Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1409: A Door Gift for Gu Huo Immortal Lord

Chapter 1409: A Door Gift for Gu Huo Immortal Lord

This was a matter between siblings, and the three ghostly kings would not interfere.

Wu Yu laughed. He was not White-Eyed Ghostly Lord, and had no quarrel with her. However, since she had come knocking, he would have to deal with things as White-Eyed Ghostly Lord would.

Otherwise, he would raise suspicions.

Until now, he had been delivering an Oscar-winning performance of White-Eyed Ghostly Lord.

He looked lazily over at Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord's tight curves, and said dismissively: "Not interested, not interested at all. There's no challenge in fighting someone who lost to you. Unless there's some sort of stake."

Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord's face stiffened. She had not thought Wu Yu so hard to deal with. She had found the donkey insult hard to swallow, and had wanted to deliver a few good slaps to him. Today was the limit of her restraint. Besides, she was not satisfied that he had won in a strange fashion in the last fight. She was clearly his better in previous fights.

"What sort of stake do you want?" Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord snapped.

Wu Yu gleefully laughed: "As for this, we talked about it already, didn't we? If you lose, you get down on the ground and yap like a puppy. And then say that you're a donkey. That's it. Haha......"

"You insolent wretch!" Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord was about to fight him.

"If you do that, I will tell father that you barged into my residence and tried to kill me without mercy!" Wu Yu shouted loudly.

These words cut her deeply. She had always managed to maintain her composure before her father. Her image of talent and excellence - she did not want to show the Chakravarti Ghostly King her angry and defeated side.


"Very fair isn't it? If I lose, I'll do the same. Do you dare? Or don't you? If you don't, means you're scared of me, correct? Which means that you, Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord, are not my match. If you want to beat me, wait another million years, when you're an old crone and I'm on the verge of fading away. You'll be the better one then." Wu Yu said.

"I accept!"

His taunting had gotten to her.

Even though immortals and ghostly immortals lived for a long time, but they spent most of the time cultivating. There were long periods of boredom and loneliness. Although mortals only lived for a few short centuries, but they lived colorful lives. That was why many immortals and ghostly immortals still recalled their few centuries of mortal life even after ascending.

Since she had accepted, Wu Yu would fight with her. This time, Wu Yu wanted to make her feel the difference between them. He would repel her for good, so she wouldn't bug him everyday.

Seeing the situation, the three ghostly kings backed away. They just needed to step in to prevent death or serious injury.

Finally, Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord's chance for revenge!

This time, the Chakravarti Ghostly King was not watching, and Wu Yu had much more freedom of movement!

Even if Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord had prepared for a long time, Wu Yu's violent offense defeated her even more thoroughly than before. Before long, she was again wrapped up in Wu Yu's Lasting Blood Banner, trussed up tightly. This time, Wu Yu did not immediately let her go, but pulled her to him, and cheekily said: "What a divine body, and your face is amazing too. If only you weren't my sister."

"Shut up! You brute. If you can even say something like that, you're beyond hope!" Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord's face was a purplish red, and her mind a blank white. She was thoroughly flabbergasted by his trumping. She could not understand it.

Wu Yu had beat her convincingly, a completely different picture from White-Eyed Ghostly Lord before. But his nonsense about the stake was in character with the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord, and her suspicions were erased by her anger. As for him, he could remain on Chakravarti-raja Star in the identity of the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord.

If he did not handle the conflict with Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord well, others would suspect him.

Actually, the three ghostly kings were also surprised, but they looked at each other and sighed after hearing what Wu Yu said. To look at one's own sister in this way, and say such things, how could such wicked lust belong to anyone but White-Eyed Ghostly Lord......

"Don't shirk now. Quick, be like a puppy. Then announce that you are a donkey. Otherwise don't even think of leaving. You agreed to it yourself. If you don't do it, I'll spread the news, and everyone will know that you were too cowardly to do it." Wu Yu hooted gleefully.

"You! You! Waa!" This girl burst into tears from the bullying. In his memories, White-Eyed Ghostly Lord had indeed bullied her excessively in her younger years, which had led to her hating him.

She bawled with abandon, whimpering and shaking. Wu Yu felt that she had been thought a sufficient lesson, and would be more cautious from now on. He let her go, saying: "Enough. Get out of here. Don't disgrace yourself at my place. The next time you come looking for trouble, I won't let you off. Gloomy Dreams Ghostly King, take her away."

"I won't go!" Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord was actually throwing a tantrum, sitting on the floor, crying and cursing Wu Yu.

Wu Yu was stumped. He was racking his brains for a good way to deal with this, when suddenly the All Amalgamating Cat in the Floating Dreams Pagoda alerted him that someone he knew had appeared in the vicinity of Chakravarti-raja Star.

"If you won't go, I'll go! I'm going out for fresh air!" Wu Yu beckoned to the two ghostly kings, and took to the air, headed for the skies outside. It was a convenient excuse.

"So it is Gu Huo Immortal Lord and the others, they've found this place too. Well, they're comrades from the sky palaces. I have to give them a welcoming gift."

