Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1428: Voidquake

Chapter 1428: Voidquake

A simple problem, yet requiring hundreds of years of training.

Wu Yu was now used to the pace of being an immortal.

If he could not devour, and could only rely on Great Sage Heaven's Equal's legacy, then perhaps it would take several Yuan's time to reach the current level.

Tackling one small problem at a time was complicated enough. A few hundred years, to anyone, was a short time.

It was also because he had devoured many immortals and ghostly immortals that he had inherited their way of thinking. Even though most ways of thinking are useless, a different angle of looking at the problem could still be of great help to Wu Yu.

Like a large number of immortals and ghostly immortals solving one problem together.

Submerged Cloud Seal was precisely this, captured step by step.

800 years had passed in the blink of an eye!

Eight years passed outside in the meantime. The entire trial of the Great Void Immortal Path had just eleven years left.

Wu Yu was also able to remain, and continued training at Floating Dreams Pagoda.

However, hard work always pays off. After Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth, Submerged Cloud Seal was complete!

Now, even without Floating Dreams Sword or Lasting Blood Banner, he had more terrying means to kill.

He had used it before on Dreary Star.

The power of Submerged Cloud Seal was terrifying even if not used in close range. Even the void would shake, and Qian Kun space would certainly shatter.

Not just broken. But shattered. It would not recover in a short time, because a shaken void would take a long time to stabilize.

It is said that if Wu Yu's strength continues to improve, one day, his Submerged Cloud Seal could possibly shatter even the void.

If it were to be used directly on the bodies of immortals or ghostly immortals, they would be crushed and killed instantly.

This was the technique Wu Yu had spent the longest time cultivating in history.

Coupled with the improvement of Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth, it can be considered that he had undergone a new transformation. His combat power skyrocketed and he had the confidence to fight against immortal king, Gu Huo Immortal Lord, Mo Yuji and the like.

Wu Yu turned to Full Moon of Nanshan to determine just what had happened these 8 years.

The answer turned out to be . . .

"There was a miniscule change. You disappeared. The other two vanished too. The ghostly immortals searched and searched, killing immortal lords whenever found. Now, ghostly immortal lords are everywhere. Even ordinary immortal lords have to hide, let alone the three of you."

In fact, Wu Yu had expected this. There were mainly three people who could hold their own, especially in Astral Hell.

Ye Xixi said, "Those immortal lords are regretting coming in. There are ghostly immortals everywhere, outnumbering them. That epochal immortal design cannot intercept that many ghostly lords. As for the ghostly kings and hell masters, it is said that before the appearance of the epochal immortal design, dozens of hell masters and hundreds of ghost kings had already entered."

Now, Wu Yu was not concerned about any immortal lord or ghostly lord. His main competitors were firstly Gu Huo Immortal Lord and the other, and secondly, hell's ghostly kings.

Especially those ghostly kings like Chakravarti Ghostly King and Volcanic Hell master. They were completely impossible to deal with.

The Great Void Immortal Realm posseses the heavenly rule power. Wu Yu could just barely resist one heavenly rule. It would be much scarier if two heavenly rules combined.

Immortal kings, ghostly kings. The true lords of the immortals and lords of the ghostly immortals and not just in title! With the existence of such a king, the difference between every heavenly rule was extremely large. At least much larger than the difference of the Immortal Lord Realm.

Perhaps the day will come where Wu Yu will become a true immortal king. He could possibly become THE king. Of course, it is not much different from now.

"Those ghostly kings are looking for the three of you everywhere. Maybe they have collapsed from the search," Full Moon of Nanshan laughed.

"Big brother Yu, could it be that those two are afraid to show up again?" Ye Xixi asked.

Wu Yu shook his head and said, "With their ambitions, they will definitely appear. It's only a matter of when. The closer you get, the more desperate you become. Either they take the iniative to find me, or they search for each other. Either way, we all have an important piece. They took great pains to come here, there is no way they are giving up. Later, it will be even more of a fight of brains and brawn."

"Makes sense."

"What will big brother Yu do next?"

"I will wait for awhile, then act."

He planned to stay in Dreary Star, holding his horses.

He still had a matter of crucial importance at hand.

Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord and Nangong Wei.

Inside Floating Dreams Pagoda, it was 800 years. Nangong Wei has been dormant for 800 years, consciousness growing constantly, underhandedly. She was now almost the same as Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord.

It was almost time for the finals.

Wu Yu must not let other things interfere with this matter of utmost importance. It had not been easy for Nangong Wei to grow to the present level. He definitely did not want to fall short.

