Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1424: Rainbow Pearl

Chapter 1424: Rainbow Pearl

Three steps!

Wu Yu felt that he was already very close.

Even if the lightning serpents were to bombard him frantically now, he would persist till death. After all, he knew how difficult it was to reach here.

"I must persist, or else these efforts will be wasted. Moreover, this is the best opportunity there is. There will only be more and more people!"

If this place were to be sealed by even more powerful ghostly immortals, they would not even have a chance at all.

Three steps!

He clenched his teeth tightly, advancing with much effort, persistently. At this point, the lightning serpents had penetrated into his body and were raging wildly.

Even though the distance had not changed for a long time, he knew that as long as he persisted, it will change eventually!

He could now vaguely make out a colorful pearl. Perhaps that was the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King. After all, no one knew what form the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King was.

Actually, any form was possible.

Two steps!

Finally, it felt like he had moved forward a little.

Wu Yu was excited. Maybe he could reach out his hand and grab the colorful pearl when he was one step away!


However, with just two steps left, another devastating revelation. As he continued to move forward, he suddenly realised at this distance that on either side the colorful pearl, two figures appeared!

A woman with a graceful figure, face unclear.

The other a burly man, ancient and vast!

Clearly, this was Mo Yuji and Gu Huo Immortal Lord!

"Never thought that they would make it here the first time round. Seems like the old me is still not as good as them."

"Of course, as the descendant of the Four Heavenly Kings and Mighty Miracle God, it's normal for them to have this ability!"

Wu Yu knew that he could see them and they could see him, indicating that everyone was not far from the colorful pearl.

Clearly, a fierce competition awaited the three.

One step too slow could possibly result in a lifetime of regret.

Under such circumstances, Wu Yu gritted his teeth even harder and advanced desperately. The other two also seemed to be riled up, advancing violently. At this point, even if one were to sustain severe injuries, one would have to stay and persist.

Although they were still teo steps apart, the appearances of the others had gradually become clear. Wu Yu could clearly judge the distance between the pearl and everyone. At present, everyone was rough equidistant from the pearl.

"Had I not consumed ghostly kings but immortal kings, my strength would be even more pure and I would have already obtained this treasure already!" Although the resistance now was stronger than before, the gradual accumulation of strain had additionally affected his speed and endurance.

Evidently, the other two were not only worried but extremely confused!

Just who was this strange unknown immortal. No one had ever seen him. Just why was he here? How could he endure this much?

The Qing Xuan Immortal Lord identity that Wu Yu had taken on was even more ordinary. They definitely would not recognise him or even have the slightest impression.

To even reach this position, even they themselves had to put in extreme effort. They knew very well how difficult it was to endure until this point.

The harder it was, the more shocked they were deep down. They clearly felt that Wu Yu's speed was not slow, and that he could possibly compete with them.

The three of them had come this far fighting for their lives. No matter the injury, even a severe injury was better than seeing one's precious baby close at hand and being taken away by someone else.

At this point, they were crazed.

In Wu Yu's vision, he could see the other two individuals becoming clearer and clearer.

Gu Huo Immortal Lord was overbearing and fierce, like a giant beast, and Mo Yuji was indifferent and mysterious, unfathomable. Her eyes were dark like the night, unreadable.

But at this time, both of them were anxious. Their eyes radiated ferocity. While they were all racing against time, it seemed very much like they were staying in the same spot.

In fact, to them, Wu Yu too also seemed to be racing on the spot.

The three of them inhabited their own little world. The outside world was irrelevant, and they paid it no mind. What truly concerned them was the object in front of them.

At this moment, there were still immortal lords and ghostly immortals streaming in, but they were all out of chances. Even Ruling Fate Immortal Lord, White Night Immortal Lord, and the others could barely see the existence of the thing, and could not even spot the three near it.

Wu Yu clenched his jaw, relying fully on his indestructible body to withstand. He utilized Swift Art to reduce his size and gain even greater speed.

However, the other two also had their techniques and were also speeding up. In terms of methods, they were not much worse than Wu Yu.

In order for them to do well on the Great Void Immortal Path, Dhrtarastra and Mighty Miracle God must certainly have assisted in their preparations a lot.

If one were merely a step away, one could basically reach out and touch it. However, Wu Yu estimated that even if he stretched his arm out, it would not be easy.

