Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

595 Beg Me


At this moment, everyone was engrossed worshipping Situ Hengfeng. With Chen Xiaobei's statement, it was like a bucket of cold water that doused everyone's warm enthusiasm, which angered them.

"Who do you think you are, kid? You're still young yet you dare to criticize Master Situ! You're boldly ignorant!"

"Master Situ blew the smog hundreds of meters away, which is a miracle! You dare say that he's not a professional as if you're more capable!"

"Heh, you're sugarcoating it. His words are empty! Just like his ability to do anything!"

"That's right! In comparison with Situ Hengfeng, this kid is nothing but dirt. Everyone already thinks of him as a nuisance. There's no need to take him seriously."

Seeing Situ Hengfeng's method with their own eyes, almost everyone on the scene had become his loyal fans whilst arming their mouth with insults that were directed at Chen Xiaobei.

Yap Maosong could not tolerate it any longer and yelled loudly, "Messenger, take this kid away! To be daring and going against Situ Hengfeng, even I, Yap Maosong can't take any more of this! Go lost!"

The man's future depended on Situ Hengfeng. Naturally, he dared not to be careless.

"Hold on!" Yap Tianlin said with a sinister look.

"Everyone has good intentions too, we might as well listen to what he wants to say. What if there's a better technique then Master Situ's?"

"How is it possible? You're too lenient on him Master Yap, that is impossible!"

Everyone shook their heads. They would never believe it even if they're beaten to death. A young inexperienced kid could never be compared with Master Situ who could summon a storm and churn waves at will.

"I would like to listen to what he has to say too!"

At that moment, Situ Hengfeng took a step and leaped down. He gave Chen Xiaobei an icy stare and politely said, "If you have a good technique to share, go for it! If you're only blathering nonsense, don't blame me if I don't go easy on you!"

Situ Hengfeng already was an extremely arrogant person, so Chen Xiaobei's statement earlier displeased him greatly! Yap Tianlin's impeccable timing and cunning remarks of Chen Xiaobei possibly having a better technique were to intensify Situ Hengfeng's displeasure!

True enough, Situ Hengfeng immediately took it to heart. If Chen Xiaobei did not say anything, it would not end well!

"A misunderstanding! This is a misunderstanding… Xiaobei, we have to go!"

When Lan Mengchen was aware of the situation, she quickly ran to drag Chen Xiaobei away.

In Lan Mengchen's perspective, Situ Hengfeng was an expert in the Jianghu as his techniques were great and unfathomable! Even if Chen Xiaobei had some special heritage, he could not offend this type of person! She had to take Chen Xiaobei away!

However, Chen Xiaobei had a different view. He stood at the same spot, looking directly at Situ Hengfeng and said, "My technique is a secret! But I can guarantee you that your method will not work!"

"Hmph! Are you blind? The smog is obviously gone and you said it's not going to work?" Situ Hengfeng was bubbling with anger, on the verge of exploding. 

Chen Xiaobei nonchalantly replied, "I'll repeat, the smog that you blew hundreds of meters away, it's not going to solve any problems for the airport."

"Nonsense! I was only displaying a small part of my skills!" Situ Hengfeng coldly said, "I can borrow the wind and prove that this method is feasible! As long as I put down the Divine Gust formations, this problem can perfectly be solved."

The talismans and formation were all created by the mysterious power of runes, and the effect of the formation was far stronger than the talismans.

The few talismans that were burnt earlier blew the smog a few hundred meters away.

If he arranged hundreds of formations along the mountain, he could indeed blow the smog away from the entire airport!

However, Chen Xiaobei laughed.

"Amazing! My master! You are suggesting of placing hundreds of Divine Gust formations along the mountain! Wouldn't that cost a lot of jade? How much manpower and materials would it take? I'm not good at math but I can guarantee that that budget would be easy enough to build another airport!"

A while back, it cost Chen Xiaobei nine hundred millions with if jade stone! That was already a discount price because of his relationship with Cao Chenyang. More importantly, with all the jade runes, Chen Xiaobei made a successful production without any additional loss. Others could not achieve the same kind of effect since it has only a 50% success rate. Just like that, by simply calculating the cost of Situ Hengfeng's technique, the purchase of the jades would already be hundreds of billions!

Along with the cost of manpower and material resources added, the figure would be astronomical!

"This…" Situ Hengfeng was dumbfounded; he could not refute Chen Xiaobei's statement.

Yap Maosong held his words. He knew that Chen Xiaobei was not wrong. He thought about it and said, "We can build several at first and see how it turns out. As long as there's an effect, the top management will provide the funding for support!"

"Hey! Good idea!" Chen Xiaobei grinned and said, "However, you should ask Master Situ first, how long does it take to build a formation?"

Yap Maosong was stunned and looked at Situ Hengfeng.

"The shortest is half a year and the longest would be for a year or two… It depends on the success rate of making the runes." Situ Hengfeng muttered under his breath.

It must be known that not everyone possessed the Scholar's Heart and the Ma Liang Divine Pen. In the mortal world, it was absolutely impossible to complete a formation within a short time like Chen Xiaobei!


Yap Maosong almost spat blood out.

"A year or two, I can't even wait for half a year… The higher-ups want me to solve this problem before the end of the year! Otherwise, I will be demoted..."

"This... What can we do?" Yap Tianlin asked anxiously.

Although the Yap family was an Empire in business terms , there were only had a few of them that were involved in politics. It was not easy for Yap Maosong to be the deputy mayor of Dragon City. Once he gets demoted, it was considered the end of his career. It would mean a huge loss to the Yap family.

 Yap Tianlin was the heir of the Yap family and he was not prepared to see that happening. Anxiously, he pleaded, "Master Situ, please think of another way!"

Situ Hengfeng shook his head and helplessly said, "I was asked by your great grandfather to supported your family. If there's another way, I would not hide it… The problem is… I really have no other ways…"

As soon as he uttered those words, Yap Tianlin and Yap Maosong expressed despair on their faces.

The experts around also let out a sigh. In their eyes, if even Master Situ that was greatly skilled had no other techniques, it was terrifying to think that there was no one in the world that could solve this problem!

"Do you need my help? For this case, I have a solution that doesn't require money and the effect is immediate!"

At that moment, Chen Xiaobei cheerfully looked at them.

"You're joking aren't you?" Yap Tianlin glared at him and snapped, "If you have a plan, then say it quickly!"

"Beg me then! I will help! But only if you beg me!" Chen Xiaobei lips curled into a sinister smile.

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