Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1391: White Night Immortal Lord

Chapter 1391: White Night Immortal Lord

Mo Yuji was a graceful and dignified immortal lord with a transcendent aura. Of the 800 elites before her, probably only the Gu Huo Immortal Lord's strength could just about meet her standards.

She said, "It is, after all, the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King, so my guess will be 10?"

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord smiled in agreement. "Immortal Mo, I must say that great minds do think alike. You said to contact you when I found the fourth gateway to Hell. So does it mean that at this point, Immortal Mo, you have already found the other six gateways to Hell?"

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord was actually quite surprised at this realization, as he knew how difficult it was to find even one of these gateways to Hell. He had given his all during these 20 years but had only managed to find three gateways to hell. Whereas, with a head start of only two months, the other party had actually managed to find four?

Mo Yuji shook her head and replied, "Immortal lord, you have overestimated me. In these 20 years, even with all our efforts, we have only found one more gateway to Hell. After all, we do not have the assistance of the almighty Howling Celestial Dog. We are at a disadvantage in this search."

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord had thought that she had found six gateways to Hell. He was slightly disappointed. However, he still put on a farce and complimented Mo Yuji. "The gateways to Hell are indeed rare, and they are scattered all over the Great Void Immortal Path. It is tough to find even one, and Immortal Mo has managed to find three. Immortal Mo's ability is impressive. However, between us, we only have seven gateways to Hell. If Immortal Mo thinks that we require 10 gateways to Hell to trigger and activate the challenge, then does Immortal Mo have any idea where we can find the last three?"

The two groups of immortal lords were staring at each other. They were in a competitive spirit at all times. However, Mo Yuji looked indifferent and unaffected. She replied, "Actually, I'm guessing that in this entire Great Void Immortal Path, there are only 10 gateways to Hell. We have found seven of them. I have searched through practically the entire Great Void Immortal Path and did not find any signs of the other three. However, I found out that the other three gateways to Hell have been found and taken by three different tribes. These three groups are all descendants of immortal emperors. Even if we work together, it will be difficult for us to snatch the gateways to Hell from them. Hence, I'm wondering if the Gu Huo Immortal Lord would mind adding three more parties to the contest for the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King. After all, there are only 20 years left, and our true opponent may be time itself."

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord fell silent.

The Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe discussed the proposal internally.

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord suggested, "Having three more competitors is nothing. But if we start killing each other here, even if we manage to get the other three gateways to Hell in the end, we will suffer great losses. Also, there is no need for us to force our tribe into uncomfortable relationships with the other descendants of immortal emperors by rejecting their requests to join in the contest for the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King."

The Gu Yin Immortal Lord added, "I think Immortal Mo wants to cooperate with the other three groups too. Her priority is to test if there is a possibility of opening the challenge to the contest for the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King. After all, 20 years is really not a long time. The 100-year period may come to an end before we can even find the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King."

"But we are the ones who found the most gateways to Hell. They only have one each. What gives them the right...." The Gu Di Immortal Lord was unhappy with the suggestion. They had worked hard for these four gateways to Hell, and now they had to share their accomplishments with others? On the other hand, the others only needed to get one gateway to Hell to have an opportunity to compete for the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King.

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord said, "If we stubbornly refuse to cooperate, then we will not even have a tiny bit of chance to get the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King. In this case, the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King can only be left to the next group in 5,000. That result is the worst for us. Whether the decision to cooperate is a blessing or curse, that is difficult to say."

"The Young Master is right. The Immortal Mo will definitely be appreciative of the Young Master's decision."

Obviously, Mo Yuji had already made her decision to work with the other three groups of immortal emperor descendants.

When he turned back, Mo Yuji asked, "Immortal lord, have you made up your mind?"

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord nodded and said, "Let them join us."

Mo Yuji smiled faintly and replied, "As expected, Immortal Lord is bold and impressive."

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord felt proud to be praised by Immortal Mo.

After coming to an agreement, Mo Yuji sent out Immortal Message Talismans to the three parties and instructed them to gather here. When they hear about the possibility of getting a 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King, they would definitely rush here at the earliest possible moment.

Now all that remained was to wait for the other three parties.


"10 gateways to Hell?"

They had only 10 gateways to Hell all together, and they believed that these were all the gateways to Hell available in the Great Void Immortal Path. However, there was another gateway to Hell in Wu Yu's possession....

Wu Yu had no idea what was going on either. He would observe the result of the 10 gateways to Hell fusing and the events that would unfold after. At the moment, he was finding it difficult to progress in his immortal dao and had not improved much even after 2,000 years of training.

The only good thing was that Nangong Wei's will seemed to have strengthened and was now nearly a match for the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord.

Also, with Wu Yu's help from imparting legacies, the Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi had reached the Immortal Lord Realm! While they had only entered the Immortal Lord Realm, they now also possessed two types of autonomous realm power. They had the Realm of the Physical Body and could fight 4 or 5-realm immortal lords. They still had plenty of opportunities for improvement as Wu Yu had provided a large amount of legacies for them, with more than 10 legacies from 9-realm immortal lords.

They absorbed the knowledge slower than Wu Yu but had the luxury of time in training. Of course, compared to Wu Yu, they lacked actual battle experience.

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord and Mo Yuji got along well. They were really a great pair to look at, a perfect match. When they stood together, they were the envy of many other immortal lords. While their two tribes were on opposing sides at the start, they eventually started to get along and became friendly with each other.

