Monster Integration

Chapter 3693 Fear

Chapter 3693 Fear

?"Good energy," I praised, but instead of getting happy with it, the woman glared and attacked again.

This time, she didn't try to hide her energies, and they became visible, covering her saber-like sharp ribbons.

I responded, with dense black energies around my sword turning like ropes. I can tell those ribbons aren't for the looks only; they are dangerous, and I better not underestimate them.


Our weapons clashed again, but the attack didn't stop instead ribbons came at me like snakes.

The ropes moved in response and wrapped around the ribbon, stopping them in their tracks.


While the ribbons and robes struggled, the woman continued with her attacks. I countered each of her attacks while keeping my excited heart under control.

The woman is a powerful and skillful enemy. If we had been alone, I might let my emotions be free, but here I couldn't do that. It is not just the woman present on the battlefield.

There are two more cultists and I have yet to know whether the other three are friendly or not.

So, until I know about it; I will be cautious and keep my emotions under control.

Seconds passed, and we continued, using every type of attack. Some are not visible; like those tiny invisible needles, thinner than the hair, coming at me from the ground.

They are not powerful enough to do a huge harm, but they will be a distraction and that could kill me against the enemy like this woman.

Unlike her attack, my responsibility wasn't invisible. I sent waves of dark energies and crushed those needles to dust, making her glare at me angrily.

"You will need to be much better if you want to attack me with the invisible attacks," I said, grinning, making her glare more intensely.

I don't mind these invisible. I want more of them to come at me. They will provide me with huge information.

One reason, I am so excited fighting this woman is because she is a walking library to me. She is the first person I have seen using the forbidden power.

Though she is not using it consciously, and it is a part of the beast's power. She might not even know, that there is a forbidden energy in power of the beast god.

Since I have been the only person with the forbidden power. I have learned most of the things myself, but now I am seeing how forbidden power reacts with the other energies and how one could use it.

I hate to admit it, but she is using the forbidden power far more efficiently than I ever had, and I am using every ability, I have to see it.

I already amassed enough data that will keep me busy for months and help me tremendously, but I want more. It is the first time I am seeing how forbidden power is being used and I will be dammed, if I didn't learn everything I could.

I will squeeze every drop of knowledge from her.

"Bastard! Why are you looking at me like this?" asked the cultist, glaring angrily and there is even a hint of fear in his eyes.

"You are a great enemy. I am learning so much from you," I replied with a smile, and once again she got angry and started to attack me ferociously.

Seeing that, the grin on my face widened further.

A minute passed, and the battle became more intense; not just my battle, but the other two, too. The cultists, use everything they have, but the ones they are fighting, against which aren't weaklings at all.

I think there is more than what meets the eye.

It is not common to see a single powerhouse at such a level. Most Peak Earth-Sovereigns never able to gain such power. For many organizations, people of such power are prime seeds, the ones who have the chance to enter the next stage.

There are three such people here.

The people of the beast god cult couldn't be counted. Their power is from the beast god and so is the skill with which they are fighting. It is not something they have gained from hard work and experience.

It is the thing that makes the beast god cult so dangerous. They could turn, even an average powerhouse prime seed.

I heard the prime seeds of beast god cults are terrors to fight with. They are monsters, among the monsters, and I would be no match for them with my current strength.

I pushed those thoughts away and focused on the enemy and the thousands of long red needles she had launched at me.

Sup Sup Sup

I looked at needles before the formations inside me activated and thousands of fiery lances materialized around me and shot toward the needles, while I moved to counter the saber attack coming from the woman.

There is not a single attack coming toward me; there are multiple.

She was not coming at me with needles and saber but turned the ground with a mesh of sharp ribbons that could cut my legs like a hot knife cut through butter.

I needed to be careful against her every moment.

The three fighting against these cultists seemed quite experienced and even had artifacts, that helped them detect some of the invisible attacks.

Which once again reinforced my view that this is a far from simple fight.

Another minute passed, and we kept fighting; there was no change in it last few minutes, except for now the cultists began to use more daring moves, but their opponents were experienced and dealing with each of these moves.

"It seemed I won't be able to deal with you unless I use everything," said the woman suddenly, and before I could reply, the tattoos around her began to shine even more brightly and started to move up.

The dense light began to release, connecting each other, and soon, I saw a phantom behind her.

Seeing it, my heart couldn't help but shudder deeply in fear.

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