Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

583 Beaded Blood Amber Bracele

"Bro Bei! You are so damn cool!"

With his blood boiling. Yap Liangchen could not help but start to lift his hands to cheer for Chen Xiaobei. The pain from the wound was still bothering him but it could not stop him from getting excited.

During ancient era, a sword master could kill an enemy within ten steps. Now, Chen Xiaobei could ten enemies within one step. Within three steps, his sword and blade ceased the existence of thirty Yuntao Faction disciples! Such a shocking scene was enough to make any men in this world burn with passion to battle on!

Of course, it was enough to make the enemies pee their pants as well.

"You… How dare you keep your true strength hidden… Damn it…"

His hatred towards Chen Xiaobei was getting stronger and stronger but his state of mind was slowly occupied by fear.

"Just cut the crap! You are going to die anyway!"

A commanding aura emitted from each word that Chen Xiaobei uttered icily.


Seemingly, Bi Yuntao could feel that Chen Xiaobei was getting more and more powerful as the battle prolonged. In contrast, his battle intent was getting weaker and weaker. Unconsciously, he took a few steps back to stay further away from Chen Xiaobei. This was the deterrent force of power!

Possessing an absolute power was enough to terrorize an opponent without fighting.

"You were pretty arrogant earlier! I thought you wanted to chop me into thousands of pieces? Why back out now? Also, did you really think I will let you leave this place alive?"

Tossing Bi Yuntao a condescending stare, Chen Xiaobei dashed towards him at lightning speed!

"D-Don't come near me…"

Shaking uncontrollably, Bi Yuntao could feel that he was suffocating. It was as if a bloodthirsty mad dragon was charging at him – turning him into ashes.


With no mercy or compassion, Chen Xiaobei took away Bu Yuntao's life like a reaper.


With the pitch-black blade whistling in the air, the space was about to be split into half. Like a black dragon rushing out from the sea, its powerful aura engulfed the air instantly.

"No! No! Elder! Mercy please…"

All of Bi Yuntao's battle intent was gone. His hatred and bitterness were replaced by fear. However, it was useless to beg in front of death himself. Angering death was a wrong move.


The pitch-black blade swept past his neck. Bi Yuntao could feel a slight breeze. 


A head with eyes wide open fell from the neck to the ground. A stream of blood gushed out from the headless body like a fountain. Death had finally crossed paths with Bi Yuntao.

"What the f*ck! Bro Bei, you are so damn cool! You just decapitated him with a single slash! That was so satisfying to watch!"

Immediately, Yap Liangchen cheered. It was as if the huge boulder in his heart shattered! All his nerves and poles were rejoiced by a sense of satisfaction that he never felt before!


Chen Xiaobei let out a long sigh. He was proud that he never yielded to his enemies. Truly, it was a gratifying battle. A new belief was engraved in his mind – no matter the difficulties, one should never give up until the person reached the top of the world!


[You have eliminated a second generated evil individual. 20,000 merit points have been awarded to you!]


[You have eliminated a second generation evil individual. 20,000 merit points have been awarded to you!]


[You have eliminated a big bad individual…]


[You have eliminated…]

At the same time, the Netherspirit Battlescouter notified Chen Xiaobei about the merit points that he just earned. The two brothers from the Bi Family were second generation evil individuals. Both of them earned Chen Xiaobei a total of forty thousand merit points! On the other hand, the rest of the thirty disciples were categorized as sinful individuals. As compared to the bunch of enemies that he killed earlier, they were definitely more sinful! In total, all thirty of them earned Chen Xiaobei sixty thousand merit points! In total, he earned a hundred thousand merit points from this battle!

"This kind of people would do anything after they take the Pentad Crystal Powder! Killing them is doing a favor to the society!"

However, there was a question in Chen Xiaobei's mind.

"All of them were considered as Jianghu elites. How did they get their hands on a drug like that? I'm afraid something bigger is going on!"


[Congratulation! You have been upgraded to Philanthropist the Third!]


[Your current merit points is 380,000. You need another 520,000 merit points to be upgraded to next level! (Charm: 38,000. Luck: 38,000)!]

"Ten thousand merit points! Plus the twenty thousand merit points that I earned earlier! I have earned a total of one hundred and twenty thousand merit point during this trip! This is awesome!"

Delighted, Chen Xiaobei was really looking forward to the future.

"Other than that, my luck and charm are boosted drastically as well! Something good will definitely happen to me soon! What will that be? I'm so looking forward to it! Hehehe…"

After that, Chen Xiaobei controlled his Chaos Sword Essence to absorb blood essence from all the villains that he killed. At the same time, he withdrew a bottle of Hundred Herbs Potion from his chest to rejuvenate his lost energy and calmed his over-stressed body. The good thing about the Bone Burning Pill was that it allowed the user to boost his or her combat power and prevented the body from being injured by all those extra boosted combat power. However, there would still be unavoidable stress to the body – A Hundred Herbs Potion would help the body to recover to tip-top condition.

As for the one-year worth of life that Chen Xiaobei just lost, it was not possible for him to sense it right now. However, it would be recorded in the Life and Death Book of Yanwang.

"No doubt, the Bone Burning Pill can come in really handy. However, I think I should consume it with care. I need to strengthen my body to get ready for similar incidents…"

Thought Chen Xiaobei achieved a complete win today, he was not proud. Instead, he chose to focus on the future. Training to become more powerful was the key to face more powerful enemies in the future!


Suddenly, the Chaos Sword Essence stopped on top Bi Yuntao's body.

"What is going on?"

Immediately, Chen Xiaobei went and checked it out. Seeing that his Chaos Sword Essence floated right on top of Bi Yuntao's chest, Chen Xiaobei knew that there was something important there.

"What is that?"

Having his hand reached out to Bi Yuntao's pocket, he found a Bead Bracelet! The weird part of it was its material. It looked like it was made of jade but its weight was definitely lighter than jade. Every single bead was blood red and within each one was cloud-like patterns. It was a rare item!

"That is Blood Amber! It's a type of amber. Judging from its look, I believe that the bead bracelet is made of top quality Blood Amber! And, it looks like an antique as well!"


Using his Bagua Qi Observation Skill, Chen Xiaobei came to the same conclusion as Yap Liancheng.

"This is an extremely valuable antique!"

He could see a concentrated purple aura surrounding it. With that being said, this quality of this Bead Bracelet was the highest, among other antiques.

"Why is Chaos Sword Essence reacting at this Bead Bracelet? Could it be… The key of the Chaos Sword Essence lies within this Bead Bracelet?"

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