Pampered Poisonous Royal Wife

Chapter 216

Chapter 216

Give Another Pit for Salt Merchants

Mu Yunyao turned her head to the side and blinked, and her face was full of smiles . “How can we so easily give the things back that are hard to snatch? Naturally, we have to let the salt merchants buy back the salt at a high price!”

Yue Wang’s eyes lit up . “You want to spread the news and cause a panic amongst the salt merchants, and then let Qi Ming come forward to guide the salt merchants to buy salt to restore the situation . This way, although it will cause a commotion, the result will not be that serious . Now that there is another Li Family in Jiangnan, Prime Minister Li Qingzhou will definitely find a way to mediate the situation, and it is highly likely that the Emperor will take it lightly . ”

“That’s right . ”

Yue Wang pondered for a moment . “What if the salt merchants don’t listen to Qi Ming’s advice?”

“If they listened to it, they just spent some silver tael to save their lives, and they would naturally have the opportunity to earn more silver in the future . If they don’t listen, they may lose their lives this time . As long as they are not stupid, they must know how to choose . ”

“This way, the salt merchants will probably hate Qi Ming . ”

“Qi Ming is just a nobody . If they want to hate someone, they have to hate the person controlling Qi Ming from behind . Didn’t Fourth Master also pave the way before?”

Mu Yunyao guessed some of the thoughts of Yue Wang . Yue Wang had disguised Qi Ming’s identity . The rumor stated that Qi Ming is related to the First Prince’s residence in the Capital . Even if the salt merchants want to hate, they should also go to the First Prince, the main culprit .

“This is indeed a good method . No wonder you were so generous just now to buy the salt in my hand back at the market price . ” Yue Wang gave a spurious smile as he looked at Mu Yunyao . If he had agreed right now, he would probably lose a lot .

Mu Yunyao couldn’t hold back her laughter . “Fourth Master is wise and easily saw through my little tricks . It seems that I’ve made a joke out of myself . ”

Yue Wang’s eyes softened: “I will immediately send someone to spread the news . Tell Qi Ming to be alert at all times, and do not let his guard down . Be sure to take proper measures and don’t fold yourself in . ”

During this period of observation, Qi Ming could be considered a rare genius . If he could use it well in the future, he would be able to become a sharp sword . It would be a great pity if we were to lose him at this time .

“Alright, then thank you, Fourth Master . ” Mu Yunyao was happy that she didn’t need to come and cause trouble for herself . After standing up and bowing, she said goodbye .

After Mu Yunyao left, Steward Qin walked in with a sorrowful expression . “I really wonder how deep Miss Mu’s mind is? How can she be so smart?”

Hearing this, Yue Wang was somewhat proud in his heart: “The first time she saw me, she was especially intelligent, and she even swindled a dagger from me . ”

Hearing Yue Wang’s slightly arrogant tone, Steward Qin could not help but laugh: “Previously, in order to spread the scene, I was thinking about earning silver with all my might, but I still felt that there was not enough money to go around . If it isn’t for the support of the previous foundation, we won’t be able to develop our influence in Jiangnan . But now, with the help of Miss Mu, I feel that there are silver everywhere, waiting for people to bend down to pick it up . ”

The smile on Yue Wang’s face deepened: “Uncle Qin, let the people carry out the orders Yunyao gave us, spread the news as soon as possible, but pay attention to controlling the area, don’t make things too difficult for others, and you won’t be able to take care of it . ”

“Yes, this old servant will do it right away . By the way, Wang Ye, there are still many pieces of jewelry in the storehouse, all from the past . We can take out some of the official ones, but we can wear the rest without problems . If Wang Ye wishes to use them, this old servant will have some people take them out . ”

Yue Wang nodded his head: “She has worked hard too, so we should give her some gifts . ”

“Wang Ye’s words are reasonable . ” Steward Qin smiled happily and left . He sent people to spread the news, while he also went to the warehouse to clean up the gift himself .

He had specially asked Yun Chun and the other little girls what kind of models headdress they liked . Since Wang Ye was going to give Miss Mu a present, he naturally had to think of a way to get into her heart . As a servant, he had put in a lot of effort!

Inside Yangzhou City, the salt merchants thought that they could rest peacefully, but they never thought that a piece of news would be like thunder, exploding directly on their heads!

There were rumors that the salt boats on the Xijiang River were carrying sand instead of salt .

The moment this news spread, it quickly attracted the attention of everyone . In particular, the people who had recently suffered from the rise in the price of salt immediately began to spread the news everywhere, their voices filled with anger .

It was not easy for the salt merchant, who had finally spent two days in peace, once again gathered at Chief Wu’s residence once again . They did not even care about their bearing and manner . They were noisy as if they were in a vegetable market . ”Chief Wu, didn’t you say that the matter was over? Why is there such news coming out now?”

“That’s right . The Governor of Liangjiang is already on his way to Yangzhou City . At this time, the news comes out . Isn’t he will try to kill us?”

“Hurry up and find an idea . It is a great crime, a Capital offense!”

Wu Min frowned and made a voice to appease the situation, “It’s just a little something that now comes up, and the matter hasn’t pointed on us . You all panicking like this in the eyes of the people who want to know more about it . Isn’t it down to the truth?”

“Even though you said that who knows when the news will come out? Who knows, maybe tomorrow, someone will tear our story apart! “

“Didn’t Qi Ming take our silver as well? Don’t tell me he wants only to collect silver and not do anything . ”

“Yes, there’s still Qi Ming . We’ll go look for him now!”

“ . . . ”

“Quiet!” Wu Minzhi shouted coldly, “We still don’t know the details of the matter . Now is not the time for us to have a falling out . Li Yuanyi wrote us the letter I showed you earlier . With this evidence, even if something happened to us, he wouldn’t be able to get away with it . Don’t jump to conclusions yet . We have to get to the bottom of this first . ”

“Right . Chief Wu’s words are reasonable . Everyone, don’t be so agitated for now, lest you miss something big . ”

“Fortunately, there is a letter . Otherwise, we would really be blind . ”

Wu Minzhi stood up and led the group to Chun Feng Garden . When they saw Qi Ming, the salt merchants couldn’t help but become excited again .

“Lord Qi, you have caused us so much trouble!”

“If Lord Qi can’t settle down this matter, then don’t put down the big talk . What’s going on in this scene now?”

With his teacup in his hand, Qi Ming took a sip of it: “I still have something to ask you? Why did you spread the news?”

“What? How could we spread the news? This is a heinous crime, are we crazy?”

Qi Ming put down his teacups and coldly snorted, “I have obtained the exact information . This time, the rumor spread out from your salt merchant first . After that, it spread throughout the whole of Yangzhou City overnight!”

The salt merchants were stunned on the spot and angrily came over to ask about their misery, but unexpectedly heard this result, “Impossible, this shouldn’t be possible …”

Qi Ming clapped his hands, and immediately a man was brought forward, “Do you know this person?”

“This . . . Isn’t this Zhou Lu?”

Everyone looked at the salt merchant Wei Qi . This Zhou Lu was indeed the brother-in-law of the salt merchant Wei Qi . who was very proficient in eating, drinking, and gambling . Could it be that he revealed the news?

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