Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1422: The Volcanic Hell Master

Chapter 1422: The Volcanic Hell Master

The Chakravarti Ghostly King had already realised that even in the face of danger, he had to come out at least once.

Even if Gu Huo Immortal Lord and Mo Yuji was nearby, it would be difficult to search for them while being inside the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti.

If they continued in this stalemate, a new opponent who was powerful enough to upset the balance of power might appear.

If he had not ordered his subordinates to seal the passageways that allowed entry into Astral Hell from the other hells, there would have been much more ghostly immortals hanging around the Chakravarti-raja Star now.

However, recently, every defence that he had put up seemed to have been broken through. The defensive immortal designs had all been destroyed. These were the immortal designs that every generation of Astral Hell master had built, just like the Astral Guardian Field.

Hence, the Chakravarti Ghostly King had no choice but to come out.

When he appeared outside, he could not focus on controlling the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti. The power of this Great Void Immortal Treasure would drop immediately.

"He's out!"

"The Chakravarti Ghostly King!"

The immortal lords instantly retreated upon seeing him.

"Kill him and the Great Void Immortal Treasure would be destroyed." Someone said.

Such a comment, after being passed around, roused the murderous intent of the immortal lords. Their eyes lit up fiercely and their aura became more hostile. Some of them retreated but more of them joined the advancing group that was attempting to surround the Chakravarti Ghostly King.

The Chakravarti Ghostly King could not be bothered with them. He moved swiftly and rushed into the group of immortal lords quickly. His speed was so fast that the immortal lords lost track of him!

"Where did he go!"



The Chakravarti Ghostly King swung his evil longsword at any immortal lord who blocked his way, dragging and slicing their spirits apart. Instantly, many immortal lords perished!

With his strength, his killing spree seemed so effortless. It was as though he was just slicing fruits and vegetables. In the chaos, the Chakravarti Ghostly King had already plunged into the crowds of immortal lords. These immortal lords attempted to corner the ghostly king and launch a group attack but this was difficult to accomplish!

They had missed the opportunity.

"Retreat! Let's run!" A shadow flashed across their eyes and corpses fell to the ground. The immortal lords paled. Not many of them dared to attack the Chakravarti Ghostly King.

Wu Yu was within this group and he knew that the Chakravarti Ghostly King was definitely searching for Gu Huo Immortal Lord and Mo Yuji.

However, Gu Huo Immortal Lord and Mo Yuji, and even the Ruling Fate Immortal Lord were obviously in hiding.

"I don't know why but they seem to know the Chakravarti Ghostly King's goal and have not shown themselves yet."

Logically speaking, they should not have known the Chakravarti Ghostly King's goals.

However, those Immortal Emperors' descendants like Zhao Yuanchen had not shown themselves at all. Even Chong Yuan Immortal Lord seemed to have stayed hidden.

They were all descendants of Immortal Emperors and had a certain level of ability, especially Gu Huo Immortal Lord and Mo Yuji. Their fathers were also high-level ranking officials of the sky palaces. This meant that they had the legacies of the top most powerful immortal emperors.

Wu Yu managed to follow the Chakravarti Ghostly King through the crowds. He had really improved a lot, even his speed now was terrifyingly fast and no one in his surroundings could sense his existence.

The Chakravarti Ghostly King continued his massacre!

As a result, the immortal lords dispersed in panic. They knew that if they allowed the Chakravarti Ghostly King to go near them, they would be in grave danger. Hence, they chose to retreat first.

Even though they were not in formation, all of them retreated together and the distance between them and the Chakravarti Ghostly King widened. However, the Chakravarti Ghostly King gave chase and neared them again, making it harder for the immortal lords to shake him off and escape!

It seemed as though they were playing a game. Once the immortal lords pulled apart a certain distance, for survival and the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King, they would attack the Chakravarti Ghostly King crazily!


"Kill him and the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King will appear!"

The immortal lords gathered in huge numbers and all of them had their own techniques and mystiques. Once the Chakravarti Ghostly King was faced with the attacks of thousands of immortal lords, he would also be in trouble. His goal was to find Gu Huo Immortal Lord and Mo Yuji but he had failed to do so even after being outside for such a long period of time. Obviously, those two knew that he had come out and hid in a safe place, out from his reach.

They would definitely not expose themselves to him!

"This is odd. Why will they know that I want to capture them and use the Soul Jockey Technique?"

"Is there a leak of information? A betrayer amongst my subordinates?"

Perhaps this was the only possibility.

Not only did he not achieve his goal after coming out from the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti, he was surrounded by the immortal lords' attacks. Even if he was the Astral Hell master, it was still quite difficult to withstand the attacks of tens of thousands of immortal lords at the same time!

Numerous attacks rained down on the Chakravarti Ghostly King continuously. None of the Immortal Lord Realm techniques and Heaven Dao Mystiques posed a threat to him. However, when there were tens of thousands of them, it became hard for him to handle. Some of the attacks even formed multiplying effects.


The Chakravarti Ghostly King sweared angrily. There was already no hope of finding them. He had no choice but to kill and make his way back to the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti!

"He's going back!"

"Quick, kill him! He's escaping!"

