Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 2524 - Arrival

Chapter 2524 Arrival

The door was tightly shut and sometimes, laughter drifted out from inside the room, sometimes there were light groans. The moon in the sky seemed to know that the two people in the room were doing shameful things and hid behind the clouds and didn’t come out.

After some time, the room returned to peace. Not long after, a red figure came out: “Leng Shuang, don’t stay here tonight, let’s go! I will sleep with Hao’er tonight.”

Feng Jiu’s voice was light with a hint of a smile in it, she had left the man dangling in the room…

Leng Shuang responded and followed quietly behind her.

The night had gotten later, and in the courtyard in the wing-room, Xuanyuan Mo Ze, whose acupuncture point had been sealed, let out a breath of relief when his acupuncture point was released. He shook his head and scolded: “What a coquettish girl.”

He stood up from the water abruptly and little droplets of water dripped down his body. His slender legs stepped out of the bathtub and he wiped the droplets of water off his body, then he put on his underwear and walked to the big bed in the inner chamber.

There was a big empty bed, but there was no one in sight. He glanced around then shook his head: “She really left me and went to accompany that kid.” He lay down on the bed and thought about the beautiful scenes tonight and couldn’t help but feel restless again.

He took a deep breath and suppressed the restlessness, then he cast the scenes out of his mind and closed his eyes and fell asleep…

Early the next morning, Feng Jiu hadn’t woken up. Hence, when Guan Xilin heard that Qiao Yi Nuo had arrived, he said to Ye Jing: “I’ll go and take a look, you stay here at the Manor.” After he had left instructions, he left.

In Heavenly Pill Tower, Qiao Yi Nuo was sitting in the waiting area on the first floor drinking tea. He looked at the medicinal pills that were placed in Heavenly Pill Tower and his heart shook, he thought this was just incredible.

The rumours outside were just rumours, he had heard from the mouths of those people outside that all the medicinal pills in Heavenly Pill Tower had a heaven-defying existence. But when he came here in person and saw all the medicinal pills that had been placed casually on the first floor of Heavenly Pill Tower for people to look at had pill marks and were pills that were difficult to obtain outside, he was shocked and was unable to calm down for a long time.

As he drank tea, his mind was racing. He had set off the day after Guan Xilin and the others had left. He had rushed here without stopping on the way, and now that he had arrived in Hundred Rivers City and found out that the Ghost Doctor and the others had returned, he hurried to Heavenly Pill Tower. When he arrived, he felt a little uneasy. The Ghost Doctor Feng Jiu was an extraordinary and noble person, would she really meet him? Would she really treat his Grandfather? Although Guan Xilin had introduced him, his emotions were still all over the place, especially after having seen Heavenly Pill Tower.

Just as he was deep in thought, a deep and loud laughter came in from outside.

“Hahahahaha, it’s really you! I didn’t expect you to arrive in Hundred Rivers City so soon.” Guan Xilin strode in. His voice arrived before he appeared.

When he heard his voice, Qiao Yi Nuo put down his teacup in his hand quickly and stood up to greet him: “Brother Guan.”

He hurriedly bowed to him then looked behind him. When he saw that there was no one else, he couldn’t help but felt a little nervous and asked worriedly: “Brother Guan, is the Ghost Doctor not willing to treat my Grandfather?”

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