Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1622 - Besieging Fang Yuan

Chapter 1622: Besieging Fang Yuan

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“Five regional mountain range?” Jun Shen Guang’s thoughts flickered.

Fang Yuan’s unbridled destruction of Beacon Towers caused a huge commotion, even Heavenly Court, which had very weak influence in Southern Border, was able to detect it.

Southern Border’s righteous path forces had gathered many wisdom path Gu Immortals and deduced three locations, which also included the five regional mountain range.

While in Heavenly Court, Fairy Zi Wei deduced alone but had found out about five regional mountain range a step earlier.

Jun Shen Guang immediately moved towards the five regional mountain range.

At the same time, all kinds of relevant information about the five regional mountain range appeared in his mind.

This five regional mountain range was not a naturally formed mountain range, but was man-made. The person who could create such a mountain range was naturally not ordinary, he was rank eight restriction path Gu Immortal Tao Zhu.

This person had extraordinary attainment level and was called Restriction Expert. He had done deep research regarding the five regional walls, he attempted to find a way to allow Gu Immortals to travel through the regional walls easily.

Unfortunately, even until his death, there had been no progress. But this five regions mountain range was left behind and became a special area in Southern Border.

“Senior Thunder Ghost True Monarch was beaten by Fang Yuan when she chased him into the regional wall, this battle revealed the secret of Fang Yuan receiving almost no suppression in regional walls. The regional walls can even be said to be his natural territory.”

“Unfortunately for him, it is almost impossible to draw in heaven and earth qi in regional walls, he definitely can’t undergo tribulation in the regional walls. But five regional mountain range is different, this area is man-made and has ample earth qi since it is in Southern Border, heaven qi is also not scarce in it, it is also able to provide some territorial advantages for Fang Yuan!”

Jun Shen Guang was extremely fast, he had already crossed tens of thousands of li while all kinds of thoughts moved rapidly in his mind. He could already see the five regional mountain range on the horizon.

Jun Shen Guang was able to so quickly rush to the scene because he had been lurking near this area.

Everyone knew of the five regional mountain range, it was not a secret.

Months ago, Fairy Zi Wei had deduced some locations where Fang Yuan might undergo tribulation. Five regional mountain range was among the top possible locations.

As such, the five regional mountain range was one of the heavily observed locations by Heavenly Court.

This time, to deal with Fang Yuan, Fairy Zi Wei did not hesitate to transfer many rank eight Gu Immortals into the other four regions. Southern Border had two, Jun Shen Guang was one of them, the other was a rank eight Gu Immortal, Wei Feng, who was rather far away but was currently rushing towards the location with all haste.

Jun Shen Guang reached close to five regional mountain range and activated a killer move to hide himself before carefully moving forward.

Swoosh swoosh!

Endless amounts of heaven and earth qi, like giant river waves, were drawn in and gathered in the central area of the five regional mountain range.

That area was covered in shadows and bright light, nothing could be seen. That area was like a bottomless hole that endlessly devoured the enormous amount of heaven and earth qi.

“This scale, it is truly terrifying…” Jun Shen Guang felt a chill from the sight. He quickly activated his unique investigative methods.

After Fang Yuan successfully trapped and captured the group of Southern Border Gu Immortals, Jun Shen Guang had appeared to inspect the battlefield.

Right now, Jun Shen Guang was vigilant and did not dare to rashly move ahead even though he was a rank eight Gu Immortal, a rank higher than Fang Yuan. If by any chance, he rashly entered the five regional mountain range and discovered it was Fang Yuan’s trap, it would be truly miserable.

After Jun Shen Guang inspected properly, he confirmed someone was indeed undergoing tribulation.

But whether it was Fang Yuan or not was unknown.

Jun Shen Guang was extremely patient and used other methods, after a while of investigation, he confirmed an otherworldly demon was undergoing tribulation.

As such, Jun Shen Guang was almost one hundred percent sure this was where Fang Yuan was.

“He is truly undergoing tribulation here!” Jun Shen Guang mumbled, his gaze holding some disbelief.

But he quickly reacted, smiling at himself: “The truth sounds fake while the lies sound real, Fang Yuan is clearly here but I actually don’t dare to believe it.”

Northern Plains’ Hei tribe had unique methods that could detect otherworldly demons. Heavenly Court naturally also had similar killer moves.

Back when Fairy Zi Wei had tried to persuade Fang Yuan to surrender, she had revealed: Heavenly Court is the Heavenly Court of humanity, even otherworldly demons would be accepted in it. Heavenly Court had indeed recruited otherworldly demons before but there were no clear records in history, so others were unaware.

It was not strange for Heavenly Court to possess such methods.

Jun Shen Guang was currently using this method.

“The probability of Fang Yuan taking such methods into consideration and deceiving us is too low. After all, even if he has reborn, this method was specially modified by Lady Zi Wei recently.”

“I’ve heard that after Yuan Qiong Du joined Heavenly Court, besides being in charge of restoring fate Gu, he has also been refining Immortal Gu targeted towards dealing with Fang Yuan.”

There were cases in history where rank eight demonic path Gu Immortals caused havoc in the world.

When Heavenly Court became unable to restrain them easily, they would refine Immortal Gu to deal with such demons. This kind of Immortal Gu were specially meant to subdue specific demons, and as such had extraordinary effect.

Fang Yuan was only rank seven but was already thought so highly by Heavenly Court, a case like this was unprecedented even in history.

“There could be another reason, he is no longer able to delay the grand tribulation and must undergo the tribulation!” Jun Shen Guang’s eyes flashed with sharp light.

Someone was undergoing tribulation here and that person was an otherworldly demon; it was clear that person was Fang Yuan.

If it were someone else, who would come to this place to undergo tribulation?

