Monster Integration

Chapter 3684 Soul strengthening

Chapter 3684 Soul strengthening ?

?I didn't stay in the room for long and walked out of the hall and entered the door second door on the opposite side.

There are three places on this floor, that are suitable for the Earth Sovereigns. This one is strengthening of the body.

As I entered the hall, I saw four people, with two of them being Sky Sovereign. One is watching, while the other three are sitting under a formation, which is releasing energies.

This time, my seeds went inside the formation without any problem and entered into the bodies of people inside.

Within a few seconds, I had their detailed meta-scan.

A frown appeared on my face as I looked at the data, but soon, that frown turned into a bad expression, and a minute later, I walked toward the door.

The treatment isn't for me; it is not suitable for my body. If I tried it, I would receive some benefits, but the side effects from it would be much worse.

It is better that I didn't use this treatment.

I stepped out of the room and walked to the end of the hallway before entering the last room.

There are only three people here and all of them are Sky Sovereigns.

They are sitting on the metallic disk, which is shining in the faint green light and this light is entering their bodies.

It is a soul-strengthening light and very painful to experience, seeing how all the Sky Sovereigns are gritting their teeth.

This is sirus room and that sirus light. It is especially dangerous for the Earth Sovereign, many die. It is why there are no Earth Sovereigns that could be seen here, but it could be used by Earth Sovereigns.

It strengthens the soul, but one's soul needs to be strong enough and pure enough to bear those waves released from the disk.

I looked at it for cover a minute, thinking, before my seeds went toward the Sky Sovereigns.

It is dangerous, and I wouldn't have done that. If their power hasn't been blocked inside. Those waves suppressed the soul, which makes them unable to sense anything.

Soon, my soul went inside the Sky Sovereigns and their meta-scan appeared beside me.

For the first time, I saw the meta-scan of the Sky Sovereign with my seeds. I could see how those waves strengthen the soul and why it is so dangerous for the Earth Sovereign.

'It is a death sentence for the normal Earth Sovereigns,' I thought, reading the data in front of me.

Only the exceptionally strong soul of Earth Sovereign would be able to bear those. If they are not strong enough, the waves will turn the soul brittle and break them.

Unfortunately, my soul isn't strong enough to bear those waves. It is not the fact that I want to admit, but it is the truth. That doesn't mean I couldn't go there and use its powerful strengthening.

Yes, my soul isn't strong, but it is pure. It is purer than the Sky Sovereigns sitting on the disk.

I also have a method that might help me control the waves enough that I would be able to control its momentum and spread it equally across my soul. Lessening its damaging force, while still getting the benefits.

I didn't immediately jump on it. That would be idiotic.

I studied it from all the aspects and run stimulation and even took out a few books, before finally taking a step forward an hour later.

It will be extremely dangerous and if it doesn't work, I will need to get out, within a minute.

I took a deep breath and started circulating the method, before appearing on the disc. I didn't waste any time and sat down, as the method captured the wave, and real difficulties began.


I cursed inside, seeing the power of the wave, which is so strong, that I felt the method of breaking under it.

I gritted my teeth and circulated as fast as I could to increase its power, which seemed to work as waves of power spread across the method and it took to the soul, circulating across it equally.

I felt like something hammering my soul hard, which made it hard to concentrate on the method, but I kept a tight leash on the method and tried to circulate it even faster.

It is extremely important; that I keep those waves in control with the method. If they went out of control, it would be very bad for me.

I could feel how dangerous these waves were. They are at the level that only Sky Sovereign couldn't bear them, and I am only an Earth Sovereign and not even at the Peak Stage.

They will turn my soul into a rock, before shattering it into pieces.

The only reason, I could even bear the waves is because my soul is extremely pure. It had taken a lot of effort to achieve and some dangerous accidents, but due to it, I could do pretty amazing things.

My soul is getting stronger under the power of the waves.

Every second, a wave would come inside me, and my method would capture it, before circulating it in my soul safely. The process is painful, but not painful enough that I have to scream.

The soul method is wonderful. It is one of the thousands I had and found in the storage of King Stage Grimm in my native world.

I had practiced it for a few months, before leaving it for a more suitable one, but now I am practicing it again to control this powerful energy.

Minutes passed, and I was still practicing, to my surprise.

I had thought my soul would be able to bear it for a minute at most before reaching the limit, but if my close is telling me right, then I would be able to bear it longer than I had thought.

My soul is far more resilient against this energy, that I had calculated, and it made me happy.

I could see the effects of this method and could see how fast it is strengthening my soul. The longer I could make use of this method, the better it would be for my soul.

Another minute passed, and then another, and then another.

The waves kept coming, and I continued practicing before finally I had reached the limit at six minutes, and seventeen seconds.

As I did, I immediately got out of the ring and used the method to expel the last wave. It wouldn't affect much, even if it merged with the soul, but I didn't want a slight side effect.


I sat down and gulped down a blue liquid. It is the essence of the hasit flower; it is like a lotion to my soul. It will help it consolidate the benefits faster.

A few minutes passed, and I opened my eyes with a smile on my face. My soul had really strengthened. The benefits I have got are more than I had imagined when I entered the circle.

Let's hope, the other rooms would be safer and just as good as this one.

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