Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1379: Hell of the Netherworld

Chapter 1379: Hell of the Netherworld

Wu Yu was stunned upon hearing the ghostly immortal's words.

While Wu Yu was taken aback, the ghostly immortal took the opportunity and escaped. Wu Yu did not give chase this time.

"8,000 Sky Palaces, 10,000 Levels of Hell! This is the 10,000 Levels of Hell?"

This was something truly unexpected.

Heaven and hell were the two poles of the Heavenly Domain. Of the two factions, the sky palaces were at the advantageous position and were stronger than the ghostly immortals!

But the two factions swore to stay out of each other's affairs. Usually, they did not affect each other, but there were times when they clashed and had confrontations.

Naturally, there were linking paths between the 8,000 Sky Palaces and the 10,000 Levels of Hell. However, these paths would never be at the Great Void Immortal Path, much less having a door here leading right to the first level of the 10,000 Levels of Hell.

This was the Hell of the Netherworld!

"How is this possible?"

Wu Yu was still in disbelief. He felt that this might be a ruse. Hence, his other doppelgangers continued their exploration. Very quickly, Wu Yu met other ghostly immortals, and only ghostly immortals. These ghostly immortals were basically all at the Longevity Ghostly Realm. There were only a few ghostly immortals at the Nine Xuan Dao Realm. This was also consistent with the fact that this was the first level of hell.

Similarly, the immortals in the first level of heaven were mostly heavenly immortals.

If that was the case, then Wu Yu's xuan immortal-level doppelgangers could roam this Hell of the Netherworld without worry.

From then on, Wu Yu did not ask directly where this place was. Rather, after catching the ghostly immortals, he would ask other questions and try to determine the truth from their dialogue.

For instance, each time a ghostly immortal bumped into him, they would be surprised and ask, "Immortal, why are you in hell? Aren't you afraid of dying?"

After a few days, Wu Yu had encountered over 10 ghostly immortals and explored many places. There were even groups of Nine Xuan Dao Realm ghostly immortals chasing after his doppelgangers. He had also gone near the cities in this Hell of the Netherworld. There were many ghostly immortals at the cities, moving in and out continuously. He was quite sure that this was the 10,000 Levels of Hell!

Besides, there were other pathways similar to the Well of Eternal Life in this first level of the 10,000 Levels of Hell leading to the other levels of hell.

"Hell of the Netherworld! The first level of hell. How is that possible?"

When Wu Yu told the Ancient Ink Camp of this discovery, they were also in disbelief. Everyone stared at him wide-eyed.

Wu Yu told them about the experiences he had inside. His doppelgangers had gone very far into the first level of hell, far enough to prove that this world was wide enough. The secret place where they had contested for the ninth-grade Mark of an Immortal King was much smaller than this place.

If there really was a Mark of an Immortal King here, and this was truly a huge, secret hiding place for it, then this Mark of an Immortal King could only be the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King.

However, Wu Yu thought that this was unlikely as there were only ghostly immortals here. This place was also too realistic to be an immortal's creation. If he was not an immortal, which would make him stick out too much here, he would try to go to the other levels of hell.

Over 100 of his doppelgangers had entered hell. That was equivalent to having over 100 xuan immortals exploring this first level of hell. Hence, Wu Yu could be quite sure that this was indeed the Hell of the Netherworld!

Hearing Wu Yu's justifications, Xu Zidong and his group finally accepted the truth. But they still felt that this was unimaginable.

"Anything can be possible. If this is the gateway to hell, then we have no need to stand guard here anymore. Wu Yu, what do you think you should do with this thing?" Xu Zidong asked.

Wu Yu thought for a moment before answering, "That is, after all, something unique. We might have a use for it. I think it is best for me to bring it along."

"Sure, you can do that. But still, be careful."

Wu Yu tested the bronze ring, and it could be picked up and put away. He hid the bronze ring alone in an individual Sumeru Pouch.

As for the 100 doppelgangers that entered the bronze ring, Wu Yu could not find a way for them to come back yet.

When Wu Yu put the bronze ring away, the river finally flowed with clear, pristine water. On the other hand, the interior of the Sumeru Pouch became murky.

While the Ancient Ink Camp members were dumbfounded over this discovery, they stared at each other with slight regret. They had thought that they had found something useful.

"Could this be something that belongs to some expert and was accidentally left behind?"

"That's possible."

"What should we do now?"

"Let's remain in hiding and wait for the remaining time to pass."

It was a rare moment that Wu Yu could meet up with them. However, he still had to solve the problem with Nangong Wei. In order not to implicate the Ancient Ink Camp, Wu Yu was prepared to leave them.

"You are leaving already?"

Wu Yu nodded and said, "There is some trouble that I have to resolve. It is more convenient for me to run away alone. I'm afraid of dragging you guys into my troubles."

Xu Zidong said seriously, "Then you are wrong. If there is trouble, we will fight it together. We are not some spineless cowards."

Wu Yu laughed and said, "You are mistaken. I'm not in much danger. I can escape very well now. With a random somersault, I can disappear to somewhere where no one can find me. Whereas the rest of you should continue to hide in some isolated place."

Xu Zidong nodded and said, "I do trust your abilities. Alright, we shall remain in contact through Immortal Message Talismans. "

Wu Yu was about to leave.

"Hold on." Xu Zidong called out to him. Wu Yu turned back and saw Xu Zidong with a serious expression. Xu Zidong said, "Wu Yu, we have discussed for a long time and still feel that it is only appropriate to return this Mark of an Immortal King to you. After all, you are the one who made the highest contribution in getting it. We cannot simply accept this Mark of an Immortal King without having done much. Besides, as your elders, we cannot take advantage of you. If you do not take the Mark of an Immortal King back, we will feel uneasy."

