Pampered Poisonous Royal Wife

Chapter 220

Chapter 220

Yunyao, You Ask

When Wu Minzhi heard that Li Yuanyi was willing to see him, he suddenly began to feel a sense of relief . It seemed that the First Prince and Li Yuanyi were planning on letting them off the hook!

“Greetings, Lord Li . ”

Li Yuanyi looked at Wu Minzhi with a smile in his eyes, “Chief Wu, no need to be overly polite . These days, the salt policy in Jiangnan has been in turmoil, and I have been making full use of my time to investigate . Because of this, I did not see Chief Wu last time, so you should not be too concerned . ”

Wu Minzhi immediately stood up, “Lord Li, you don’t have to say that . Lord Li has so much to do in here . It’s already a blessing that you can find time to see me . We, the salt merchant, have also heard about what happened in Yangzhou City . We know that Lord Li has worked hard at the trial . Therefore, we send some small gifts to you, hoping that you can accept them . ”

As he spoke, he handed over the box in his hand .

Li Yuanyi opened the box and took a quick glance . The smile in his eyes deepened, “Thankfully, we have Chief Wu is in charge in Jiangnan . Only in this way can the salt transportation be stable and smooth all the time . ”

“I cannot accept the praise of my lord . This time I still need to thank Lord Li for finding out about this matter . Otherwise, the Emperor would be furious and say that we, salt merchants, will be implicated as well . “ Wu Minzhi’s face filled with gratitude .

The two chatted merrily for half an hour before Wu Minzhi got up to leave .

Li Yuanyi had received a tip-off letter from someone else in a hurry, which led him to found out the hidden salt . He had not investigated the cause of the matter, so he didn’t say much about it and only briefly dealt with it .

Wu Minzhi, on the other hand, was deeply implicated in the matter of setting up misfortune and planting the stolen good, and he was afraid that the wall would have ears, so he dare not say much . Each of them had their own secrets, so they only chose words that were pleasant to hear . Neither of them mentioned the crux of the matter, allowing both of them to be at ease and has left Qi Ming safe and secure .

The matter in Jiangnan proceeded like wildfire, and within a few days, news had already reached Jingling City .

As soon as Yue Wang received the news, he had Steward Qin send someone to invite Mu Yunyao over . After Mu Yunyao finished reading the letter sent over from Jiangnan, she couldn’t help but smile slightly, “This Lord Li is really decisive in his handling of the matter . It’s only been a few days, yet the Jiangnan Salt Transportation Envoy has already committed suicide out of fear of his crimes, and the officials responsible for transporting salt loosened their mouths and confessed . Only the salt transportation envoys did not open his mouths, but one person could not make a big storm . ”

“None of these people are clean, and they deserved to die . “ Yue Wang’s eyes turned slightly cold . After he finished speaking, he was afraid that Mu Yunyao would feel uncomfortable seeing so many people involved, so he started to explain, “What they transported was white salt, but what they earned was blood silver . There were a lot of bloodstains on their hand . They deserved to die . ”

Mu Yunyao chuckled . She did not put those people’s lives in her heart at all, but since Yue Wang was willing to misunderstand, she was too lazy to explain, “Fourth Master, right now Lord Li can be said to be enjoying his spring day . I think that the salt will be shipped to the north again soon . What do you think about it?”

Yue Wang’s eyes fiercely moved, raised the eyes to focus on looking at Mu Yunyao: “Are you still thinking about this batch of salt?”

Mu Yunyao tilted her head and laughed, “I was just asking Fourth Master, but there’s nothing more I can say?” On one side, the steward Qin couldn’t help but be shocked: First of all, Miss Mu extorted more than 10 million taels of salt from the salt merchants, and then Wang Ye sold this batch of salt for over fifteen million taels of silver . Now, it is nearly 30 million taels of silver . If it were replaced with silver ingots and piled up, it was as if it could soar into the clouds . Miss Mu was actually still harboring thoughts on this salt . Could it be that she wanted to snatch it and sell it again?

