Monster Integration

Chapter 3669 Wadlas Cavity

Chapter 3669 Wadlas Cavity


The woman is powerful, that despite using all my strength. I wasn't able to deal with her instantly.

I may not have the top power of the Earth Sovereigns, but it is on a higher-level and very few could have it. This woman did, and she is not even a Peak Earth Sovereign as she is projecting herself to be.

"At mid-level, quite impressive," I said, and her eyes flashed in surprise.

I tried to take advantage of that, but she was not that surprised and reacted instantly to my attack.

I didn't stop and pressed her even harder, with the help of my clones. I have to deal with her as soon as possible; I can't let the Sky Sovereigns above found out or even an Earth Sovereign.

It won't take long for the news to spread, and I will be in real danger.

"Stop and I promised you. I won't tell anyone a thing," she said, gritted her teeth. I didn't say anything and kept attacking her.

The pressure on her increases as I am getting closer and closer to her. She won't be able to last long.

I had just thought that when the opportunity presented itself and I took it. I could see the small grin on her face as I fell into her trap, but the next moment, that grin froze, and her eyes widened in horror.


The back of my sword hit hard against her head, sending flying, before crashing against the wall hard.

I appeared beside her unconscious body; the physical blow wasn't enough to send her out, but the blast of energy that entered inside her after the opening given to me by the physical blow.

A minute later, she is lying in one of the broken rooms covered in formations.

She won't be waking up anytime soon. However, if anyone entered her immediate range, she would be forcefully woken up.

I took one last look and walked away from the room.

I didn't kill the woman as she didn't want to kill me, but her action threatened my life, and she will pay for it.

I have left, something in her that will give her a lot of frustration to take out. I have also taken everything from her, from her storage to artifacts.

I have to say, she had a lot of things, and it will take quite a while for her to fill her storage like this. Short time, if she resorted to looting, but I hope her actions were the result of a moment of greed and a way of life.

Not everyone would be as merciful as me.


I appeared in front of the third door and entered inside. There is another group of ores, which I had swept clean and walked out, only leaving those that are in the protection.

There are more doors here, but my clone has cracked only three. I looked at them, before walking out of the floor.

On the second floor, the Sky Sovereign is still looking at the door, and seeing his expression, it is clear that, he seemed to be close.

I looked at the doors longingly before walking away. I had cracked these doors, but have no intention of opening them in front of the Sky Sovereign.

It is not like; I didn't get anything. I did, and I am more than satisfied with it. If I had some time, I might swing by here, open it and other doors.

With one last look, I walked out and reached the floor above, where two more Earth Sovereigns had entered and one of them trying to crack the formation on the door.

I wish I had some of that courage, but I have burned enough time that I didn't have any wish to take such risks again.

Soon, I was out of the section and began walking up. In a few minutes, I had reached the big hole through which I had entered this place.

I walked out and spread my soul senses was surprised to see more people than yesterday. Some Earth Sovereigns are even openly flying.

Seeing them, I also flew up.

There is one more place I want to visit, more dangerous and unstable than this one, but I might find some good things there.

With flying, I will reach there in minutes, instead of an hour or more, if I moved with stealth. It is a little reckless, seeing how many soul senses scanning me, but I want to fly.

Little over ten minutes later, I reached the mountain called, wadlas cavity.

It used to be big, but now has less than half of its original size. It looked like, someone massive had punched it from the top, reducing it to its current stage.

Though it might look like a punch, it is not what caused it. It happened, due to something triggering from below.

Now, there are broken formations everywhere around the mountain and more inside. Not to mention the heat. This mountain is the most dangerous place in the whole forge; many people die, before even entering the mountain, after entering it more.

Still, people entered inside it; there were a lot of precious things. I want some of them.


I landed at the base of the mountain. One could enter from the top too, but it is too dangerous seeing the sheer amount of broken formation floating around it.

It is a little safer from the ground.

I begin to climb the mountain with all my abilities active. I am as cautious as I can be, not wanting to trigger even a single one of these bright red broken formations.

Triggering a single one could trigger others and it kills most people. Rarely does anyone survive this.

It is too dangerous and if I didn't want those things. I wouldn't have come here, but I needed those. Now more than ever, my artifice skill increasing, and some of those things will really help me with that.


I suddenly stopped and moved back as fast as possible, but still cut through the bone by the piece of broken formation.

It came out fast and if I hadn't been prepared and warned by my clone. The bone dip injury isn't the only thing it would have given me.

It would have taken my entire leg.

Seeing it, I had reduced my pace further, moving at the speed of a normal person's running. It will take more time, but I will be safer.

An hour passed and I could feel the heat.

There is massive heat coming out of the temple that only Earth Sovereign and above could bear. It is spread outside because there is a group of powerful broken formations, which absorb it and turn it into fire elemental crystals.

They are not rare, but the sheer amount of them is big enough that many people only come for them.

Most of them were already taken, but I could see some, but I am not interested in them. Rather, their quality. If I am able to get inside the mountain, then I will find ones of much better quality.

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