Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1394: Bloody Ghosts Sec

Chapter 1394: Bloody Ghosts Sec


Without warning, the enormous star beneath them shook again.

"Who dares to trespass into the territory of the great Bloody Ghosts Sect!?"

An ancient voice roared and spread out instantly. Even Wu Yu, who was imprisoned within the Greater Darkness Heaven, felt his ears ringing with pain.

He mused, "The Gu Huo Immortal Lord has been discovered!"

After all, the Gu Huo Immortal Lord had never been to hell and was not clear of the situation in hell. Wu Yu had explored the Hell of the Netherworld before and knew that the ghostly immortals gathered in sects. This was unlike the situation in the sky palaces, where the Jade Emperor ruled and controlled all 8,000 Sky Palaces. In hell, the strongest ghostly immortals managed hell loosely. Hence, the entire 10,000 Levels of Hell was always in a state of rampant civil wars, destruction, and looting. Hell was rife with such brutal battles, and these fights were basically left unchecked.

As a result, the population numbers of ghostly immortals was always much lesser than heavenly immortals. However, those ghostly immortals who managed to survive the harsh environment of hell were usually vicious and sly, or had other special capabilities. To put it simply, only the strong survived in such a place. Hence, these ghostly immortals possessed battle experience that surpassed that of heavenly immortals at the same rank. Should a battle explode between the two parties, the ghostly immortal would be able to fight much more effectively, equipped by the multiple moves that they had learned through their countless years of battles.

For instance, the trick to lure their unsuspecting enemies into their traps.

Obviously, the Gu Huo Immortal Lord had thought that the city in this star was similar to those in the sky palaces. In the sky palaces, such cities would be guarded by the elites and governed by strict laws. However, this was not the case here.

One could even say that this entire star was the Bloody Ghosts Sect's territory, and any trespassers would be directly slayed. It was because the star was this sect's territory that it was well-guarded. They were free to build and set up all kinds of immortal designs all over the star, and no one could do anything about that.

Whereas in the sky palaces, the city lords were sky palace officials, and all 8,000 Sky Palaces were under the rule of the Jade Emperor. Hence, invasions of cities were rare and most immortal cities would not activate their defensive immortal designs.

However, in hell, there was strong competition for territory. At any time, there might be a ghostly immortal sneaking into the city to kill someone. Hence, it was impossible for the star's defensive immortal designs to simply lay dormant. These immortal designs were not only active, but also well hidden. There were some special illusions to attract the attention of potential invaders. Once the Bloody Ghosts Sect's enemies entered the range of the city, the sect could kill them and take their treasures. There was no room for negotiation.

Even the Gu Huo Immortal Lord, who had grown up in and never left the sky palaces, knew too little about the darkness of the 10,000 Levels of Hell.

Perhaps such a vast difference in environment was precisely what the Jade Emperor had wanted to make use of to widen the young immortal lords' horizons. Even Mo Yuji's group might have been relaxed and not very cautious when they approached such cities and stars.

When the Gu Huo Immortal Lord and his group neared that ghostly immortal city, they were already entangled within the city's immortal designs. All of a sudden, a brilliant, red flash erupted outside the star and a blood-red net appeared, surrounding the Gu Huo Immortal Lord and his group. The net wrapped around them in multiple layers. Blood-red flames burnt on the blood net and pressed on towards them!

This was just a part of the immortal design. Outside, even more immortal designs were activated, and in an instant, the Gu Huo Immortal Lord and his group were trapped in multiple immortal designs. Black mist covered the sky and ear-piercing, hair-raising cries tore into their ear drums, forcing them into desperation. All sorts of stenches wafted towards them in waves. These ghostly immortal designs formed by the primordial spirits and corpses of ghostly immortals vibrated in the surroundings and exploded with all kinds of attacks. This sudden ambush frightened these immortal lords who had never fought ghostly immortals before!

