Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 2516 - Amused

Chapter 2516 Amused

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

He helped him over to the wheelchair and said: “Rest for a while, don’t walk for too long.”

“Elder Brother, I might be able to walk on my own after a while.” When he spoke about this, he was unable to hide his joy: “When Elder Sister Feng returns to the Manor, take me to see her!”

“Alright.” Zhuo Junyue responded.

At the front, Feng Jiu led Xuanyuan Mo Ze into the Manor. Guan Xilin and the others had also come to the Manor while Gray Wolf returned to Ling Manor first, and only Shadow One followed Xuanyuan Mo Ze.

“Master, Hell’s Lord.” Leng Shuang greeted them and bowed to them.

“Leng Shuang, bring my son out to show them at once.” Feng Jiu said with a smile and motioned for her to bring the child out.

“Yes.” Leng Shuang responded and turned back towards the courtyard.

Everyone went to the front courtyard and sat down and chatted. After a while, Leng Shuang came back with a child in her arms.

Feng Jiu took the child into her arms and teased him: “Little Hao’er, Mother is back, come, come and meet your Father.” She smiled and brought the child to Xuanyuan Mo Ze’s side: “Look at him.”

When Xuanyuan Mo Ze saw the doting look between her eyebrows, he couldn’t help but was curious about the child. As she held the child close to him, he glanced over and saw that the child was just a small lump, but

it was very fair-skinned and adorable. Although it was still a baby, his facial features were outstanding.

“Well, he is quite good looking.” He reached out and touched the child’s head.

“Let me take a look, let me take a look.” Ning Lang and the others gathered around.

“Yes! He’s really adorable.”

“This child has such outstanding features, he will definitely grow into a very handsome man in the future.”

“Ah Jing, come and carry the child.” Guan Xilin took the child from Feng Jiu’s arms and handed him to Ye Jing. He smiled and said: “After we get married, we will also have a few chubby boys like that.”

Ye Jing couldn’t help but blushed when he spoke such words in front of everyone and gave him an angry look: “What nonsense are you talking about?”

“Hahaha, I’m not talking nonsense.” Guan Xilin smiled happily.

“Where is he? I want to see him too, I want to see him too.” The small and short Little Feng Ye was pushed out by everyone and couldn’t see the child at all. Therefore, he pushed aside everyone and squeezed forward

and shouted: “I want to see too, I want to see too.”

“Alright alright, come and have a look.” Feng Jiu smiled lightly and reached out and carried him up.

Feng Ye hadn’t expected that she would have carried him up and felt a little embarrassed. His delicate little face blushed: “I am a man and an Elder, how can I let you carry me? Little Jiujiu, let me go.”

There were so many people and he felt embarrassed.

“You’re embarrassed? What’s wrong with me carrying you? So this little one knows how to be shy?” Feng Jiu teased him and instead of letting him go, she continued to hold him in her arms and said with a smile: “When

you were little like Hao’er I used to carry you and I even kissed youl! I’ve even seen you naked!”

“Ah! That was when I was younger, it’s not the same.” As soon as he heard her say that she had seen him naked, he was so embarrassed that he covered his blushing face with his little hands.

He knew that he was delivered by Little Jiujiu, it was said that his Mother had difficulty during labour and they nearly lost both of them at childbirth! If it hadn’t been for Little Jiujiu, neither him nor his Mother would

have survived.

“Ah Jiu, stop teasing him. Look, he’s so embarrassed already.” Ye Jing couldn’t help but laugh. She walked forward with the child in her arms and said to Feng Ye: “Here, take a look at him.”.

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