Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1324: Benevolent Immortal City

Chapter 1324: Benevolent Immortal City

Benevolent Immortal City was definitely the largest city that Wu Yu had seen in his life.

Previously, he thought the Immortal's Capital was huge. However, comparing it with Benevolent Immortal City would be a joke.

After all, this place could fit several hundred million immortal lords. Even if he flew 10,000 zhang into the sky, he probably couldn't see the entire immortal city under him.

"Once you enter the city, do not start a riot or damage the immortal city. If you violate the rules, Benevolent Immortal City will definitely decapitate all rioters publicly as a warning!"

When Wu Yu stepped in, he immediately heard a voice resounding throughout the city. One would feel intimidated just listening to that proclamation.

"What it means is that assassinations or fights are allowed as long as it doesn't cause a huge ruckus. At the very least, it is to ensure Benevolent Immortal City maintains peace on the surface. Those that cause a huge ruckus from battles and also those that damage the immortal city and affect others will be killed regardless of their reasons."

Such a domineering announcement caused Benevolent Immortal City to be in deathly stillness. Even though there were numerous immortal lords, the atmosphere was solemn. The colossal and boundless city was filled with a somber and desolate aura.

"Frightening." When Ye Xixi looked around and saw each immortal lord being cold and gloomy, she was so afraid that she shrivelled in a corner of the Floating Dreams Pagoda.

"The contest to become Immortal Kings will end on top of hundreds of millions of corpses. How frightening!" The Full Moon of Nanshan was also speechless.

Judging from the situation, 100 million was just a small amount.

What was frightening was that when Wu Yu just arrived, a suave and presentable middle-aged immortal came up to him and asked, "Do you have an Immortal King Token?"

"Nope." Wu Yu avoided him immediately after answering.

These people definitely didn't have good intentions.

"I have an Immortal King Token. As long as you can offer a good price, I can sell it to you," the other party said with a gentle smile.

There was definitely a trap in it and therefore Wu Yu left the place swiftly. Others who encountered similar situations would also do the same. If they didn't leave swiftly and spoke with the other party for a while longer, they might just fall into his scheme, and that would become the makings of a disaster.

"What are the ways of the world now that even xuan immortals dare to step into the Sublime Gracious Sky?" That middle-aged man smirked and continued searching for his next target.

Along the way, Wu Yu could feel several dozen pairs of eyes affixed onto him as though he were prey.

"A xuan immortal dares to saunter openly in this place? Could it be that he has an Immortal King Token?"

"That's not possible unless he's here to seek his own death!"

"We better not do anything to him. He might just be a descendant of some Immortal King and is here to visit. Otherwise, ordinary xuan immortals would never have the guts to be on the Sublime Gracious Sky."

"You are right. Don't draw trouble to ourselves now. Finding an Immortal King Token is more important." Vaguely, Wu Yu could hear such conversations going on.

He didn't dare to shrink himself in a place that was so crowded. This was because with so many immortal lords around, he might still be discovered. Once they became interested in his mystique, it would also become another issue. Before he came, he had really not expected the Sublime Gracious Sky to be a place with dangers lurking at all corners. It was equally hair-raising in Benevolent Immortal City.

Wu Yu strained his ears to listen to the crowd's conversations while wandering around.

"We don't hold much hope now. The key is the Immortal King Token. Without an Immortal King Token, we can forget about getting a Mark of an Immortal King."

"A 7-realm immortal lord would be lucky to even get one Immortal King Token."

"I heard there will be a lot more descendants of immortal emperors participating this time. The best Marks of an Immortal King are always snatched by them!"

"It would already be great to join the contest if we could find Immortal King Tokens. If you aren't a 9-realm immortal lord, you can forget about getting any high tier Mark of an Immortal King."

"I am still unwilling to resign myself to fate. Why should they always deserve the best? Can't those immortal emperors create their own Marks of an Immortal King?"