Yue Wang’s eyes lit up as he looked at Mu Yunyao, who was smiling without saying a word . “Then, do you have anything else that you want to ask?”

The smile in Mu Yunyao’s eyes intensified as she said half-jokingly, “Since Fourth Master has spoken, then I’ll ask him everything I want to know?”

Unexpectedly, when Yue Wang heard this, he had a solemn expression on his face . He turned his head to look at Steward Qin: “Uncle Qin, don’t let the fifth ear appear around you! . ”

Steward Qin nodded with a grave expression . Then, he walked out of the door and ordered Yu Heng and Yu Yi, “Clean up the area around the study . Even if there are mice, you should be able to block the hole for me!”

A moment later, the surroundings of the study became completely quiet . Yue Wang looked at Mu Yunyao and said, “If you have anything to ask, feel free to ask . ”

“With Fourth Master being so formal, I don’t know what to ask . ” Mu Yunyao slightly blinked her eyes as if she was in a daze . She had just casually mentioned because she wanted to see if Yue Wang was still thinking about earning some money . Unexpectedly, he paid so much attention to it, which made her unable to respond for a while .

“You can say whatever you want to say . When you had done ask, I also have some things I want to ask you . ”

Mu Yunyao’s eyes moved as she looked at the somewhat solemn expression on Yue Wang’s face . Her heart slightly tightened, “Fourth Master, you can ask whatever you want to ask . ”

“You ask first . ”

“Then if I ask, would Fourth Master can guarantee that what you’ve told me is the truth?” The smile on Mu Yunyao’s face was slightly cold, and her gaze was so cold as she stared at Yue Wang .

Yue Wang frowned but did not reply .

Mu Yunyao coldly pursed her lips, her heart full of unspeakable mockery . “Fourth Master, you can pretend I didn’t say anything just now . It’s getting late . I’m going back to accompany my mother, so I will not stay here any longer . ”

He was testing himself with all his heart, yet he wished that she could be honest with him . Where in the world could there be such a thing?

“Halt!” Yue Wang stood up and slowly walked to Mu Yunyao’s side . He lowered his eyes to look at her incomparably beautiful face, and the flowing light in his eyes gradually stabilized . “Ask me!”

Mu Yunyao’s heart trembled, as she was unable to grasp Yue Wang’s meaning, “Does Fourth Master will say anything that I wanted to know?”

“That’s right . ”

“Can you guarantee that what you said was the truth?”

“Speak whatever you want to know!”

Yue Wang’s entire body emitted a cold and piercing demeanor, which made his tall figure seemed to envelop Mu Yunyao . An aura filled with aggression directly assaulted Mu Yunyao’s heart, causing her to feel frightened, and she couldn’t help but take two steps back .

Yue Wang’s eyes were burning, and his expression was unprecedentedly focused . The things that he had done were extremely secretive . If another person, who wanted to pry into the secrets within, the moment he opened his mouth, he would cause their blood to splatter all over the place .

But now that the one who had questioned him was Mu Yunyao, he actually didn’t feel the slightest bit of resistance in his heart . Instead, he wanted to spill out all the secrets accumulated in his heart for a long time . Looking at Mu Yunyao’s clear eyes, an impulse surged up from within his heart . He wanted Mu Yunyao to understand him, to understand his character, to understand his ways of doing things, to understand the beautiful expectations in his heart, and understand the cold-blooded brutality in his heart . As long as Mu Yunyao wanted to know, he was willing to take off all his defenses and fully display it in front of her .

His heart had always been cold and firm in nature, he would never rashly make decisions, but this thought made it difficult for him to resist once he thought of it . In his heart, a crazed idea was clamoring, so he decided to gamble and send the softest place in his heart to Mu Yunyao!

If he won the bet, he could use this softness to embrace Mu Yunyao and fill up his heart, which had always been empty . If he lost it, he could solely insert a steel knife into his heart . Anyway, he is already bleeding . Why should he fear more scars? “Yunyao, you ask . ”

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