Wu Yu felt that Gu Huo Immortal Lord finding the epochal immortal design might be an even bigger threat than the Chakravarti Ghostly King. After all, it might well have been designed for them. Now they were closed, and in order to prevent them from getting close to the secret, it was best for Wu Yu to chase them off, since he had found them.

And then he could slowly reap the spoils.

No matter which immortal lord came, he would chase them all away.

Lazy had encountered Gu Huo Immortal Lord a few times, and it would not make a mistake at this distance.

"Don't you dare leave!" Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord did not know what had come over her, but she had been thrashed this time, and was angry about it. She tagged along, chasing after Wu Yu. Gloomy Dreams Ghostly King came as well.

"Just as well. Three ghostly kings would be enough to make Gu Huo Immortal Lord and the others pay a price."

The five of them took off into the skies, in a strange game of catch. Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord and Gloomy Dreams Ghostly King were chasing Wu Yu. He did not head for Gu Huo Immortal Lord's position immediately, but hid here and there, cursing.

"Is there no end to you? Do you believe that I will kill you?" Wu Yu shouted at her as he ran.

"You humiliated me! I will kill YOU!" Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord screeched at him.

The three ghostly kings could only follow behind. They looked at each other, unsure of what to do.

Many ghostly immortals had also spotted them, and did not know what had happened......

Wu Yu ran in a seemingly random manner, continuing to drift towards Gu Huo Immortal Lord's location. He even took a roundabout route so they would end up behind, cutting off their escape route.

He knew where they were hiding!

"Are you done!" He picked up the speed. Gu Huo Immortal Lord and the others assumed it was a two-person chase that had nothing to do with them, and so they hid on a broken star, concealing themselves well. Not even the ghostly kings spotted them. But Wu Yu feigned trouble and landed on the star.

"Don't run!" Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord was not seriously injured, and continued to attack with the Amethyst Hell Shadowy God Starry Sword. With an enraged thrust, her Astral Hell heavenly rule smashed the broken star to bits!

"Someone's there!"

As the star smashed, all three ghostly kings sensed it. Not just someone, but a dozen someones. They were all elite immortal lords!

"More immortals!" The two ghostly kings were shocked. They quickly surrounded the dozen.

"More? You've seen some before?" Gloomy Dreams Ghostly King demanded.

Amethyst Soul Ghostly King hastily said: "Not so. But we heard that Blood Robed Ghostly King was killed by immortals. Maybe it's this bunch!"

The three of them formed a surround, sending Wu Yu and the others back. This bunch appeared to be quite savage, and might pose a threat to Wu Yu and Amethyst Soul Ghostly King.

Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord was a little unsure of what to do. Seeing the immortals, and hearing the words of the three ghostly kings, she very quickly reacted, taking out an immortal message talisman!

"It must be for the Chakravarti Ghostly King!"

Wu Yu started. Gu Huo Immortal Lord and the others were in danger now. Besides, Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord shouted: "Immortals trespassing!"

She used an Immortal Lord Realm technique to amplify her voice, and many ghostly kings heard her. They would arrive shortly.

However, Wu Yu had no regrets. Firstly, these were his competitors. Secondly, he had a grudge against these people, who were trying to kill him. Chakravarti-raja Star was a dangerous place. If they dared to come, then they would have to dare to brave the dangers!

Gu Huo Immortal Lord was indeed taking a big risk, but he had not expected to be found out so quickly.

Besides, their bodyguards were three ghostly kings!

Chakravarti-raja Star was already alerted, and it would be impossible for them to fight. Gu Huo Immortal Lord's expression changed, and he shouted: "Disperse and flee! Quick!"

The dozen of them split up and employed a variety of methods to move towards different directions.

"Young master, leave first!"

A few people protected Gu Huo Immortal Lord, buying him time to escape.


Instantly, the battle commenced. Gu Huo Immortal Lord used Greater Darkness Heaven to great effect. He was a formidable power, and even 10,000 Bones Ghostly King was sent flying by his weapon. It seemed like 10,000 Bones Ghostly King was not his match!

Therefore, Gu Huo Immortal Lord was the first to break through the encirclement, only to run smack into Wu Yu.

Their eyes met.

Wu Yu smiled.

"Go away!" He had not recognized the person in his way. He swung Greater Darkness Heaven. He knew that Wu Yu was of noble status, and wanted to kidnap him. But as he blinked, ,Wu Yu disappeared from before his very eyes.

"Hng!" He was a little wrong-footed.

"Young master, flee quickly!" The others shouted anxiously.

Gu Huo Immortal Lord started. The Chakravarti-raja Star people were already in hot pursuit, and he hurriedly made good his escape. Everyone scattered, in order to minimize the casualties.

"Stay where you are!" 10,000 Bones Ghostly King chased them.

Wu Yu saw that the dozen of them had split up, and Amethyst Soul Ghostly King and Gloomy Dreams Ghostly King had only managed to hold four down. The others had all escaped in different directions.

But the four could not escape, while the other ghostly kings had already gone chasing those outside.

"Mighty Miracle God tribe from the sky palaces?" Someone exclaimed in surprise.

"Don't kill them! Take hostages! Learn their purpose!"

Just as those words rang out, the four people committed suicide.

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