Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 2534 - The Plan

Chapter 2534 The Plan

“Sunny, I also prepared the medicine for you. I’ll take you straight back to the mountain after leaving the mansion. You must remember these things and know how to use them because I will not bring you back to this place.”

Feng Jiu explained the usage, use, and effect of each medicine as she spoke.

Zhao Yang listened intently until, after hearing all of her explanations, he gathered everything into the space. “Thank you very much, Sister Feng. I understand. I will make good use of the medicine.” “Mm, Sunny is a good boy.” She smiled and rubbed Zhao Yang’s head. She couldn’t help but chuckle when she noticed the little guy’s ears were red and her face was a little uncomfortable. “Feng Ye’s mind is quick, but he doesn’t cultivate as hard as you do. Don’t let him have his way all the time while you’re with him. You should try harder to persuade him, you know?”

“Yes, Sunny knows.” He nodded and turned to face Feng Ye, who was lying on the table counting the medicine bottles.

Feng Jiu followed his gaze, and her eyes were drawn to Feng Ye. She pinched his nose gently. “Use these only when necessary or in an emergency. Keep it in mind. Use it only as a last resort, not on a whim. You need to listen to Sunny more.”

“I’m the master. I don’t listen to him.”

Feng Ye let out a low shout. He reached out and took the things. While holding them in his arms, he added, “What’s more, Master said that Sunny’s physique is ideal for cultivation. His cultivation will be much faster than mine. I’m not as good as him right now, and I’m not likely to be in the future.”

Feng Jiu gently stroked his head as he heard this. “Feng Ye, you must remember that strength is used to protect your family and the important people in your life, not to compete with them. You must cultivate while you are still young. What happened to our family before will not happen again after you grow stronger.”

Feng Ye was a sensible child. When he heard this, he was moved. He raised his eyes to Feng Jiu and nodded. “I know, I will certainly cultivate well. Little Jiu Jiu, it will be my turn to protect you and my family.”

“Alright.” She smiled back, hugged him, and kissed him firmly, but Feng Ye cried out in embarrassment.

He stowed his belongings, broke free from Feng Jiu’s embrace, slipped from her arms, took a step back, and waved to Zhao Yang.

“Come on, Sunny. Let’s go back.”

“Sister Feng, we’re leaving.” Zhao Yang replied and then left with Feng Ye.

“What a heartless little fellow! He just walked away with a lot of my belongings. He has no conscience!” She sighed, her words tinged with a smile.

“Who has no conscience?”

She was startled by a sudden voice. Before she could look back, she saw a pair of big hands wrapped around her shoulder. “I heard you came back early today, so I put down what I was doing and came back.”

“You startled me.”

As she drew him to sit beside her, Feng Jiu said. “Are you done? I’ll be ready to leave in two days.” After being gone for so long, she, too, wished to return home and take a look.

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