MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 657  The Watchful Desert

Chapter 657  The Watchful Desert   

Balance recognized the depth of Salister's influence over the populace and understood the monumental challenge of rallying support against him.

The consequences of breaking the contracts were severe, often leading to commoners meeting sudden and mysterious demises.

Much like in most scenarios, this unfolding scene did not directly involve the players. It would progress according to its pre-established course, irrespective of their affiliation with Salister.

However, if the players were working for him, Salister might task them with distributing contracts among the masses, accompanied by a clause preventing them from reading the document's content.

As the events continued to unfold, Salister reaped the rewards of this insidious plan. The influx of new souls streamed in as commoners, one after another, signed the sinister contracts, accepting assistance in exchange for their souls.

Salister's coffers swelled with a substantial gain of 6,000 souls, marking yet another triumph in his relentless pursuit of power.

However, Ren refrained from immediate intervention, choosing instead to allow events to unfold according to their natural course.

In due time, he planned to engage in a conversation with Balance, especially once Salister gained a decisive advantage.

Ren aimed to secure Balance on their side when it was time to face Salister Kane.

Denric and Balance were pivotal assets to bolster the ranks of the player's army, particularly after Salister had amassed a significant amount of power.

Without the aid of these two crucial allies, the players would undoubtedly face formidable challenges in their mission to defeat Salister.

As Ren and Evie ventured through the vibrant landscape, their path intersected with Balance. He stood at the corner of the road, a solitary figure shrouded in an aura of quiet contemplation.

Ren and Evie approached him.

Balance turned to meet their inquisitive gazes, his eyes bearing a deep and introspective wisdom. He inclined his head slightly in greeting, offering a gentle, knowing smile.

"Greetings, travelers," he began, his voice carrying a certain gravitas. "I am Balance."

Ren extended his hand in greeting. "Ren," he introduced himself, while Evie followed suit with a nod. "And I'm Evie. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Balance acknowledged their introductions with a nod, his eyes flitting between them as if gauging their intentions. "I sense a journey in your future, one fraught with decisions that will shape the destiny of many," he remarked cryptically.

"Is that right?" Ren only said while Evie remained closed lips.

Balance's response was considered and measured. "The Balance of the story is delicate, and the threads of fate have not yet aligned. The scales must tip in the proper direction. Should the time be right, you can approach me again."

With a nod, Ren and Evie turned away, continuing on their journey towards Salister Kane.

There was nothing to do there so they moved along.

As they walked, Evie couldn't help but express her curiosity. "What did Balance mean by 'the time isn't right'?" she asked.

Ren glanced at her, a faint smile gracing his lips. "It means that the story isn't progressing just yet," he explained.

"In essence, Salister Kane doesn't have enough souls yet, and the balance of power in this tale is evenly matched for now. Balance is waiting for the right moment in which the scale would tip before he made his decision to either join us or oppose us."

"Just like his name, then." Evie threw a fleeting glance at Balance. "He looks powerful. I hope we could get him to our side."

"We will," Ren reassured her. It was part of his plan in the beginning.


On the distant edge of the game world, far from the trails Ren and Evie traversed, lay the mysterious Pink Desert, where rumors whispered of a Hidden Boss waiting to be awakened.

Amidst the warm, pastel-hued dunes, Isolde and Leonel stood, their purpose clear — to trigger the event with the hidden boss.

Leonel cast a thoughtful glance toward Isolde as they readied themselves for the upcoming challenge. His expression bore a mix of concern and uncertainty as he broached a sensitive topic.

"Isolde," he began, his voice tinged with genuine worry, "are you sure it's all right for you to still be part of World Conqueror after everything that's happened?"

Isolde met Leonel's gaze with unshakable resolve. "Yes, it's alright," she reassured him. "My father supports my decisions, and we both agree that we owe Ren a favor. Guns and Knives wouldn't be in the top five if not for him. Our family has a long-standing tradition of never forgetting our debts, no matter the circumstances."

Though her words conveyed steadfast determination, Isolde couldn't help but admit the challenges they were facing.

"True, our family is facing quite a market crush because of the other families pressuring us," she admitted, her brow furrowing in concern. "The elders are growing anxious and have been pressuring my dad as well."

"I know it's not been easy for you," Leonel acknowledged, his voice filled with empathy. "But know that we're all grateful for your help. I for one is glad that you're still here with us."

Isolde offered a small but warm smile in response.

"Thank you, Leonel."

"We'll face whatever challenges come our way together. And who knows, maybe defeating this Hidden Boss will change our fortunes," she added with a light chuckle.

As Isolde and Leonel exchanged words of encouragement, the vast expanse of the Pink Desert stretched out before them, a world of both fortune and peril.

The Pink Desert sprawled around them, its vastness painted in hues of soft pink and warm amber, its rolling dunes providing a serene backdrop to the unfolding scene.

A gentle breeze carried fine grains of sand through the air, creating an almost ethereal atmosphere.

While Isolde and Leonel engaged in their heartfelt conversation amidst the surreal beauty of the Pink Desert, little did they know that their every word and action was being closely monitored by a group of players nearby.

This watchful contingent hailed from the guilds of Fate Alliance and Great Dynasty, their eyes trained intently on the duo.

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