My Husband, Warm The Bed


"Mr. Qin, I have something important to talk to you about. Can you come out and see you?" Back in the room, Qin Yinze's mobile phone received a short message from a strange phone number.

He did not come to a country for a long time, and few people knew him. It can be said that he can know his telephone number and who he is, even less so.

Who's the one who sent him a message so late?

What does he want to do?

Just as Qin Yinze was thinking, his mobile phone received a second message. The content of the message was: "young master Qin, if you are interested, you can find me at No. 28 Binhai Road, Linhai City. I'm always waiting for you. "

Everyone has curiosity. Of course, Qin Yinze is no exception. He curls his lips and sneers. No matter who is making a mystery in the back, he will go and have a look.

He turned around, picked up his coat and left. Anyway, this evening is destined to be another night of insomnia. It's better to go to No.28 Binhai Road to meet this mysterious figure.

Qin Yinze had just closed the door and left, but Jane ran walked out of the room and looked at the direction of the door for a long time.

"What's the matter?" Behind him came the deep and sexy voice of Qin Yue.

"But Dad, I'm worried." Jane ran back to the room and closed the door gently. "Azer may not understand what you mean."

"Azer is a smart kid, he can't fail to understand." Qin Yue will be Jane ran into the arms, gently patted her back, "is you tell me, the children's feelings let them deal with their own, then you don't have to worry about."

"But..." Jane ran raised her head from his arms and said, "Qin Yue, I'm not wrong to say so, but just now you saw In case Azer... "

Qin Yinze is a child adopted by their husband and wife, and they have been raising him as their own child for years.

They look at the grown-up children, of course, believe in the child's character, but what they see at night is still worrying.

Feelings such things, may make a person from a bad person into a good person, also may make a good person into a bad person.

"He won't hurt Ranran." Qin Yue said for sure that he could see through what kind of character his children were.

Jian ran worried: "but Qin Yue..."

"No, but." Qin Yue interrupts her words, reaches out to hold her lip, prevents her to continue to say.

Jian ran can't speak, can only use that pair of clear and bright eyes to look at him, a touch of her bright eyes, Qin Yue heart is a throb, can't help but bow his head to kiss her.

"Qin Yue, don't do this." Jane pushed him. The more she pushed the man, the more she hugged her and deepened the kiss.

This man, all these years is like this, but if you want to seal her mouth, he will use this way, let her have no power to resist.

After a long time, Qin Yue just let her go, and looked at her as much as she could. Jane glared at him fiercely: "all of them are old and not serious."

"Age? Is it too serious? " Qin Yuegou lip repeated simple words, lip side faintly hanging a trace of evil smile.

"Isn't it?" she murmured

Qin Yue picked a sword eyebrow: "where am I old?"

"You..." Jane ran really doesn't know how to answer this man. After so many years, this man is just more mature and charming. He can't be said to be old.

Qin Yue asked, "what do I do?"

"I'm old, then." I don't know why. Whenever he bullies her, she can't tell him.

Well, she said!

"Where are you old?" Qin Yue looked at her and gently stroked her face.

Even after watching it for nearly twenty years, her face was still so beautiful to him that he could not control her.

Jane stares at him: "you care about me."

"You are my wife, I don't care about you, who cares about you." He said it seriously, but he couldn't help but smile on his lips.

"You're talking to me again." She gave him a sad little look and added, "I'm going to tell you about the children."

"I'm in the children's business." He took her back to bed and said, "OK, we're going to sleep now. We're not allowed to think about anything else."

"I don't want to..." This man is really, a big age still want to do that thing, shame or not.

"What don't you want?" Qin Yueming knew what she said, but she teased her badly, "you don't sleep in the middle of the night, do you still want to go out and run at night?"

Jane ran:

A lot of times, she really dislikes him and wants to kick him out of bed.

"Well, sleep." All along, he is not a man of desire, and he will not force her to do something she is not willing to do.

"Well." Jane ran snorted and went into his arms again.

……One night later, the weather suddenly changed, and the temperature suddenly dropped by about ten degrees, which seemed to announce that the winter of Linhai City had come in advance.

After a good chat with his father last night, the conflict on the side of the family was completely solved. Qin lelan's big stone fell. This night, he had a very good sleep, and he had a good sleep until dawn.

Just as soon as she woke up, she could smell the smell of the food. Just smelling the smell, she knew that all the dishes were prepared for her by his dear mother.

Qin lelan turned over, dressed in pajamas, climbed up and walked to the kitchen, and hugged her busy mother from behind: "Mom, however, love you so much."

Jane ran gently said: "little lazy pig, my mother knows you love me, but it's not early. Go to wash your face and brush your teeth to prepare for lunch."

"My mother, my Lord!" Qin lelan rubbed on her mother's back again, then turned around and walked out of the kitchen.

Out of the kitchen, I saw their lovely little girl sitting upright in the living room, with a book in his hand, reading with great interest.

This little guy is only eight years old. The eight year old boy is the most naughty time in his life. However, her younger brother can't play with his peers. He is deep and sophisticated like a little old man.

When the little guy is alone, in addition to reading books or reading books, there is no spirit of entertainment.

Qin lelan walked over to snatch the book in the hands of Xiaoxiao, threw it casually, and then held his face and rubbed it: "little cute, don't read a book, come and help my sister choose a skirt."

Qin Yinjian was obsessed with reading books when he was suddenly robbed of the book. It was a fire in his stomach. However, when he saw that it was his sister, the fire suddenly extinguished half of it, and he replied stiffly, "OK."

Qin lelan took him back to the room and opened the wardrobe: "cute, you are a boy, you should understand the vision of men, you can help me to see, which suit I wear looks good."

"My sister, everything looks good." Qin Yinjian said it seriously and seriously.

"Honey, you're praising me." Her younger brother has never praised her. Today is the first time. Qin lelan hugs him and kisses him.

"Sister, you haven't washed your face and brushed your teeth." Qin Yinjian repugnantly wiped the saliva mark that Qin lelan left on his face.

"I didn't wash my face and brush my teeth. Isn't it your sister?" Qin lelan hugged his kiss again and again. On his tender face, he even gave a few kisses. "Little cute, do you think your sister is anyone's kiss?"

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