Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 2547 - Fortunate

Chapter 2547 Fortunate

“The wound has deteriorated, and there is a black qi floating above it. Come and take a look!” Xuanyuan Mo Ze said, and motioned for him to come forward.

When Mo Chen came to the bedside, he saw that though Feng Jiu had fallen asleep, she was not sleeping peacefully. Her face was flushed with sweat and her lips were pale and colourless. At that moment, he stepped forward to examine her wound. He saw that her wound was really slightly swollen and black qi was floating above it

“Are all her wounds like that?” He asked Xuanyuan Mo Ze and looked at him.

Upon hearing this, Xuanyuan Mo Ze said: “I’ve opened two wounds and they’re the same.”

Mo Chen checked Feng Jiu’s pulse. When his finger touched her pulse, he frowned and looked back at everyone and said: “You guys go out first!”

Guan Xilin and the others left when they saw this so that he could treat Feng Jiu with a calm mind. However, they were uneasy and upset when they saw that Feng Jiu’s condition hadn’t stabilised.

The two beasts who were guarding Heavenly Pill Tower, Fire Phoenix and Little White, sensed something. After they inquired with the people at Heavenly Pill Tower, they rushed back to the Feng Manor quickly. When they entered the Feng Manor, they saw everyone standing in the main courtyard pacing back and forth and looking at the room from time to time. The two beasts stepped forward quickly.

“What happened? Where is my Master?” Old White asked. When he tried to move forward into the room, he was pulled back by Guan Xilin.

Fire Phoenix next to it stared anxiously at the closed door. It flapped its wings and flew onto the table deep in its thoughts.

“She is injured and her condition is not very good. Don’t go in yet, Mo Chen and Xuanyuan are inside.” Guan Xilin said. Then Fan Lin and the others said: “Cloud Devouring’s condition is similar to Feng Jiu’s. Find a way and bring him here!”

“Yes.” The eight Feng Guards responded, then turned and walked out.

Upon seeing that it couldn’t enter the wing room at that moment, Fire Phoenix followed behind the eight Feng Guards to go and see Cloud Devouring, and Old White followed hurriedly.

In the room, Mo Chen looked at Xuanyuan Mo Ze and said: “Her body has the gi of the primal chaos blue lotus. That primal chaos blue lotus should be inher body!”

Upon hearing this, Xuanyuan Mo Ze didn’t say much, he just replied: “Yes.” He had also felt it earlier. It seemed that the blue lotus had released its qi automatically because she was injured. It was just that the qi was very weak and it was difficult for ordinary people to detect it.

“If I’m not wrong, those people who attacked you tonight were after the primal chaos blue lotus in her body.” Mo Chen sighed softly and said: “Furthermore, her enemy is very strong, the world annihilation black lotus is in their hands. The black qi on her wounds is not poison, it’s the qi of the world annihilation black lotus.”

Xuanyuan Mo Ze’s deep black pupils flickered slightly, then he asked: “Do you have a way to remove the black qi from her wounds?” As long as this qi was removed, the blue lotus in her body would automatically repair her injuries and it would be much easier for her wounds to heal.

Mo Chen smiled slightly and said warmly: “It is fortunate that the people you met tonight were not the one who actually holds the world annihilation black lotus. The swords of those people tonight only contained a limited qi of the world annihilation black lotus, so her condition will not be too serious.” He paused, then said to Xuanyuan Mo Ze: “You help her sit up and I will use my power to help her clear the qi of the world annihilation black lotus for her.”

Upon hearing this Xuanyuan Mo Ze removed the small cloth on her forehead, then lifted her up and faced her back to Mo Chen.

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