Even the Gu Huo Immortal Lord was puzzled. His original plan was to move stealthily. He did not expect them to be discovered at the start of their search for the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King. Not only that, they were ambushed with such fanfare and had sunk into layers of dangerous immortal designs instantly. The key was the ghostly immortals outside who had assembled so quickly. Next, these ghostly immortals would definitely control the immortal designs to unleash a storm of terrifying attacks on them.

The most terrifying part was that those immortal designs were still active and tore the 20 of them apart before attacking each of them individually! This was quite scary. Once separated, the Gu Huo Immortal Lord was no longer worried about himself, but for the safety of his companions.

"On guard! Try not to be separated. Listen to my orders!"

He reacted swiftly. At this moment, through the immortal design, they could see about 1,000 ghostly immortals gathered outside. Ghostly shadows overlapped each other and sinister cackles erupted from time to time as these ghostly immortals watched their trapped prey.

"Eh, Sect Leader! These people don't look like the bunch of assholes from the Midnight Wraiths!" someone suddenly called out in a strange voice. The Gu Huo Immortal Lord looked up and saw a huge sea of blood spreading on top of his group. Above that sea of blood, an elder dressed in a blood-red robe was watching them with long, sharp eyes like an eagle. His gaze was harrowing, and at this moment, he met the Gu Huo Immortal Lord's eyes!

"A ghostly king!"

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord's heart skipped a beat. He could only sigh over his bad luck. He did not expect to have his worst fears realized upon entry into the Astral Hell and bump into a ghostly king. The sect leader of the Bloody Ghosts Sect was at the Great Void Ghostly Realm. However, it was a relief that this ghostly king was only in the first tier of the Great Void Ghostly Realm; otherwise, the Gu Huo Immortal Lord would be in deep trouble!

Upon hearing the two words โ€œghostly king,โ€ the other immortal lords' faces turned white. They knew that it would be no easy task to survive in the Astral Hell; however, they had not expected the Astral Hell to impose such a dangerous challenge on them so quickly!

When the ghostly king saw the Gu Huo Immortal Lord and his group, he instantly broke out into laughter. "Kiddos! Look carefully. These are not ghostly immortals! They are heavenly immortals from the sky palaces! These idiots probably have too much time on their hands. They might have held some ghostly immortal from the mortal domain hostage and followed them into hell. I've seen such idiots in the past. They are bored of the stability in the sky palaces and want to come down here for an adventure. Every one of them died in the end. We are lucky today to trap them. They always carry many treasures with them. Every one of you, be serious. Don't let any one of them escape!"

Hearing that they had caught a group of heavenly immortals, many of these ghostly immortals who had never seen heavenly immortals before became excited and started yelling enthusiastically. Their hoots and calls were disgusting. These ghostly immortals were relaxed and joking around as they were confident in their victory. After all, they also knew that the Gu Huo Immortal Lord and his group were only immortal lords, while their sect leader was the famous Blood Robed Ghostly King!

He had a body count of over a million souls in his hands!


Under his order, 1,000 ghostly immortals immediately rushed down. Some of them were at the Nine Xuan Dao Realm, while some were at the Immortal Lord Realm. However, they were boosted by their immortal designs. Moreover, they outnumbered the Gu Huo Immortal Lord and his group. Additionally, these ghostly immortals were crazy people who had survived hundreds of battles. This was their territory, so they would not be afraid of these 20 immortal lords!

"Damn it!" It was all because of his decision that his entire group was now in this predicament. The Gu Huo Immortal Lord was furious. He locked on to the Blood Robed Ghostly King at once.

And took out his Great Void Immortal Treasure, the Greater Darkness Heaven!

The Blood Robed Ghostly King could not believe his eyes and roared, "Argh! A Great Void Immortal Treasure!" He started rubbing his eyes like a mad man, and when he was sure that it was truly a Great Void Immortal Treasure, he became even madder.

"Kill! Kill all of them. Leave no one alive! Slayers will be rewarded! I will personally help the slayers break through one tier!"

The Blood Robed Ghostly King shrieked shrilly.