Of course, he did not need to do anything. Just repeat the same process every time: attack Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord with Spirit Chaser Art, shatter the immortal spirit, separate the shards, and let Nangong Wei fuse it. Rinse and repeat.

Decades passed.

In fact, decades ago, Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord and Nangong Wei were almost the same. But Wu Yu played it on the safe side. There was still time to let Nangong Wei grow and overtake the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord. The speed of fusion increased significantly. Now, in immortal spirit, Nangong Wei was a seventh or eighth stronger than Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord.

And more solid.

Wu Yu felt like he needed to be more sure. So he prepared to continue trying for hundreds of years.

Each time Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord awoke, she felt a faint pain in her lower abdomen. In fact, it was Wu Yu who beat her, but she thought it was the sequela of "that incident". With the addition of her weakness, she was long desperate.

But time was running out. She said, "Give up! It is impossible! We are not the same race at all! The amount of time we have is not enough now."

"Who says, there will always be miracles, right?" Wu Yu laughed teasingly.

"Thanks for being company all this long and lonely while." Wu Yu said.

"It is a pity you must end badly! My mother will definitely finish you up!"

"She will not bear to do that to a man who has romanced tens of thousands of nights with you," Wu Yu said excessively, so as to be not too robotic for fear that she would have her suspicions.

After all, her competition with Nangong Wei was something Wu Yu had never seen before. Even he was not sure how many variables there were. Therefore, h e must deceive Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord. The more Nangong Wei's powers grew, the more assurance he had, and the more likely Nangong Wei would win in the final battle.

"Die!" Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord recollected this shameful incident. This guy would spout nonsense everywhere. Her pristine reputation was really ruined in the hands of this rogue.

However, after tens of thousands of nights, sometimes she looked at Wu Yu with a little resignation. Even if she begged for Wu Yu to wake her up once, nobody would want to spend these tens of thousands of nights in deep slumber. But in fact, it was more than tens of thousands of nights.

Another few decades passed. At this time, Nangong Wei was a fifth stronger than Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord. It was a great advantage. She was also very resilient. Wu Yu estimated that it was almost time.

However, he never once expected that in this very moment, one day, Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord would wake up unrestedly. She looked at Wu Yu in fear, "I . . . I feel like there's somebody else in my body! I just felt her own thinking. She . . . she wants to eat me!"

She was frightened, eyes bloodshot, hands trembling. But at this time, it was as if she was relying on Wu Yu, begging Wu Yu for help.

Wu Yu was startled. He did not expect that she could actually feel Nangong Wei's presence.

Fortunately, at this point, Nangong Wei had already surpassed her.

"Are you crazy?" Although Wu Yu knew deep down, he played dumb.

"It's true, it's true . . . " Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord was pale. Suddenly, she screamed. Staring at Wu Yu, she exclaimed, "I got it! I finally got it! She's still in my body! She isn't dead! She is that half-life phoenix egg! It's your Nangong Wei! You guys! You guys did this together!"

She screamed loudly, trembling into a corner, looking at Wu Yu in despair.

Wu Yu still did not know what was going on with Nangong Wei.

But he knew that the time for the "decisive battle" was now.

Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord, as if having an epiphany, cried, "I see! I finally got it! No wonder you put me in slumber every time! It was all for her to emerge! Then you and her . . . no wonder, you didn't even wake me up once . . . "

She was wrong on this count. It seemed that she did not know that Nangong Wei was in the process of growth, or even that it was in her immortal spirit. She only thought that Nangong Wei was in some unseen corner of her body. When she was asleep, she would emerge, control the body, and cater to Wu Yu.

"Your imagination is overwhelming. Can you think of anything wilder?" Wu Yu laughed disgustingly.

But in this moment, Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord's countenance turned cold. She said, "I am not spouting nonsense. I can feel it. Don't lie to me. I know that you two are working together to kill me! So that she can possess my body. I will not let you guys succeed. From today onwards, if you touch me at all, I will commit suicide! I will implode my immortal spirit!"

This last sentence caused Wu Yu a lot of concern.

An imploding immortal spirit was to be feared. Upon implosion, Nangong Wei would definitely have no hope.

Most importantly, she did not know the real truth.

However, such a method still threatened Wu Yu. Wu Yu could not control freely her desire to implode.

As such, without touching her, Nangong Wei would not be able to fuse and grow, Spirit Chaser Art could not be used, and her final devouring would be rendered impossible. This situation was a dilemma for Wu Yu.

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