"Regardless, the Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor is one of the Five Directional Divine Emperors and is in charge of controlling the Marks of an Immortal King in the sky palaces. The elite Marks of an Immortal King in his hands are definitely numerous!"

"I heard that some incredible immortal emperors, including Zhao Gongming of the Zhao Immortal Tribe and Li Qingtian of the Li Immortal Tribe, will be here. Zhao Gongming and Li Qingtian are both from the 36 Heavenly Generals! Their descendants have been guided by immortal emperors from young and are miles apart from cultivators like us, who ascended from the mortal domain. Although they are 9-realm immortal lords, their battle prowess isn't much different from Immortal Kings!"

"Hehe! In this place, descendants of the 36 Heavenly Generals are nothing. I heard that the Primeval Mighty Miracle God will be here personally with his mighty Miracle God Tribe. The son of the Primeval Mighty Miracle God will also be participating. It is said that he has his eye on the ninth grade Mark of an Immortal King in the Great Void Immortal Path!"

"Primeval Mighty Miracle God! Isn't that the favored imperial general of the Jade Emperor?"

When the crowd heard the news, everyone was stumped.

Other than these, Wu Yu had also heard the names of numerous immortals. Indeed, immortals that he only knew from legends would also participate in it.

The descendants of eternal immortal emperors were expected to be powerful. They were all after the highest tier Mark of an Immortal King.

Wu Yu was only interested in the highest tier Mark of an Immortal King. Otherwise, he wouldn't even want it.

Therefore, he paid particular attention to these competitors.

"Let's not reach for the sky for now. Judging from the current situation, it would be best for you to get your hands on a Immortal King Token first. Only with an Immortal King Token can one have a chance at a Mark of an Immortal King. As for the highest tier Mark of an Immortal King, you can forget about it for now," Ming Long commented with a sigh.

The might of the immortal lords in this place had intimidated her.

Other than conversations about the descendants of eternal immortal emperors or large immortal tribes, Wu Yu also heard other information. Everyone was discussing the Great Void Immortal Path, and it was impossible not to hear them.

"The Great Void Immortal Path is also known as Endless River of Stars. It is said that it's a vast and boundless universe with trillions of stars and planets. When we get there, some planets might hold an Immortal King Battlefield. Marks of an Immortal King are hidden in some of these Immortal King Battlefields. At that time, one has to battle the heavenly guards protecting the Immortal King Battlefield and also other competitors. At the same time, one has to break the immortal design around the Immortal King Battlefield. It will be an uphill task."

"The Endless River of Stars was the barracks of the Tian You Immortal Army in other times. There is a large number of Tian You Immortal Army soldiers, and they are ruled by Marshal Tian You. If anyone defeats them, he could also receive a Mark of an Immortal King. Therefore, the Tian You Immortal Army will also be a dreadful competitor. Among them, there isn't a lack of compelling characters!"

Wu Yu heard several descriptions of what to expect in the Great Void Immortal Path.

"Rule the River of Stars and Marshal Tian You?" Wu Yu turned to the Full Moon of Nanshan.

The Full Moon of Nanshan mumbled, "Marshal Tian Peng and Marshal Tian You... Do they share the same rank and title?"

Wu Yu nodded and said, "The titles are very similar, so it's very likely. Moreover, both of them seem to head an immortal army of the sky palaces. This suggests that the immortal that gave you the legacy was likely at the level of Marshal Tian You. Nonetheless, although the chances are high, we can't be certain for now."

The Full Moon of Nanshan asked, "Could you ask around to find out roughly what cultivation level he is at?"

Wu Yu went with his suggestion.

He wandered around and stopped from time to time instead of asking others directly. Others would likely find him to be crazy. In the end, based on his conjecture, he said, "He's likely to be higher than the 36 Heavenly Generals, the Primeval Mighty Miracle God, the 28 Mansions, and the Big Dipper Lord, but slightly below the Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor of the Five Directional Divine Emperors. If he's a marshal of the sky palaces, he should be a frightening character."