His blood-red eyes locked on to the Gu Huo Immortal Lord and he rushed down immediately. That Great Void Immortal Treasure seemed too good to be true. The chance to get a Great Void Immortal Treasure was all the Blood Robed Ghostly King could think of. He even ignored the abilities of the Gu Huo Immortal Lord and blindly unleashed a series of fervent attacks.

At the moment, the other 19 immortal lords, including the Gu Di Immortal Lord, not only had to fend against the immortal designs, but also fight off 1,000 ghostly immortals at the same time. The most dangerous factor was that these ghostly immortals attacked with no regard for their lives. The Gu Huo Immortal Lord thought that in such a situation, he would have to catch the ringleader to catch the band of thieves. They could only survive if he could kill the Blood Robed Ghostly King!


He was relatively calm as he controlled the Greater Darkness Heaven. He was prepared to fight the Blood Robed Ghostly King. He had battle experience fighting an immortal king.

Suddenly, a flash appeared from the Greater Darkness Heaven and Wu Yu actually disappeared!

"Chifeng Immortal Lord!"

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord was shocked. He had never expected for Wu Yu to be able to escape even from the Greater Darkness Heaven. This was unbelievable!

But Wu Yu had done it!

He could not afford to be distracted, as the Blood Robed Ghostly King attacked him in the next second. He could not think of anything else when faced with the Blood Robed Ghostly King. From the start of the battle, the other party had easily suppressed him. After all, the Gu Huo Immortal Lord not only had to fend against his attacks, but also the pressure from the surrounding immortal designs!

Wu Yu had waited for this moment for a long time. He had known that he would have an opportunity to escape when he reached the Astral Hell. It was just that he did not expect for this opportunity to come so quickly.

This was the best time to save the Ancient Ink Camp. After all, the Gu Huo Immortal Lord was now being suppressed by the Blood Robed Ghostly King and was too busy to care about the others. The Blood Robed Ghostly King was too scary. His attacks were too frenzied and he seemed to care not even for his own safety and life. All the Blood Robed Ghostly King saw was the treasure, the Greater Darkness Heaven.

Because even he, the sect leader, did not possess a Great Void Immortal Treasure!

Wu Yu directly blocked the Gu Di Immortal Lord. She was already wielding the Demonic Flute of Ancient Tongues. Because of the forced separation from the immortal designs, she was fending off the attacks alone like the rest of her peers. She not only had to withstand the attacks from the immortal designs, but also the attacks from a group of reckless ghostly immortals!

Wu Yu transformed his body into a small size and approached her quickly. He appeared behind her. The Gu Huo Immortal Lord had not expected for Wu Yu to be so daring, while the Gu Di Immortal Lord was already in a state of shock from the ghostly immortals' attacks. Her fighting was messy and she actually lacked the power of her usual battle performance. Facing the barrage of attacks from hundreds of ghostly immortals and the attacks from a few immortal designs, her face was pale and her attacks seemed weak and ineffective. Even if Wu Yu did not attack, if the Gu Di Immortal Lord could not adjust to the ongoing battle, she would be in grave danger. While her opponents were not very strong, the predicament she was in was something that she had never faced before, and this scared her.

The Gu Yin Immortal Lord, who was far away, was performing much better in his battles.

"Kill her!"

"Let's present this woman to the sect leader! The taste of heavenly beauties are the best! Let's bring her to the sect leader! We'll definitely get rewarded handsomely!"

"You're right. After the sect leader has his fill, he might hand her to us as a reward! Such a heavenly beauty is really rare in hell. Be careful, don't kill her and don't let her die. Our entire sect can savour her beauty for a very long time!"

"Ha ha!"

The Gu Di Immortal Lord almost fainted in rage when she heard such salacious comments. She started to curse the other party, but she could not curse and swear as well as the ghostly immortals. She could only become more enraged. Besides, she would only be in greater danger as the immortal design further separated her from her companions. She could only pray that the Gu Huo Immortal Lord could slay the ghostly king before these ghostly immortals could get to her!

She did not know that Wu Yu was already behind her. He had just killed and devoured a ghostly immortal and now looked like an average ghostly immortal.

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