Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1327: Ancient Ink Camp

Chapter 1327: Ancient Ink Camp

"Who has an Immortal King Token and who doesn't?"

This seemed to be the greatest challenge for all those interested.

Wu Yu observed the numerous immortal lords around him.

None of them seemed to hold an Immortal King Token, and they were clearly on edge.

However, there were definitely some among them who had one.

Furthermore, even if they had one, they wouldn't carry their Immortal King Token with them. Instead, they would hide them in other places. That way, even if they were killed, others wouldn't be able to get their Immortal King Token.

However, things might also turn out differently from their expectations. Hiding the Immortal King Tokens in other places might make it easier for others to steal.

If Wu Yu had one, he would hide it in the Floating Dreams Pagoda. If others wanted it, they would have to form a blood bond with his Floating Dreams Pagoda to have the possibility of getting it. Alternatively, they would have to destroy the Floating Dreams Pagoda.

Considering the difficult circumstances he was in and having an assassin from the Immortal Slayer Palace on his tail, it was too daunting for him to get an Immortal King Token.

He didn't have a clue currently. However, he still had 20 years. Therefore, he wasn't particularly anxious. Spending a few years to see how things would develop was still acceptable.

If it wasn’t for the fact that fighting in the wilderness was so dangerous and there were few he could defeat, he wouldn't have entered in Benevolent Immortal City.

Wu Yu loitered around in the 10,000 Immortals Battlefield for half a month. Through betting, he won over 30 Genesis Mystical Pills.

Over this period, the assassin from the Immortal Slayer Palace had indeed not targeted him.

However, Wu Yu also didn't receive any news of Immortal King Tokens.

There was once when someone used an Immortal King Token as the wager of a bet. It was sensational, and that person lost the Immortal King Token in the end. However, there were rumors that the one who won it was found dead in a corner of Benevolent Immortal City the next day.

Everyone here was a ravenous wild beast. Once an Immortal King Token so much as showed a glimpse, the one holding it might very well be torn to shreds.

There were plenty of elite experts who still didn't have an Immortal King Token. Therefore, exposing one's Immortal King Token would be no different from courting one's own death.

On this day, while Wu Yu was wandering around, a team battle happening in one of the battlefields attracted his attention.

This was a team of nine people against a team of 10. They were evenly matched, but the team of nine had a battle formation. Through the battle formation, the team of nine was able to support and protect one another. As a result, they held the advantage over the team of 10. This battle drew the attention of many people, and Wu Yu understood why after a single glance as the items put for wager. Many people did not think highly of the team of nine, yet the team of nine was about to defeat their opponents without sustaining any severe injuries.

Wu Yu watched the thrilling battle. Seeing the great chemistry and coordination of the team of nine, he felt a little envious.

Someone beside him said, "It's Xu Zidong from the Ancient Ink Camp again! He acted weak at the start and ended up winning a large sum the previous time! These people they are facing should have asked around about the Ancient Ink Camp's Pack Wolves Immortal Battle Formation."

"Isn't this great? Because of them, I won quite a sum. Haha...."

Initially, Wu Yu didn't feel anything about their conversation. When he widened his eyes and saw an immortal in purple within the team of nine on the battlefield, he was shocked. This immortal was refined, good-looking, and the core of the team of nine. He was probably a 7-realm immortal lord and was especially powerful. Clearly, this immortal was likely Xu Zidong.

"Ancient Ink Camp? Xu Zidong? Could he be the founding sect leader of Ancient Ink Sect 600,000 years ago in the Great Ancient Ink Realm? He's a legendary figure in the Great Ancient Ink Realm who ascended to immortalhood. Who would have thought that I would encounter someone from the Great Ancient Ink Realm that was from 600,000 years ago?"

Wu Yu was stumped. He felt like he was watching a history unfold before him. Fortunately, he had achieved immortalhood as well and knew that immortals had long lifespans. 600,000 years was equivalent to only five yuans. For an immortal, it wasn't dreadfully long. However, in the mortal domain, that was countless generations and cycles of life and death.

"It must be him. Otherwise, why would he name his team the Ancient Ink Camp?" Wu Yu was almost certain. Watching Xu Zidong, he was intelligent, sharp, and witty. It was just like the stories that had been passed down in the Great Ancient Ink Realm.

As he had devoured a large number of immortals from the Great Ancient Ink Realm, Wu Yu was knowledgeable of the Great Ancient Ink Realm.

"This could be considered as seeing someone from the same place!" Wu Yu chuckled.

Most of the immortals here had ascended from the mortal domain. It was just that their time in the mortal domain was too short, while their time as immortals was too long. It was easy for many people to forget about their lives in the mortal domain.

"Xu Zidong is pretty good. However, the second in command of the team, the one named Qin Chuan, isn't bad himself. His destinable immortal treasure is likely the Mountains and Rivers Sword with probably 400 million spirit designs. While waving it, mountains and rivers circle, and the sky crumbles and the earth shatters into countless rays of sword qi."

"Qin Chuan is compelling, but Xu Zidong's Towering Sky Immortal City is still a notch stronger. That's a destinable immortal treasure city. The one named Qing Yuli has a unique destinable immortal treasure, the Forgetful Smile Scroll. And there's Ye Yi, who uses a long spear, the Nine Regional Soul Piercer. That's a pretty good destinable immortal treasure too."

Wu Yu was getting overwhelmed from listening to their conversation.

It had to be. Wu Yu was familiar with these names. This was because they were all from the Great Ancient Ink Realm.

