zi Er is way better than that slight thing."

"Oh, you." Tian Ming blushed red.

Tian Ming played with her for a while, then turned serious. "Zi Er, I'm still a little short on the fee for hiring a 5-realm immortal lord killer. Can you support me?"


He had 20 years to win an Immortal King Token.

If he spent all of it within the Floating Dreams Pagoda, he would have 2,100 years.

Of course, spending all that time in the Floating Dreams Pagoda would probably not yield an Immortal King Token.

However, before he went in, Wu Yu still spent some time consolidating his thoughts.

He thoroughly contemplated all that he had gained within the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory throughout the year.

Inside, he had gotten the transformations and daos of many Nine Xuan Dao Realm immortals, ghostly immortals, and mystical dragons.

All of this served as reference, and Wu Yu needed to carefully work his way through them.

Right now, he had many different experiences and perspectives that he could use to consider problems. This allowed him to be able to cultivate at breakneck speed.

One year of devouring had allowed him to digest for 100 years of time.

Just digesting the daos of all these immortals took Wu Yu close to 50 years.

These immortals had all lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and their daos and insights were as numerous as stars in the universe. It was impossible to clearly know every single one.

Wu Yu spent a few decades on them.

Before, he had only had a taste of them, and now he had gone through the experiences with more meticulous care, sometimes even revisiting them. Only then could he thoroughly process them.

Right now, he had gained even more transformations. It was even more efficacious than further devouring.

He used these new transformations and insights in his cultivation. First, he raised the Dragon and Elephant Prajna Buddha Body another tier, up to the fifth tier. All of his dragon and elephant molecules again split into two.

In terms of the Great Way of Immortality Art, he was still improving. He had managed to create his fifth immortal dao mark, the Dao of Golden Eyes.

His fourth immortal dao mark had been built on his Unshackled Doppelganger mystique. When his understanding of his clones reached perfection, they formed an immortal dao mark.

As for the fifth dao, it was his understanding of the Eyes of Fire and Gold. That, too, had become an immortal dao mark. When Wu Yu became a 5-xuan immortal, his Bodhi Seeds glowed even brighter.

With new immortal dao marks, Wu Yu gained many more insights about the Eyes of Fire and Gold.

Before, the Ancient Emperor had used his own understanding to raise Wu Yu's mystique to the Optics of Immortal Expanse level.

For the next 20 years, Wu Yu focused on the seventh tier of the Eyes of Fire and Gold. With the help of the Dao of Golden Eyes, he finally broke through successfully.

The seventh tier of the Eyes of Fire and Gold was called Meteoric Mirror, and was naturally much stronger than the Optics of Immortal Expanse.

Next, Wu Yu spent considerable time studying the Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth.

He had also spent much effort on the Unshackled Doppelganger but had not managed to reap anything from it yet.

However, because he could devour energy and then distribute it to his 100,000 doppelgangers, his 100,000 doppelgangers were now all at the heavenly immortal level. 100,000 heavenly immortals was a fairly impressive force. When needed, they could be a terrifying army at Wu Yu's command. After all, Wu Yu had devoured many mystical dragons and immortals, and the immortal techniques that he could use were endless!

The Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth was a more straightforward additional process that was not as complicated as the Eyes of Fire and Gold.

Wu Yu used his past insights and experience and spent another 20 years on the Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth, improving it to the fifth tier. Right now, he could turn into a giant of 24 zhang. Ordinary inns were about one zhang per story, or slightly less. Which meant that Wu Yu could roughly grow to the height of a 30-story inn.

Just one finger alone was as thick as the pillar of a house. Wu Yu was even larger than most immortal beasts.

Of course, at his smallest, that was also rather extreme. He was only a quarter of a cun, about the thickness of a toothpick. He could go anywhere without being seen at all.

The Eyes of Fire and Gold and the Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth both saw improvements. Wu Yu next turned to the Somersault Cloud. He also spent a decade on it, but did not see any improvements. He felt that the Somersault Cloud was slightly more enigmatic. Given his current level of understanding, he would probably have to spend more than 100 years on it to gain anything.

100 years had passed, and Wu Yu was satisfied with his progress. He left the Floating Dreams Pagoda.

In 100 years of time, the Full Moon of Nanshan had already risen to the fifth tier, while Ye Xixi had risen to the fourth tier of the Longevity Immortal Realm. They were both rising rapidly.

Outside, only a year had passed.

Wu Yu immediately wanted to go to the 5,000th level of Heaven, the Sublime Gracious Sky. Although they were improving quickly, they would be useless there. They did not have Wu Yu's devouring ability and therefore consented to stay within the Floating Dreams Pagoda and cultivate at their own pace, uncaring of where Wu Yu went.

"Right now, we already have hundreds of thousands of years of life. We're not afraid of that anymore."

"That's right. When you enter the Great Void Immortal Path, we'll have cultivated for more than 2,000 years inside. 100 years outside is 10,000 years for us in here. At that time, no matter how untalented we are, even though we can't devour, we'll also be close to the Great Void Immortal Realm at least!"

The two of them had powerful legacies, and they trusted in them.

The Floating Dreams Pagoda was indeed extremely useful. Ordinary destinable immortal treasures did not seem to be able to match its enormous utility.

Of course, this was only useful for superb geniuses like them. If an imbecile obtained it, 1,000 times more time would not help him much.

"At that time, if there are chances to train at the Great Void Immortal Path, I will also allow you to participate. It will be beneficial to you." Wu Yu nodded.

He was already prepared to go to the Sublime Gracious Sky.

"If only you could bring Big Sister Luo Pin along. She would definitely improve much faster. Much faster than at the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm," Ye Xixi said.

Wu Yu said helplessly, "There's nothing for it. The mystical dragons will definitely not allow her to follow me. After all, she is just an infant to them, and she needs to grow up in a warm nursery. If she follows me into the wind and rain, who knows where she might perish?"

"So we have to follow you into the wind and rain, but she doesn't?" the Full Moon of Nanshan demanded indignantly.

"You wretched existence, just count yourself lucky you've made it this far." Wu Yu laughed.

"That won't do. I still have many things to do. We're at the sky palaces, but I've yet to take an immortal woman to bed. I'm very unhappy about that. If not for how tempting your Floating Dreams Pagoda is, I would have abandoned you long ago and gone to mingle in other lower leveled sky palaces." Given his 5-Yuan heavenly immortal cultivation, plus the abilities of Marshal Tian Peng, he could definitely do well in the lower level sky palaces.

Ye Xixi said, "Go on, then. See if I don't crush you dead when you return in 100 years. At that time, a puff of air from me could blow you back to the Jambu Realm."

Indeed, one would go further staying by Wu Yu's side.

The Floating Dreams Pagoda was a blessing. What the Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi most was time.

"Alright, enough talking. Off to the Sublime Gracious Sky!"

Wu Yu headed for the Well of Eternal Life.

Of course, before leaving, he sent an Immortal Message Talisman to Luo Pin, telling her of his gains in this time. And then he headed on. First to the Sublime Gracious Sky, to win an Immortal King Token!

Although he was only at the Nine Xuan Dao Realm, it would not affect his ability to contest for a Mark of an Immortal King.

Naturally, Luo Pin was working hard too.

1. 1 zhang= 3 and ⅓ meters, or 3.645 yards

2. 1 cun= 3 and ⅓ centimeters or 1.312 inches

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