The immortal lords were all afraid of the Chakravarti Ghostly King raging against them. Now that they saw the Chakravarti Ghostly King retreating, this was an opportunity for them to turn the tides. Many of the immortal lords who were hiding previously started attacking together. The attacks on the Chakravarti Ghostly King multiplied immediately!

The Chakravarti Ghostly King looked very pitiful as he braved through the attacks. He brought along with him thousands of autonomous realm power and returned to the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti. He was at long last safe again.

He looked very gloomy as he returned to the disc. Everyone could see what had happened outside just now.

"Father." The Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord was heartbroken and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Who leaked the information! Why did it seem like they know about the Soul Jockey Technique! Who was it!" The Chakravarti Ghostly King was furious. He even pushed aside the Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord and glared at the rest of the ghostly kings.

A heavy silence fell upon the disc as the ghostly kings looked at one another.

"Hell master, you must have misunderstood something. We are all loyal to you and have guarded the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti till now. This was all for you and your daughter. We have no use for that 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King. How can you suspect us after we have put in so much effort?"

The ghostly kings were feeling a little bit sad now because of the Chakravarti Ghostly King's accusations. They were starting to feel that it was not worthwhile to serve the Astral Hell master......

"Father! I swear that these uncles are definitely not the ones who leaked the information! They are the ones who fought life and death battles alongside you all these years! They did not abandon you! So I know who leaked the information! Only one person will do that. He's cowardly and if he's captured, he will definitely spill out all your plans!"

The Chakravarti Ghostly King was stunned for a moment. He calmed down and said in a daze: "You are referring to your brother, right?"

It was then that the rest of the ghostly kings finally realised what had happened.

"If someone was leaking information, then there is a high possibility that that person is young master. Because amongst the rest of the ghostly kings, some had already escaped. Based on their abilities, the immortal lords will only kill them and not capture them as prisoners. Let alone force them to spill out our plans......"

"Young master is used to bullying the weak and being afraid of the powerful. He has always been a good-for-nothing and did not change much so far. If someone is really leaking our plans, I think it's him."

The Chakravarti Ghostly King's expression darkened. Now that he had calmed down and thought a little, he knew that there was at least a 70% chance that it was the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord who exposed his plans. In fact, these ghostly kings have always followed and served him, so there was no need for them to side the immortal lords.

"Apologies for suspecting you, my brothers. I was too rash just now." The Chakravarti Ghostly King said.

The ghostly kings laughed.

"Hell master, you don't need to be so polite with us. It's natural in this situation that you suspect everyone close to you."

The Chakravarti Ghostly King's gaze turned cold as he thought of his son. He gritted his teeth and said: "When I catch that brat, I will definitely shred him into pieces! It is a such shame to have him as my son!"

He looked at the Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord and could not help but feel the vast difference between them. She was so obedient and talented, and she also cared about him.

If the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord was still alive, he would probably be so heartbroken after hearing his father's words.

Wu Yu had not found the most suitable opportunity yet. He was actually also very puzzled why and how did Gu Huo Immortal Lord and the rest knew to hide and not appear in front of the Chakravarti Ghostly King.

The Chakravarti Ghostly King's failed attempt this time round basically meant that he would soon lose his advantage of being close to getting the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King!

As expected, not too long later, when the immortal lords were about to breach through the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti, another power attacked the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti!.

That group of people was extremely adept at moving through the magma. Their killing intent rocketed through the skies. One look and you could tell that they were a group of ghostly immortals!

The one leading the group was a bald old man. Instead flames burned on his head. His whole body was extremely hot, like a volcano, and looked like burning red steel. Heat waves radiated from him. One would definitely feel his terrifying aura even if he was faraway!

Wu Yu could basically confirm that he was also someone of the Hell master level. After all, about ten ghostly kings were following behind him!

Wu Yu had already devoured three ghostly kings and the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord. After doing a simple search of their memories, he knew who this person was.

"The Hell master of the 5001th level of Hell, the Volcanic Hell, -- the Volcanic Hell master! The Fiery Ghostly King!"

At last, one of the other Hell masters had arrived with his party.

After seeing them, the other ghostly kings hiding nearby emerged. They formed a very terrifying army of ghostly immortals and the immortal lords dared not to continue their attacks!

"Get out of my way!"

That Volcanic Hell master let out a deafening roar. He was a character of the same rank as the Chakravarti Ghostly King. At this moment, he took out a huge black battle axe. The axe looked cracked on the surface but it was still burning with turbulent flames. That axe became extremely huge in his hands. He rose to the sky and slashed down towards the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti!


The Volcanic Hell master attacked without saying anything!

"Fiery Ghostly King!" Within the disc, the Chakravarti Ghostly King screamed angrily but he could not stop the Volcanic Hell master in time. At that moment, the huge axe in that Volcanic Hell master's hand had swung down towards the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti. Suddenly, the skies changed and all the magma on the Chakravarti-raja Star started to boil!

Wu Yu also watched as that huge axe clashed violently against the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti!

The chaos that he was waiting for had finally arrived. He used his Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth and transformed his body to the smallest. Now the Prismatic Thunderball would be exposed in front of everyone!

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