Lord Shadow

Chapter 784: A sword will

‘I guess I could not put my guard down even for a second’ he said words that no one could understand.

But the distance between Azief and the people below is very far and no one could probably hear what he said. 

But even if they hear it they would not understand what Azief is referring to. Azief pointed his finger toward the direction he is looking at and from the finger a blue light shoots out. 

Azief smiles a bit as a powerful sharp will embedded itself into that blue light

It pierces space and Time and disappear from the eyes of everyone and appeared on Pandemonium. 

There is almost no delay. 

The moment that blue light shoots out from his finger, it appeared instantly in Pandemonium. In Pandemonium a great battle is happening all over the great forbidden continent.

Pandemonium after the expansion of the world become the largest continent of them all. Azief notices this too when he sweeps the world with his Heaven Will before

He concluded this is because of the energy around the continent.

The size and expansion of a certain continent is not determined by its original size but by the amount of energy it possess. 

Pandemonium had always been a continent with the most worldly energy since Azief had strengthen the foundation of Pandemonium with his powers.

And right now that pandemonium is being invaded by many forces. Demonic creatures fill the skies and otherworldly forces fight a great battle in the ground. 

Countless of heroes and heroines of Pandemonium stake out their lives and fought off the invaders. 

Sounds of explosions, screams and shout fill the entire Pandemonium. 

Cracks of the world and torn space were signs of great engagement between demonic creatures and the people of Pandemonium.

All kinds of abilities were unleashed that the heavens above Pandemonium seems to change colors

Wang Jian, Athena and Freya, The Three Great generals of Pandemonium is up there in the sky, around the most badly condition battlefield filled with scarring of space Time, is fighting desperately against a powerful demonic duke

The Demonic Duke keep roaring and his roaring fills the entirety of the sky and created powerful energy that created storms and sharp wind gales.

A Demonic Duke possess the might of a Divine Comprehension leveler. And they are not many of them in the Seresian army. 

Azief knows this because he participated in that war against the Demon Emperor. Many of such figures died fighting the Demon Emperor. 

So, Seresian could not spare a lot of them

But the three Great generals could still hold this Demonic Duke. There is a reason why they could do this

If not for the fact that these demonic creature’s powers are constrained by the pressure of the All Source and the Heaven Will, how could three Disk Formation leveler be able to hold such a Demonic Duke from rampaging all over the world.

Their fights cause great destruction to the space around them and natural calamity forms around them from storms, to ripping of space.

Wang Jian is swinging his staff taking the long distance approach, enlarging his staff and tried to pummel the demonic duke to death

But how could it be easy to kill a Divine Comprehension leveler even if they were weakened? 

The Demonic Duke just waves its hands and the gigantic staff that was as big as a mountain were waved away with Wang Jian were hurled backward a few hundred kilometers away.

But Wang Jian did not give up as he shrinks back his staff and fly back almost instantly onto his original position and engage with the demonic duke in close combat attack relying on the sturdiness of the staff 

The Demonic Duke deals with this by flicking his fingers and shooting compressed airs to deflect each and every single attack made by Wang Jian.

Wang Jian is not the only one that is fighting this Demonic Duke. Athena is also there swinging her Sword of Ares trying to inflict injury. 

Ghastly apparitions appear each time she swings her sword 

But when these ghastly figures try to attack the Demonic Duke, the Demonic Duke simply opens his mouth wide and suck the air around him and these ghastly figures that usually is a great threat to any enemy that fought against Athena, they were sucked into the Demonic Duke mouth and the connection between the ghastly figures and the Sword for Ares was cut off.

The Demonic Duke just ignore the stabbing and the slashing motions by Athena because none of her attack wounded it that much. 

And the wound that she did manage to inflict, it would be healed a second later by the Demonic Duke regenerative abilities.

This is what it means to be a Divine Comprehension leveler. 

Athena and Wang Jian is feared all over the world because they could tangle with the great heroes and heroines of the world and won easily over them

But in front of this Demonic Duke, they were like kids and flies that is buzzing around it. They could only manage to annoy it but not do any damage to it. 

But while Athena could not wound the Demonic Duke and inflict major injury, she manages to keep the Demonic Duke preoccupied and not attacking the others below.

If such a powerful Demonic Duke had no one constraining it, then who could estimate how many Seed Formation, Energy Disperse Stage and Orb Condensing levelers that this Demonic Duke would be able to kill?

Freya also uses her long spear to attack the Demonic Duke and her Berserker is below fighting the otherworldly forces.

If the Demonic Duke escape them and went below to kill, then her soldiers would surely die without a doubt. 

Each time she thrusted out her spear, the space around the tips of her spear point would be punctured and created space tearing. 

But this powerful spear attack that could tear apart space could not even reach the Demonic Duke. Their fights are hard to explain and to describe.

To the people below them all they could see is light clashing against each other because their attack had reached maximum speed that if one is not in their level they would fail to see their battle clearly because the fast movement of each combatant

Wang Jian, Athena and Freya fought with all they had, their body is pushed to the limits and even so, these three great figures that pacify the world and whose name resounding all over the four corners of the world is in a terrible situation fighting only one Demonic Duke. 

If the Seresian army sent another Demonic Duke here, then Pandemonium might be leveled to the ground after the barrier collapses.

They keep fighting and clashing and sooner or later someone would slip up. 

The Demonic Duke found an opportunity and chop down with his hand toward Wang Jian. 

The momentum of his hand chopping break the space around him as wind direction changes courses because of the pressure that tack is bringing

It is clear to everyone that if this attack hits Wang Jian, Wang Jian would be out for the count. 

Athena and Freya both were pushed away by a sudden burst of energy from the demonic duke as they tried to stop that attack from connecting

At this time, everyone in Pandemonium that is still maintaining the barrier and those who were fighting outside the barrier could see that Wang Jian is about to be beaten down. 

And they all felt like their heart is going to drop seeing that hand chop is about to hit.

Once Wang Jian is beaten down, then even if Athena and Freya try to contain the Demonic Duke, it would not be possible any longer.

But then a blue flash seems to appears out of nowhere. 

This blue light flashed by the demonic duke and then onto the shock of everyone, the demonic duke roars in anger as one could see that the demonic duke wrist were cut off, his wrist falling down from the sky. 

The blue light did not immediately disappear.

Instead it exploded into an explosion of blue sparks that fills the skies. 

Each of these small sparks contains a sword will. 

It is sharp and unstoppable. 

Like a New Year eve celebration, the blue light exploded, sparks could be seen filling the skies and then each of these sparks turns into a shape of a light sword, with no handle and edge. 

It is like a straight sharp line. 

It floated there on the sky for a second and then it scattered to the surrounding with lightning fast movement. 

It flew and pierce through every demonic creature in its path, the sound of screaming and shrieking fill the Heaven and Earth as tens of thousands of demonic creatures falls from the sky

It did not only attack those demonic creatures in the sky. It also attacks the otherworldly forces in the ground. 

It sweeps them by like some reapers scythe. Swords filling the Heaven and Earth, and a powerful sword will fill the world, like the omens of the descent of a Sword Immortal

This is the sword will of Death Monarch Azief and no one will ever escape once the sword is unsheathed from its sheathe


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