The Full Moon of Nanshan had a rough understanding.

"This has exceeded my expectations. I never expected Marshal Tian Peng to be such a compelling character. If he's really at the level of Marshal Tian You, then the four of us are in luck!" The Full Moon of Nanshan couldn't help but feel grateful.

"Ye Xixi said, "Although the Curtain Lifting General is likely a general too, the words ‘curtain lifting’ suggest that he's someone close to the Jade Emperor. He's probably a powerful figure too. As for Big Brother Yu, what rank was the Great Sage, Heaven's Equal? Does it mean equal to the sky palaces? That would be...."

Based on this train of thought, the Great Sage, Heaven's Equal would really be intimidating.

Wu Yu chuckled and said, "Forget it, let's not make wild guesses. We will know in the future. If we think too deeply into it and it turns out they weren't at the level we believed, wouldn't we be a joke? For example, Marshal Tian You is the number two figure coordinating with the Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor to ensure the smooth running of the contest for Marks of an Immortal King in the Great Void Immortal Path. At least in the vicinity of the Sublime Gracious Sky, he should be just second to the Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor. Other immortals are likely not as great as he is."

"I'm just dreaming a bit. Haha! If there's a day I could become someone like Marshal Tian Peng or reach his level, that would be so satisfying. Ruling an entire immortal army, there are bound to be numerous beauties. Wouldn't that mean they would all be mine?"

At the thought of this, the Full Moon of Nanshan started drooling.

"Be careful, you won't live to that day after thinking so much about it. You won't even get to touch an immortal beauty." Ye Xixi pouted.

"Eh~ How dare you curse me! Do you believe I will boil your cat and eat it?" The Full Moon of Nanshan fanned himself with his beauty fan and revealed a sinister smile.


The All Amalgamating Cat jumped up and down in fear. All of a sudden, it stopped and became a little restless.

"Big Brother Yu, Lazy is saying that it can sense its own kind from that shop!" Ye Xixi said in a hurry.

"Own kind? An All Amalgamating Cat?" Wu Yu and the Full Moon of Nanshan were astonished. They looked to the side and saw a huge immortal retail shop named Spirits of the Universe Specialty Shop!

So it was a shop that specialized in the sale of Spirits of the Universe. It was not surprising that Wu Yu was sensing weird auras from within.

A rare and precious Spirit of the Universe like the All Amalgamating Cat was in it?

Wu Yu hurried over. Although the shop was huge, there weren't many people in it as the immortals were busy finding Immortal King Tokens. The owner of the shop was a 6-realm immortal lord. When he saw Wu Yu come in and realized that he was just a xuan immortal, he was too lazy to even open his eyes and he said, "Let me know if you are interested in anything."

All the Spirits of the Universe in this place were imprisoned within immortal treasures. Wu Yu naturally saw an All Amalgamating Cat with a single glance. It was almost the size of Lazy and was jumping around in the immortal treasure medium. Clearly, it wasn't willing to be trapped in it.

It was restless and constantly crying.

"It's so pitiful. Big Brother Yu, I want to find a companion for Lazy," Ye Xixi said anxiously. Lazy was also getting restless and jumping around. It was extremely dissatisfied to see its own kind treated badly.

Wu Yu took a look at the price tag. Fortunately, this was the cheapest Spirit of the Universe, and it cost five Genesis Mystical Pills.

Wu Yu only had that many with him......

There was a description saying, "Spiritual Tracking Cat. Extremely acute sense of smell and can rely on a mystical sense to trace any existence.”

It seemed like the owner of the shop wasn't aware that once the All Amalgamating Cat recognized its master, it could fuse with the master to further enhance the master's strength.

"I'd like this Spiritual Tracking Cat," said Wu Yu.

"Huh?" The owner of the shop didn't believe Wu Yu could afford it.

At this point, someone behind Wu Yu said, "I'll be taking the All Amalgamating Cat. I'll give you 50 Genesis Mystical Pills."

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