The third group of immortal lords arrived after one month, and to Wu Yu's surprise, this was a group that he was familiar with. This was the Ruling Sky Immortal Tribe led by the Ruling Fate Immortal Lord. The Ruling Fate Immortal Lord was sad for a long time after losing the ninth-grade Mark of an Immortal King. However, he felt better when he heard that the Eternal Phoenix Tribe had lost the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord. He was delighted upon receiving Mo Yuji's message and quickly led his Ruling Sky Immortal Tribe to the gathering venue.

"I am the humble Ruling Fate. Greetings to the Gu Huo Immortal Lord and Immortal Mo." He knew that his tribe was slightly weaker and hence greeted the other two immortal lords politely. He said, "I did not expect to have the honor of joining the two of you and enjoying the opportunity to contest for the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King."

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord said, "There is no need to give thanks. It is the Ruling Fate Immortal Lord's good luck to find one of the gateways to Hell. You have won this opportunity yourself."

Mo Yuji smiled slightly but did not join in the conversation. Actually, to her, the only immortal lord worthy of being her opponent was the Gu Huo Immortal Lord.

After 10 days, the fourth group of immortal lords arrived. They were the descendants of the Southern Bewildered Fire Virtue True Lord from the Bewildered Fire Virtue Tribe. The immortal lord leading this tribe was the Southern Bewildered Fire Virtue True Lord's son, the Bewildered Fire Immortal Lord. He had a head of red hair, snow-white skin, and bright red eyes. He was a cheery man who liked to joke around. Upon arrival, he addressed the other three immortal lords as big brothers and big sister. He did not care if his use of such terms of endearment was awkward or not. Of course, all of them had met each other prior. After all, their fathers were friendly with each other, especially for the Fire Virtue True Lord and the Mighty Miracle God. Hence, the Bewildered Fire Immortal Lord and the Gu Huo Immortal Lord were good friends since young, even though they were still competitors here.

The last to arrive was the Vesper Immortal Tribe led by the beloved daughter of the Eastern Vesper Virtuous Metal True Lord, the White Night Immortal Lord. The White Night Immortal Lord was also a great beauty from the sky palaces. She was gentle and elegant, pure and sagely. She wore a white, flowy dress that was enveloped in mist. She was attractive like a white lotus, a fairy whose beauty was to be appreciated from afar.

At this point, all five groups had arrived. The Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe and Dhritarashtra's tribe had the largest number of tribe members present. They were the strongest group here. The other three groups had only a handful of tribes members left and had to work together to be on par with the Gu Huo Immortal Lord and Mo Yuji. A delicate balance of power was established between the five groups. Of the newcomers, the Ruling Fate Immortal Lord was keeping a low profile, the Bewildered Fire Immortal Lord was being playful, and the White Night Immortal Lord was being quiet and otherworldly. At this point, it was impossible to tell what was going on in their minds.


In the outside world, when all 1,000 of them gathered together, 1,000 white dots appeared on the stellar diagram and attracted a lot of attention. Marshal Tian You expanded the stellar diagram, and everyone soon saw that a large group of immortal lords had gathered at that point.

"There are only 20 years left. What are these people gathering for?"

"Who is there?"

"I see Dhritarashtra's daughter, the Mighty Miracle God's son, and the children of the Ruling Sky Manifesting Sage Great Emperor, the Southern Bewildered Fire Virtue True Lord, and the Eastern Vesper Virtuous Metal True Lord. These five are the most outstanding of all inside."

"What are they planning to do?"

They were spectators on the outside and were not very clear about what had happened.

Even Dhritarashtra was interested in what this large group was planning to do.

"This is peculiar."

The Provenance Phoenix Empress glanced at the group and said, "They should be planning something. But Dancing Flame is not amongst them."

Actually, the eternal phoenix tribe team was very strong. However, they were not involved in this gathering, and it seemed like they were about to miss something interesting. The Provenance Phoenix Empress was displeased.

The Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor grinned. "These youngsters have gathered together. Perhaps they have found a clue to the Jade Emperor's 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King?"

Everyone became interested and started watching carefully when they heard the Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor's guess.


In the Great Void Immortal Path, the Gu Huo Immortal Lord was already getting impatient, and he announced, "Since everyone is here, and there are only 20 years left, we shall not waste any more time. After all, we have no way of being sure, and this is just trying our luck. So, let's begin."

He was very frank and directly took out his gateway to Hell, which was a fusion of four bronze rings. His gateway to Hell had the deepest color compared to the rest.

Next, Mo Yuji also took out a gateway to Hell. Her gateway to Hell also had a deep color. Hers was a fusion of three gateways to Hell.

When the other three saw that both the Gu Huo Immortal Lord and Mo Yuji had taken out their gateways to Hell, they relaxed. These three immortal lords were cautious of the strength of the other two and acted as though they were one team. After all, at this place, they were the weak ones. They took out their gateways to Hell at the same time. Their gateways to Hell looked about the same as Wu Yu's, which had not been fused before.

Indeed, 10 gateways to Hell appeared.

Currently, Wu Yu held the 11th gateway to Hell. He was curious to see what would happen when these people combined 10 gateways to Hell.

"Let's all let go," the Gu Huo Immortal Lord instructed everyone.

He released his gateway to Hell first, and the others quickly followed suit. Then all the gateways to Hell started moving towards each other and gathered in the middle. Ultimately, they knocked into each other and fused. Everyone watched carefully and warily. Even the Gu Huo Immortal Lord was filled with anticipation at this moment.

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