Adding on the scale of the heaven and earth qi, and the otherworldly demon identity, who else could it be other than Fang Yuan?

“Good, good, good. Fang Yuan, my Heavenly Court has finally caught you!” Jun Shen Guang’s face shined with increasing excitement.

Fang Yuan had already started his tribulation and could not move casually during this time, he had become a live target.

Even if he had Fixed Immortal Travel, how could he use it?

This could be said to be Fang Yuan’s weakest moment.

Jun Shen Guang’s expression slowly calmed down, turning serious as a deadly and murderous aura moved around his body.

“If I kill Fang Yuan, I will make a world-shaking contribution!” Jun Shen Guang’s heart was set on fire, it was truly lucky that he could encounter such a good opportunity!

“No wonder Lady Zi Wei once told me that I had abundant luck, although it is not a match for Fang Yuan’s, I won’t be suppressed by his luck as long as I don’t make the first move. If I stalk from behind like an oriole, waiting for Fang Yuan’s luck to weaken, I have a chance to win.”

Jun Shen Guang’s eyes were already burning with killing intent.

“So what if it is the five regional mountain range? It is only an imitation of the regional walls, even if Fang Yuan was undergoing tribulation in the regional wall, I, Jun Shen Guang, would forcibly enter and kill him!”


A sonic wave suddenly erupted as an Immortal Gu House charged into the five regional mountain range like lightning.

Jun Shen Guang’s heart immediately chilled: “Clear Jade Dripping Wind Tiny Bamboo Building? These Southern Border immortals arrived really fast! Sure enough, the Beacon Towers helped them a lot. Even my Heavenly Court does not have such methods to gather troops so quickly. When we invade Southern Border in the future, we must first get rid of these Beacon Towers.”

Jun Shen Guang was actually somewhat happy to see these Southern Border righteous path forces. He wanted these people to spearhead the attack, wearing down Fang Yuan’s battle strength and luck.

Clear Jade Dripping Wind Tiny Bamboo Building rose to the sky, Wu Yong and the Southern Border righteous path immortals were looking at the whole five regional mountain range from within the bamboo building.

Many Gu Immortals felt puzzled and stunned at such a scale of heaven and earth qi.

Some wisdom path Gu Immortals deduced together, and soon, one of them excitedly said: “It is almost certain that Fang Yuan is undergoing tribulation here!”


“Wonderful, wonderful.”

“Fang Yuan is a heinous demon with deep sins, we will avenge our Southern Border righteous path’s brethren by taking his head today.”

“We are saving the world by killing this demon, we will bring blessings to the people of the world!”

“Hmph, this Fang Yuan really thinks my Southern Border righteous path is a pushover? He is really undergoing tribulation in Southern Border.”

“Hehehe, he probably thought we will be afraid because he has our members in captivity. Little could he imagine how firm our Southern Border righteous path is in defending our values!”

The Southern Border immortals were full of battle intent.

Xia clan’s second supreme elder Xia Zhao and third supreme elder Xia Chen Yuan looked at each other with helplessness. They really wanted to save their first supreme elder Xia Cha, but they had no choice but to go with the flow in this atmosphere.

Southern Border’s righteous path forces were already suppressing deep anger from being extorted by Fang Yuan. It was just that they were not able to find Fang Yuan’s location, after calculating the benefits, they chose to be extorted to protect the hostages.

But at this moment, Fang Yuan was in front of them, as long as they killed him, they might be able to obtain inheritances of multiple venerables, countless cultivation resources, and several secluded domains of heaven and earth!

The soaring hatred and the enormous benefits made these Southern Border Gu Immortals’ eyes turn red.

“Our Southern Border righteous path alliance is newly established, we need to establish a name for ourselves using an infamous demon, Fang Yuan is perfect for this. Everyone, this damned demon is undergoing tribulation, we have limited time, we will attack from all sides and make his death anniversary exactly a year from now!” Under Wu Yong’s command, Southern Border righteous path immortals rushed out.

They had a powerful group of immortals: Chi Qu You, Shang Wu Jie, and other rank eight Gu Immortals; seniors with high authority like Xia Zhao and others, rank seven experts like Yao Du, Hou Teng, Ba De and so on. Even Jun Shen Guang who was hiding inwardly clicked his tongue. This was almost the full force of Southern Border’s righteous path, there were probably only some minor rank six immortals left to guard their headquarters.

At this moment, inside the sovereign immortal aperture.

Heaven qi was surging rapidly, boundless lumps of lights condensed into dozens of giant beams of light and shot towards Fang Yuan.

Earth qi solidified, restraining Fang Yuan’s movement.

Fang Yuan was austere, his attention was not on the tribulation, but outside his immortal aperture.

“Oh wow, quite a number of people have showed up. Southern Border’s righteous path really hates me, of course the wealth I possess is also extremely attractive. Besides them, there definitely have to be Heavenly Court’s Gu Immortals lying in ambush, but I am not able to find them for now.”

He had captured many Southern Border Gu Immortals and soul searched them, gaining deep understanding of Southern Border’s righteous path, but he did not dare to have any hint of carelessness right now.

Southern Border’s righteous path had robust foundations and hidden trump cards. Especially some deeply hidden trump cards, even the clan’s first supreme elder might not be aware of them, let alone the captives in Fang Yuan’s hands.

“The Beacon Towers are troublesome indeed.” Fang Yuan heaved a sigh.

“I destroyed so many, but it is extremely easy for them to construct more again. In my first life of five hundred years, Southern Border was defeated repeatedly before they finally began constructing Beacon Towers on a large scale. In this life, because of me, the construction of the Beacon Towers has been brought forward. Those holding high positions are indeed not simple, they cannot be underestimated.”

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