Qin Chuan was once an unparalleled supreme sword immortal in the Great Ancient Ink Realm 500,000 years ago.

Qing Yuli was a flirtatious scholar of the Great Ancient Ink Realm. He was born a mortal and eventually achieved immortalhood after inheriting a legacy

And there was Ye Yi, who was also from the Great Ancient Ink Realm. Moreover, he was once the sect leader of the Great Ancient Ink Realm. He was a junior to Xu Zidong and had ascended 400,000 years ago.

With all four of them coming from the Great Ancient Ink Realm, Wu Yu couldn't help but suspect the entire Ancient Ink Camp to be from the Great Ancient Ink Realm!

He had never expected to encounter so many immortals from the Great Ancient Ink Realm in the sky palaces. Moreover, it was clear that they were aiming to enter the Great Void Immortal Path to become immortal kings.

Wu Yu thought, "If those nine are from the Great Ancient Ink Realm, are familiar with this place, and are searching for Immortal King Tokens, I can meet and befriend them to get more information. In fact, I can even pretend to be their juniors from the Great Ancient Ink Realm and join their team. At the very least, it would be better than me wandering around like a headless fly.

"Moreover, Xu Zidong is a 7-realm immortal lord. He can probably protect me - Tian Ming definitely couldn't afford to hire a 7-realm immortal lord to assassinate me."

At the thought of this, Wu Yu formulated the next steps in his plan. As a xuan immortal, moving alone would be an eyesore. If he had a group of friends around him, it would be better. Moreover, they could be said to be from the same hometown, the Great Ancient Ink Realm!

Just as expected, the Ancient Ink Camp was victorious in the battle. Amidst the congratulatory cheers, they carried the rewards they won and went off the stage. Most likely, they would not show up again.

They seemed to be on extremely good terms. Perhaps this was because they were from the same realm. Therefore, they were addressing one another as brothers and sisters. Xu Zidong was the eldest brother, Qin Chuan was the second brother, Qing Yuli was the third brother, Ye Yi was the fourth brother. As for the remaining few, Wu Yu couldn't recognize them at this point. There were nine of them, and the weakest was a 4-realm immortal lord.

There was only one lady among the team of nine. However, that lady was rowdy and often put her arms around the shoulders of those around her. Nonetheless, she was stunningly beautiful, voluptuous, and like a wild horse that was hard to tame.

"She's probably Yang Wenlan, one of the ancestors of the Great Ancient Ink Realm." The people in the Great Ancient Ink Realm pictured their ancestors who had achieved immortalhood as wearing long robes, having white beards, solemn, aged, and enlightened. However, judging from how they looked, they resembled a group of teenagers in the sky palaces.

The Ancient Ink Camp didn't exit the 10,000 Immortals Battlefield. With the money they had won, they rented a resting room within the 10,000 Immortals Battlefield. Naturally, they would set up immortal designs to surround and seal the space they were in temporarily. After a long and intense battle, they had to recuperate before they could go for another round.

Wu Yu decided to pay them a visit directly as an immortal from the Great Ancient Ink Realm. After, Wu Yu's familiarity with them had no openings at all.

He went to the front of the hall that was sealed and was about to knock when someone opened the door. A young man walked out, and he was the youngest member of the Ancient Ink Camp. He was tall and slender, good-looking and heroic. When he saw Wu Yu, his face turned cold and he asked, "Who are you? Why are you hiding at our doorstep?"

Just as he was exiting, he bumped into Wu Yu.

Therefore, he didn't look too pleased. This was to be expected as he might assume that Wu Yu was someone who had come to spy on them. Therefore, Wu Yu smiled and said, "Good day. I saw the battle of Ancient Ink Camp previously and recognized several of my seniors. I'm an immortal that has ascended from the Great Ancient Ink Realm too...."

Before he could finish his words, that man waved his hand and scoffed, "Stop lying. You must be here to see if we hold any Immortal King Tokens, right? What Great Ancient Ink Realm? Scram!"

Wu Yu was indignant. Just as he wanted to speak, the face of the other party turned even gloomier and shouted, "If you aren't getting lost, don't blame me for being rude. A xuan immortal like you dares to spy on us?"

At this point, if Wu Yu didn't leave, he would probably attack. Subduing a xuan immortal was still within his abilities.

"What's the commotion about?" At this point, the only lady, Yang Wenlan, walked out from the place and saw Wu Yu.

"Sixth sister, he's just cannon fodder, and he's even pretending to be from our Great Ancient Ink Realm. Who isn't aware we are from the Great Ancient Ink Realm? I've asked him to get lost," said the man.

When Yang Wenlan saw Wu Yu, Wu Yu was calm and composed. He didn't look like those that would hide in the dark to spy on others. Therefore, she asked, "You said you are from the Great Ancient Ink Realm?"

Wu Yu answered, "Yeah. I even know that Senior Yang has an alias, Yue Yin. The sect leader of the Wind Flower Snow Moon Sect told me about it in the past."

Yang Wenlan was stumped and said, "You even know about my alias? Let me ask you a few more questions to see if you are really from the Great Ancient Ink Realm."

Wu Yu didn't feel any stress at all.

When the other party asked, Wu Yu answered readily. Questions included how large the land was, what seas and mountains were around, and more. With them being gone for a long time, Wu Yu knew even more details than them.

After the questioning, Yang Wenlan stared at the young man and said, "Yun Mo, let him in. He's indeed from our Great Ancient Ink Realm."

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