Lord Shadow

Chapter 910: The fermi paradox (1)

For a moment Peter was speechless.

Then Peter tries to think about it and then he nodded but his expression was that he is not quite sure. 

If Loki ask this to his other avatar, they might not know. But Peter, at least the Number Seven had learn many knowledge on many libraries all across the Omniverse. He even had read all the books in the Librarian Study Room

The Librarian had all the books ever written on Earth. Of course, right now that Librarian is not yet even born.

But Loki knows what is Fermi Paradox is. It took him for a few second but the knowledge comes naturally to him

When people look at the sky, they would sometimes be awed by the starry skies and the vast open space up there. 

Or they would felt struck by the epic beauty or blow away by the insane scale of the Universe that seems limitless. 

They felt their own smallness when they saw the sky. It felt like they were ants and the space is the sky inside a well

Everyone felt something when the look at the sky.

But the person who created the Fermi Paradox, physicists Enrico Fermi probably ask the sky

“Where is everybody?’ 

And everybody means other beings that might exist in the vast galaxy.

The starry sky seems vast but most people that did not have the ability to fly outside the Milky Way, they would only be able to see the stars of the Milky Way galaxy

The starry sky is vaster than any human could think off. It is so vast that trying to visualize it is a hard task 

On the very best nights, when the clouds did not cover the sky, when no dust is able to cloud the sky, normal humans can see up to about two thousand stars in the sky

This is roughly one hundred-millionth of the stars in the Milky Way galaxy and almost all of them are less than a thousand light year away from Earth, or one percent of the diameter of the Milky Way.

Humans are limited in their understanding of the vastness of the galaxy. Peter was thinking deeply and Loki who was looking at his disciple did not disturb his disciple.

he knew that his disciple is trying to find the information in his mind.

It is not surprising for Loki to see his disciple having so hard a time trying to dig out one memory. This is because how deep Peter hide his memories inside his consciousness.

Inside Peter mind right now, he is slowly refreshing back his knowledge about Fermi Paradox.

Fermi Paradox is not about the size of the Universe, or how many stars we could see in the starry skies of the night

Instead it is related to a question that have tantalizes most humans which is “Is there other intelligent life out there?”

As many stars as there are in the Milky Way galaxy, there is roughly an equal number of galaxies in the observable universe. 

So, for every star in the colossal Milky Way, there is a whole galaxy out there

Altogether, that comes to the typically quoted range of between ten and ten total stars, which means incredibly for every grain of sand on every beach on Earth, there are ten thousand stars out there

After many calculations, roughly it could suggest that there is a potentially-habitable Earth like planet orbiting at least one percent of the total stars in the Universe, which translate to a total of one hundred billion Earth like planets

In other words, one could think of it like there is one hundred Earth-like planets for every grain of sand in the world 

That is a lot of worlds

Of course, Peter knows that aliens do exist and some of them are quiet similar to humans and some of them are completely different. 

There are many stars and there are many lifeforms

Whatever the case was, alien exist. 

At least, that answer the question of where is everybody. But Fermi Paradox is not only about where is everybody up in the sky. 

It relates heavily to another question. Because there are actually three theories about the Fermi Paradox.

Let assume that after billions of years in existence, one percent of Earth-like planets develop life, which if it’s true, every grain of sand would represent one planet with life on it

And let assume that on one percent of those planet, the life advances to an intelligent level like it did on Earth

Of course, Peter knows that there is also those who developed even more advanced than Earth

But for the sake of arguments, Peter is using Earth as an example and using the ideas before the discovery of other alien civilization. 

if such amount of intelligent life were to exist, that would there were ten quadrillion, or ten million billion intelligent civilizations in the observable Universe

But then, before the Fall where is everybody? Why had they not visited Earth? Why did no one had detected any of them

But, of course after the event of the Fall of the Meteors which brought about a new era in humanity evolutionary process, this question was answered

Everybody was far away. 

And the reason that they did not colonize Earth is simply because the Milky Way galaxy is cordoned off from powerful alien civilization until the day that the All Source was send to Earth prime

But, even though that solve where everybody is, this did not mean anything good at all for humanity future. 

And the fact that Loki suddenly said about Great Filter, it slowly gives Peter a bit of enlightenment regarding the whole matter

There is something that is called the Great Filter. To understand the Great Filter one must understand one thing first

There is something that is called the Kardashev Scale. This Kardashev scale theory was proposed by Nikolai Kardashev in 1964. 

this Kardashev scale is propped to help humanity group intelligent civilization. 

Of course it has been argued that humanity cannot understand advanced civilization hence this scale is not an exact scale that could truly predict the behavior of advanced civilization.

Hence, the Kardashev scale may not be relevant or useful for classifying extra-terrestrial civilization.

And Peter had seen such civilization that did not conform to this scale. But there also some others that could be grouped according to the scale.

To put it simply there are three broad categories in Kardashev scale. A Type I civilization has the ability to use all the energy on their planet. 

Earth before the Fall, in around Type 0.7. But it could be argued that if one follows this scale, Earth right now is on a Type I civilization.

There are many technological advances that is happening after the fall. 

People like Azief and the great heroes of the world might not know this since they focused on other things but the Order of Thinkers had created many technological advances that had bring humanity out from the days of the era past.

It is believed that a transition from Type 0 to Type 1 might carry a risk of great destruction or a change to the social order since they entail surpassing the hard limit of the resources available in the existing civilization territory

The annihilation of billions of people is quite a change to the social order and the subsequent changes of the world laws is also another change

Loki could group Earth right now as a Type I civilization, a civilization that has the ability to use all the energy on Earth

As for a Type II civilization, it is a civilization that could harness all the energy of their host star. Some of the planets in the Eight realms of Asgard falls into this category having something like a Dyson sphere

On Earth such civilization it is something that is theoretical and the current human civilization did not yet plan to create such a thing

But some of the planets inside the Eight realms do have what humans would call the Dyson Sphere.

A megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures a large percentage of the energy output so that it could be used by the host planet.

It encircles a star and enables the civilization to harvest more energy for their use. Some of them uses a technology that is akin to an Alderson disk, also an artificial astronomical megastructure.

As for Earth, they are slowly reaching to this Type II civilization. There is the digitization of currency right now by the World Order using something called a Bitcoin.

This is to combat the highly chaotic system of using the gold that most people would get after killing monster.

Azief for example had long not cares about his gold. He mostly unloaded the gold he has inside his own personal vault inside Pandemonium Center Palace.

Bitcoin was an idea. Peter knew where Hirate got the idea. He went to one of the many worlds in the Multiverse and he got the idea from there

There was also other digital currency in that world other than Bitcoin. One of them is named after an element 

And there is one other that is named after the famous Ada Lovelace.

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