After all, even if was just a step, nobody could really fathom its true distance.

One step!

He was already very close, but he never expected that the other two would be too. The three of them were all an arms' lengths away.

Anywhere else and this positioning would be awkward, but in here, there were no options.

All three of them reached out, trying to grab hold of the colorful pearl. It was in full view now!

However, even with their outstretched arms, their palms simply passed through the pearl without any contact whatsoever. Even when their hands were in the same spot, they seemed to merge together, but Wu Yu did not make contact with them.

Of course, they too had not come into contact with Wu Yu.

Wu Yu, however, was not surprised. This meant that although it was apparently just a step away, the true distance was still quite far.

While it seemed like their hands had merged with the Rainbow Pearl, they still had a long way to go.

However, once their hands were here, they did not let go. All three of them locked eyes, resisting and struggling. Wu Yu spotted a defensive Great Void Immortal Treasure on them, otherwise they could not possibly have gotten here.

Wu Yu confronted the challenge purely with his physical form. This, to the two, was most shocking of all.

A new round of wrestling!

Outside, Chakravarti Ghostly King was flustered waiting. Yet, Gu Huo Immortal Lord and Mo Yuji had yet to appear.

The Volcanic Hell master was even more depressed; each time he rushed inside forcibly, he failed. He grabbed hold of an immortal lord rushing in and made some further progress, but alas, he was still rejected and saw nothing at all.

As for the other immortal lords, after several failures, they could only stumble out and were stunned outside. It was still possible that they could be killed by ghostly immortals, so they might as well run inwards.

"If we still don't go in, it could be possible that they have already obtained the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King . . . " Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord's heart kept pounding.

And right in the core of the Prismatic Thunderball, after a period of wrestling, the three had faced each other countless times. Finally, at a particular moment, Wu Yu felt a wonderful feeling that he was truly close to the Rainbow Pearl!

He stretched out his hand to take it, and unexpectedly made contact with the Rainbow Pearl. He held it tightly in his palm. He had succeeded! At this moment, he was still a little confused and he wasn't even ecstatic. It was unexpected.

After all, there were still these two strong competitors.

"10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King, have you gotten it?" Even Ming Long was in disbelief. After all, one could expect that this was something difficult to obtain.

It felt a little too easy.

It was also at this moment when the surprise came too suddenly that he lost focus.

However, something even more shocking was just about to happen!

In the moment that he saw clearly the Rainbow Pearl in his hand, he discovered that the other two across him were also in ecstasy. It was like they had experienced what he had experienced. When they reached out and contacted the pearl, in their hands too was one!


In the next moment, all three of them were dumbfounded. Inferring from their facial expressions, it was clear that each of them had thought that they were the sole obtainers of the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King, only to discover very shortly after that the other two had it too.

Where the Rainbow Pearl once suspended, was now empty.

What exactly was going on, Wu Yu could not figure exactly.

The other two were actually trying to attack each other, snatching the other's Rainbow Pearl. However, when they attacked, they discovered that they were too far apart.

"I thought that we would be at the same spot eventually. Could it be that we are still far apart, and have each gotten a Rainbow Pearl from different places? We look like we are nearby, but in fact we are far apart? Perhaps not even in the same space?"

Wu Yu's mind raced through numerous thoughts.

The others must have also thought of it.

"This could mean that maybe what I have obtained is not actually the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King, but a hint of it, or a fraction of it? A third?

Sure enough, the Jade Emperor's test was not so simple. If it were that easy, it would too simple a trial for Gu Huo Immortal Lord and Mo Yuji.

Suddenly discovering that one had not actually succeeded in the midst of such ecstasy would be sorely disappointing for anybody, but there was no choice.

Wu Yu himself had felt that the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King had come a little too quickly. It felt a little unreal.

At least he had gotten an important piece now!

With this thought, before he had time to collect himself, the Prismatic Thunderball suddenly changed. Wu Yu and the two were directly blasted out!

In fact, they were not the only ones to be thrown out. Everyone inside was shot out. With tens of thousands of people being thrown out, even the Chakravarti Ghostly King had a difficult time locking down on Gu Huo Immortal Lord and Mo Yuji in the sea of people.

However, everyone suddenly discovered, in the hands of three were Rainbow Pearls emitting light. Upon exiting, the pearls burst into great light!

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