Wu Yu did not expect him to still be worried about the Mark of an Immortal King that they had found together. Wu Yu laughed and said, "Don't worry about that. Just to share with you guys, I have gotten another Mark of an Immortal King. It is even better than the one you have. So, your Mark of an Immortal King is useless to me now."

"Is that true?" Everyone was pleasantly surprised.

"If it's better than the one we have, then it must be above fifth-grade! Wu Yu, you are really capable. You are the pride of our Great Ancient Ink Realm."

Wu Yu smiled and nodded. If he told them that, then they would not worry about him, and they would be able to focus on guarding their Marks of an Immortal King. The best course of action for them was still to find somewhere to hide until the Great Void Immortal Path ended.

After reassuring them, Wu Yu was about to leave.

Their whole group left the cave and emerged into the spacious, underground cavern outside. This was the place where they had gathered previously. Now they were going to part ways here.

Except when Wu Yu was about to come out, he discovered danger waiting for them outside. There was someone outside!

And the other party seemed to be stationed there precisely to wait for them to come out!

"How can a group of weaklings like you guys be lucky enough to get two fifth-grade Marks of an Immortal King?" He heard someone say this as he came out of the cave. That person instantly appeared before their eyes, his lips still curled into a sarcastic smile.

"Who is it?" Xu Zidong and his group were nervous and broke out in cold sweat.

Obviously, they had been too careless inside the cave and had spoken a little too loudly. They had not expected someone to be hiding outside, eavesdropping on their conversation. When they spoke in the cave, their voices could easily carry to the cavern.

Wu Yu's Eyes of Fire and Gold swept past the cavern and he saw the person who had spoken. This was an immortal lord with a fierce aura. He was definitely a formidable enemy. Also, different from the usual immortal lords, he seemed to possess a special bloodline that gave him an unbelievably tough physical body, one that surpassed those of demon immortals! Also, his aura was like that of a huge, prehistoric beast!

"Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe!"

When Wu Yu was at the Sublime Gracious Divine Region, he had seen the Mighty Miracle God and his son, the Gu Huo Immortal Lord. Both of them were from the Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe. This individual who was blocking Wu Yu's group was obviously part of the Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe as well. Of course, he was not the terrifying Gu Huo Immortal Lord, but from his aura, Wu Yu could tell that he was definitely a 9-realm immortal lord! In addition to his special physical characteristics, his combat power was one of the best in the Great Void Immortal Path!

Wu Yu and Xu Zidong's group could all see him clearly. Quickly, they concluded that they were no match for this immortal lord.

"Gu Qiang Immortal Lord!"

Xu Zidong even knew who this person was. Of course, when he recalled his identity, the entire Ancient Ink Camp members' faces paled.

Xu Zidong quickly said, "Wu Yu, we will get into formation to tackle him. You take the Marks of an Immortal King and run!"

They were now deeply regretting their earlier excitement. They had been too loud and their conversation had been overheard by the Gu Qiang Immortal Lord outside.

The Gu Qiang Immortal Lord said, "There is no need to run away. I have no intention of killing anyone. Of course, the premise is that you remain docile and listen to my orders. Just give me the two Marks of an Immortal King that are too powerful for you weaklings. To be honest, you all are so weak that I can't even be bothered to attack."

However, Xu Zidong still insisted on Wu Yu secretly taking the two Marks of an Immortal King away. The current situation was too dangerous and desperate for them.

"I will never do that. If I escape with them, he will kill all of you to vent his anger." Wu Yu shook his head.

"But! We managed to get the Mark of an Immortal King after putting in so much effort. This is something that you have truly earned. Do you really want to give it up to him?" Xu Zidong was feeling indignant. If Wu Yu could escape with the Marks of an Immortal King, at least their sacrifices would be worth it.

On the contrary, Wu Yu looked very calm. He smiled slightly and said, "You guys are too nervous. Relax. I will handle him."

Xu Zidong was stunned and said, "Don't belittle him. The Gu Qiang Immortal Lord is an expert, an elite from the Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe's group. You will not be able to fight against him!"

Before he could finish his words, Wu Yu walked past him and said to the Gu Qiang Immortal Lord, "If you want to get the Mark of an Immortal King, let me see if you have the ability to do so."

The faces of the people from the Ancient Ink Camp became even more pale. The Gu Qiang Immortal Lord scoffed and said, "It seems like the world has changed. Even a small fry like you dares to challenge me? It's strange that you are still alive when you are so full of yourself. With such a low level of intelligence, it's already a joke that you can become an immortal."

Obviously, Xu Zidong and the others were still worried and nervous for Wu Yu. They wanted to fight alongside Wu Yu, but Wu Yu was faster. He did not give Xu Zidong and the others a chance to make any attacks, and rushed towards his opponent directly. The Gu Qiang Immortal Lord did not expect Wu Yu to be so bold.

"You're seeking death!"

In fact, the Gu Qiang Immortal Lord actually wanted to snatch these two Marks of an Immortal King quietly. This way, these Marks of an Immortal King would belong to him and not his team. He was alone on this star right now. No one else would know if he snatched these Marks of an Immortal King.

But if Wu Yu were to attack, then they would definitely risk exposing their position and attract other immortal lords. When that happened, he would have to split the spoils of this battle, the two Marks of an Immortal King.

This aggravated him.

Hence, he was ready to kill. He had to move swiftly and hit with precision. He would get rid of everyone who saw him on this star!

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